Su Chen had seen the huge Rubik's Cube before.

This huge Rubik's cube was found and killed by himself.

In the river of thinking flowing in the consciousness space of the World Tree, Su Chen saw it, and also saw the whole process of deducing the location of this planet. Although Yuan Sheng later said that it was the influence of the past, Su Chen also guessed through his own judgment and speculation that it may be something that will happen in the past or in the future.

It's just that Su Chen didn't expect it to appear so quickly and come so quickly.


Su Chen also thought about it, guessed it, but he didn't want to take action.

Because any action, for him, will not bring him the consequences he wants.

One day, one day, he can let the original life further help him.

And now...

Here it comes.

The answer that the original life just burst into the killer also surfaced. Judging from the current situation, no matter what this huge nano-dynamic cube is, it is here to help the original life. Therefore, when it came here, the original life Life naturally makes a judgment - he is about to break the town, so there is no need for him to disguise as the world tree, and there is no need to provide any help to Su Chen.

On the contrary, taking this opportunity to kill Su Chen was the best choice.

So, he took action.

The Rubik's Cube did not use any special methods to break the town. It destroyed the tree of the world, destroyed the planet, and suppressed itself.

This seems to be some kind of irony. Su Chen and the others, who were on guard, were not able to find the location of this planet in the end. Even the original enemy of life, Ningren, has not come here until now, but it is another one. , Su Chen has never heard of or seen strange things appear here, to help Yuan Sheng break the town.

However, from a certain perspective, this coincides with what the original life itself said through the mouth of the tree of the world. His destruction is a trend. Except for death, nothing can suppress him forever. As long as the time is long enough, Even if the probability is very low, the possibility of occurrence will become larger, and finally become an inevitable event.

Everything in this world is like that.

Sometimes it's just a matter of ignorance.

The situation has begun to get out of control. Whatever Su Chen wants to gain, it no longer exists at this moment. He is forced to be pulled back on the right track. Immediately turn his offensive, and the analytical power surges out, directly under the planet.

At this time, Su Chen actually had a little restraint. He knew very well that although the original life helped him from a certain angle, it was only a limited help and did not eradicate the threat of the ninth domain in his body. , for him, it is still extremely dangerous, so at this moment, Su Chen called out half of his analytical power.

He could feel that the original life under the earth was shaking his seal and the foundation of this planet.

Su Chen's analytical power was divided into two parts in the air, and one part penetrated directly into the World Tree. The analytical power combined with dark energy, like a whistling breeze, whizzing past the trunk and crown of the World Tree. The fire that was burning on the World Tree was instantly extinguished in front of this wind of energy, just like an electronically synthesized picture, delete a string of codes, and the flame in the picture was instantly deleted.

That is because the dispersal speed of analytical power is extremely fast, which is exactly the same as the speed of light, which makes it impossible for the naked eye to see the whole process of Su Chen's analytical power carrying dark energy to sweep away the flame. All the flames of the World Tree are extinguished in synchronization with the ignition point.

This is the first thing Su Chen wants to protect - the tree of the world.

The Rubik's Cube destroying the World Tree is to shake the seal, then Su Chen must defend the World Tree, and at the same time, the second thing Su Chen is doing is to suppress the original life!

Under the earth, the original life in the star core is howling and shaking, like a giant beast trapped in a cage. Roaring, even the planets seemed to tremble under His vibrations.

One force to suppress the World Tree, one force to suppress the original life, this is Su Chen's plan.

That Rubik's Cube Su Chen doesn't know how powerful it is, but no matter how powerful it is, it's impossible to surpass a Primordial Life, otherwise, would the Rubik's Cube still need to release the Primordial Life? Therefore, the highest priority is still not to let the original life rush out!

At this moment, although Su Chen moved extremely fast and Lei Ting shot, but he also vaguely understood in his heart.

It was his blindness and selfishness.

would be a big mistake!

At the same time, Su Chen came up with an idea, spread the voice from thousands of miles, and asked Bai Feng to block the Rubik's Cube.

Now Bai Feng's combat power is far ahead of Su Chen's. Although he does not have the "soul" of power above the level of the gods, the pure combat power and the dark energy level should not be underestimated. Let Bai Feng take a shot, presumably can block that Rubik's Cube, even if You can't knock it down, as long as you block it for a period of time, stop it from damaging the planet and the World Tree, and when Su Chen makes a move to suppress and stabilize the original life, and then join forces with Bai Feng, you can destroy them one by one!

Bai Feng was surprised by the dynamics of Su Chen's power at this time. When he got the news of Su Chen at this time, he no longer hesitated and immediately rose into the sky.

Bai Feng didn't know the situation very well, but at this moment, he probably guessed the reason why Su Chen's power rushed to the ground.

Bai Feng's shot method is still the same as always. As soon as he shot, it is the boundless expansion of dark energy. His dark energy perception is like a boiling sea, spreading at nearly the speed of light, including the stellar system, to control the Rubik's cube. .

This is Bai Feng's most proficient and most basic method of using dark energy. UU reading incorporates the opponent into the world controlled by his dark energy, and strangles him vertically and horizontally with his divine attitude in this dark energy world. destroy it.


What surprised Bai Feng was that his dark energy perception covered the Rubik's Cube, but he couldn't affect it. That ever-changing and treacherous Rubik's Cube was like a huge iron plate. Bai Feng's first-round combat power, Doesn't do anything for it at all.

The dark energy control of Bai Feng's realm is actually useless.

Bai Feng's height continued to climb, his mind was spinning, his dark energy came to an end, and he was ready to change his attack pattern.

With the help of Bai Feng's strength, Lu Anbang quickly approached the position of the drop-shaped spaceship, preparing to board the ship first.

At the same time, the forest warriors who had just risen like a pterosaur and rushed towards the huge Rubik's Cube in the sky had already reached a very high position.

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