Su Chen was taken aback by Yuan Sheng's sudden attack.

But Su Chen was not defenseless.

If this had happened before, Su Chen might have really been recruited, but he already knew that the "world tree" in front of him was actually a primordial being suppressed under this planet. Accepting the help of the other party, but his consciousness has always been hidden in the ring of Anova, grasping the power of analysis, because he is worried that the original life will suddenly turn to attack him.

Su Chen's realm is not as good as the original life, but the degree of caution is obviously not much less.

But now, as soon as the original life made a move, Su Chen's analytical power immediately moved.

He didn't have time to think about why the original life was shot, because the power of the original life was too strong and the means were too fast, if Su Chen didn't deal with it immediately, he would be strangled to death by the opponent's power.

Even if Su Chen had prepared in advance, at this moment, it would be life and death.

If you want to get it, you must be prepared to pay the price. Su Chen knows the truth of this problem better than anyone else. Therefore, even if the original life turns to attack him now, Su Chen does not regret it.

The power of analysis was moved, and the power of the original life had already begun to strangle in Su Chen's body.

At the critical moment, the one who helped Su Chen was actually the power of the ninth domain that Su Chen loved and hated.

The power of the original life was strangling with the power of the ninth realm, and at the moment when he suddenly attacked, he suddenly drew his own power from the battle with the power of the ninth realm, but the power of the ninth realm appeared to be extraordinarily "belligerent", abruptly. After taking a step, this step grabbed the most crucial time for Su Chen.

At the moment when the power of the original life began to wreak havoc in Su Chen's body, Su Chen's analytical power had already been called out by him from the Ring of Anova, and the two clashed and collided with Su Chen's own body.

Analytical power is also at the top level of the starry sky, and its reaction speed is as fast as the power of the original life. The time difference is only in Su Chen's own scheduling. His reaction is far less than the original life, just because the power of the ninth domain is yin. It was only the "help" of the wrong Yangcuo that Su Chen's analytical power dispatch could be successfully put into place.

The confrontation between analytical power and low-level combat power requires Su Chen's active guidance, but when he sees high-level combat power and power changes, he is as excited as a cat that bumps into a mouse, and he attacks like crazy, and it changes a lot. It is more efficient and powerful than Su Chen, the sixth caste.

Therefore, the analytical power was released, and when it collided with the original life, Su Chen voluntarily gave up control of it, and controlled the energy of the body to retreat again, allowing the analytical power to compete fiercely with the power of the original life according to its own mode.

Su Chen's body is a battlefield, and the top-level power of the starry sky is intertwined, and his flesh and blood body instantly explodes.

His clothes were not damaged in the slightest, but the flesh and blood under the clothes exploded piece by piece, instantly blurred and almost turned into a blood gourd!

However, the power of the original life to invade Su Chen's body is not much, and the original life is still being suppressed after all, and it appeared through the "body" of the world tree. Its power is limited, and its output is more limited. Under the hedging of Chen's analytical power, the power of the original life quickly declined, and the opponent's reaction and judgment were also extremely fast. Once it was discovered that his power could not confront Su Chen's analytical power head-on, he did not entangle too much, but directly fell. Scroll back, instantly retreat.

Yuan Sheng also knew the existence of analytical power, and he must have known that his existing power could not directly confront Su Chen's analytical power and kill Su Chen, so when he suddenly attacked the killer, he prepared a thunderous strike and directly killed Su Chen. kill!

If Su Chen really regarded him as the tree of the world and lacked defenses, or simply lacked vigilance and experience, he might have died in an instant!

The moment the power of the original life withdrew, Su Chen also retreated violently.

Yuan Sheng didn't say a word, and Su Chen didn't say a word either. At this moment, the two sides made a move, and each other understood what was going on. Since there was no meaning for communication, Yuan Sheng's power immediately retreated and disappeared in the world tree. in the torso.

The power he can use is extremely limited. He is not an opponent of Su Chen's analysis of power. If the sneak attack fails, he will retreat decisively and choose to avoid Su Chen's edge without hesitation.

However, Su Chen is extremely domineering. His body is retreating backwards, but his own state is changing from defense to attack. The energy of the body circulates throughout the body, quickly repairing the broken flesh and blood, and the analytical power is from his body and Arnold. The Vaal Ring burst out violently, bursting wildly, and in an instant, it swept the entire 100-meter tree hole, spreading and covering the overall speed of light of the World Tree!

The tree of the original life pretended to be installed well, and now there must be a reason for it, and it is the reason why it doesn't need to be installed.

The reason why the original life is pretending to be the tree of the world is very simple. He does not want others to find that he is about to break the town, so he has to hide himself, then, based on this, the reason why he is not pretending now also immediately surfaced— - He may be breaking the town!

Now the original life is not his opponent, it may not be the case if the town is broken.

Su Chen's analytical power can kill the ninth caste gods, that is because Su Chen's analytical power is comparable to the top power of the starry sky, and has a strange deconstruction power for high castes, even without Su Chen's shot, he can kill automatically, but if Su Chen is simply not enough to see the top of the starry sky.

Therefore, at this moment, Su Chen didn't care so much anymore, the original life retreated, and he immediately attacked.

Even if you want to break the town, I have to see if I can kill you before breaking the town!

Or call you back.

The state of the original life has changed, and Su Chen's strategy has also changed. He realized that it is almost impossible to rely on the original life to help him solve the problem of the power of the ninth domain.

But Su Chen's mind also had a terrible thought at this time.

This original life is not a Tandan person. Even if he is the enemy of the human gods, he may not be the enemy of human beings. If the Federation and the entire family rely on him, maybe...

This thought surged in Su Chen's mind, growing and growing like a virus, but his analytical power did not stop expanding, because it was clear that even if he had to take that step, he had to bring out the original life, and he could talk about it. .

If you want to become a vassal of the original life, or even cooperate with him, then you have to be qualified!

With the expansion of analytical power, the entire world tree and the outside situation all surfaced in Su Chen's perception.

What surprised Su Chen even more was that there was no problem with his feelings. The temperature of this World Tree was indeed shaking, and the temperature was extremely high.

Because this towering tree, I don't know when, it is burning!



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