Su Chen was fascinated by the scene in front of him.

The power of the original life is in conflict with the power of the ninth domain.

In Su Chen's body, the power of the original life seems to be a precise and perfect laser scalpel. It cuts in from the outside, goes straight to the key point, penetrates into the deepest part of Su Chen's body energy, and combines Su Chen's body energy with the energy of the body. The magical power of the ninth domain is divided into two.

However, this does not hurt Su Chen's body and energy. The separated body energy is completely under Su Chen's own self-control. Under his control, he retreats to one side. It seems to be the same as Su Chen. The spectator of the battle".

This "battle" took place within Su Chen's body, but Su Chen was the one with the lowest sense of participation, which seemed to be an irony.

The weak cannot even control their own affairs.

Su Chen, a sixth caste, in the Chaos Star Territory, may also be an overlord-level hill king, but in front of the Ninth Domain and the original life, he can only be regarded as an ant.

But Su Chen didn't think so much, he was recording and observing.

The power level of the original life is extremely high, the means are extremely strong, and the collision with the power of the ninth domain is also very strange. If it is confronted in the outside world, it may be just a glimpse of the scene for the sixth caste like Su Chen. I can't see it, but this "battle" broke out in Su Chen's body, but he was able to observe some details.

He wants to use this to figure out what kind of power is the top of the starry sky, and he wants to figure out how the original life can separate the power of the ninth domain from himself.

The two answers that Su Chen wants to get, the former is closely related to Su Chen's breakthrough. This is not the first time Su Chen has come into contact with the top of the starry sky, but this is the first time he has been able to observe a primordial life so closely and "kindly". Shooting and confrontation; the latter is related to Su Chen's self-reliance. Although he has asked for the original life, and now the original life is indeed helping him, who can tell what is going on in this world? What's more, the original life's help to him now is just his disguise as the world tree, and this layer of disguise may be torn off at any time. Under such circumstances, if Su Chen can take the lead in obtaining the original life's current method The answer, you can even copy the method of the original life and eliminate the power of the ninth domain for yourself, that is once and for all.

Last time, Su Chen's focus was all on whether the original life could really bring him substantial help. Now, this has been confirmed, and Su Chen's focus has naturally become more and more practical.

Now, he can be said to be observing the situation in front of him without blinking his eyes.

Although the power of the ninth domain and the power of the original life clashed in Su Chen's body, both of them were inextricably linked with Su Chen, and they were unwilling or unable to hurt them for various reasons. Su Chen, this allows Su Chen, a mere sixth caste, to observe the changes in power at this level.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for anyone.

In the universe, there are not many high castes, but there are not many, but how to break through the high castes is something that few people know. Even if they reach the top existences of the high castes or even the gods, their breakthrough methods and methods are often not. There is a part of the reason for this. Naturally, it varies from person to person. The three thousand avenues are different, but there is also another reason, that is, everyone lacks information.

It's not rare in the universe that Su Chen has reached the fifth caste and doesn't know how to go to the sixth caste, and when he has reached the sixth caste, he doesn't know how to go to the seventh caste. The status of the caste is the norm. There are many high castes in the universe, but very little public information is revealed. In the universe, the most important resource is information, especially the information of high caste breakthroughs. It is rarely exposed, and except for some powerful civilizations, the vast majority of civilizations and individuals have no inheritance of high castes. Even if they do, they will face a state of no information available at the end.

In this case, pondering the power levels of high castes in other universes has become the only way for the vast majority of dark energy creatures in the universe to find a breakthrough.

In fact, the structure of the watchmen fleet in the silver spaceship is more similar to this one, which is equivalent to a kind of dark energy creatures gathering together, sharing information, and preparing and working hard for everyone to break through. Descendants naturally have a way to go, which is a benign state where the rare non-me races in the starry sky can also cooperate and win-win.

Of course, the watchmen fleet has been completely destroyed by Su Chen, and, according to the description of Jiao Black Shadowman earlier, Su Chen feels that the significance of the watcher fleet's existence does not seem to be as simple as upgrading for everyone, it is a conceptual organization. , but it has developed to today and gradually changed its nature.

But unfortunately, it seems that Su Chen's level is still too low. Even if he had such an opportunity, he observed it very seriously and hard for a long time, but could not see any clues.

He tried to figure out the answers to both questions, but got no real progress.

Because he can't understand this kind of confrontation at all, he can't understand the power of the ninth domain, but Su Chen can't understand the operation of the power of the original life - he can only force himself, continue to watch, keep watching, keep watching If you can't read it, you can force it to record it in your mind, so that in the future his realm can be improved, and he can understand it when he can understand it.

During this process, Su Chen felt that, for some unknown reason, the surrounding temperature became higher and higher, and the temperature of the fifty-odd in the tree hole climbed all the way.

Sixty degrees, seventy degrees... eighty degrees.

And not only that, a lot of smoke and dust rustled from the tree hole.

It seems that the whole world tree is shaking.

The inside of the tree hole of the World Tree was unusually quiet. Su Chen didn't know what was going on. The power of the original life was fighting against the power of the ninth realm in his body again. He couldn't be distracted. It can be observed outside the World Tree, and there is no dark energy deep in the tree hole, so it is impossible to know the external situation through the information brought in by the flow of dark energy.

But Su Chen felt that the changes around him were becoming more and more obvious and violent, but a strong feeling of unease appeared in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, the temperature in the tree hole was approaching one hundred degrees.

If it wasn't for this special tree, it should have started to spontaneously combust by this time!

He had a hunch that this mutation was definitely not right!

But at this moment, Su Chen's expression changed suddenly.

Because there was no warning, the original life force in Su Chen's body that confronted the force of the ninth domain suddenly changed the direction of attack at this moment, pulled away the force, and strangled Su Chen in Su Chen's internal body!

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