I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 52: steel torrent

In the sky, a huge Rubik's cube is firing.

On the side of the cube facing the planet earth, the light flickered, and countless beam-energy heavy artillery fired at the same frequency, and the heavy artillery fire penetrated the earth and sky.

The Foresters were shot down in droves before they even realized they couldn't reach their enemies in space from within the planet.

Several elders did not participate in the war, they all rushed in the direction of the World Tree, keeping the World Tree first.

The knights of the forest tribe died in droves, but these elves of the forest tribe did not know whether they were brave or stupid. They marched in the sky, facing death without fear.

At this time, the huge dynamic Rubik's cube in the sky also underwent a new change.

At the cross-section of the cube facing the ground, at the four corners, the nano-module slowly rotates, and with the flow of light, the mechanical structure changes and flows in a precise and perfect posture, and finally becomes four. A huge ejection device is located in the four square positions of this side of the cube, and then, from the beginning, a pure dark humanoid figure was ejected, slid across the starry sky at high speed, penetrated the atmosphere, and directly connected to the sky that was continuously lifted off. The knights of the forest clan collided, and in mid-air, the strangulation began!

At that time, Bai Feng was preparing for the next round of attack. It was a strange attack method that he had developed, and he was surprised to observe the change of the Rubik's Cube at this moment.

It was like throwing some kind of ground landing weapon, but what really surprised Bai Feng was that it was the pure dark humanoid figure projected by this huge Rubik's Cube, which was actually something Bai Feng "knows".

It is a tall humanoid machine, its height is about two meters, and the whole body is mechanically constructed. On the shoulder side of its body, it is uniformly marked with the paint number of the assembly line.

This is the blade ship and the steel monster it carries!

From the first encounter to the present, it was the first time that Bai Feng had seen so many of these things. They were ejected from the huge Rubik's cube as if they didn't want money. After crossing beautiful trajectory parabolas, they fell into the atmosphere at high speed, and their entire bodies even burst into red light in the friction, and immediately fell into the atmosphere.

Is this the big guy behind the Blade's Edge spaceship?

Such thoughts flashed in Bai Feng's mind, but he was taking off. The forest clan and those heavy steel creations were all left behind by Bai Feng. He wanted to help those forest clan, but he knew better. Yes, the key on the battlefield now is not the forest clan and those steel creations, but the Rubik's cube and the original life.

Zhi was surprised to see that the human she hated soared into the sky, and the unparalleled terrifying force swept across the starry sky and pressed against the huge Rubik's Cube spaceship in the sky. The most powerful elders are infinitely more powerful.

That figure, the aura that burst out at this moment, is even comparable to that huge cube like the moon!

She knew that the annoying human was very powerful, but she didn't expect that the other party was so powerful!

Bai Feng has no power, only pure power, which is the result of Tandan's experiment, the result of the symbiosis between humans and Anuru, his power all comes from the strange space creature like Anuru, but he who has no power, It is like a person without a "heart", lacking the most important ability of a top-level powerhouse, and can only rely on brute force to crush it, instead of using extraordinary methods.

But Bai Feng also figured out his own method. It was an attacking technique that he came up with to observe the forbidden technique of secondary life in the Battle of Basalom. Now, it is the first time to use it.

His dark energy control was ineffective against the Rubik's Cube, so he immediately gave up the large-scale control of attack and kill, and began to frantically gather dark energy in mid-air.

Bai Feng also wanted to create a huge "energy star" and smash the cube.

He didn't know how the secondary life forms used forbidden techniques to create such a powerful dark energy star. The precision and power in it were outrageous, but it didn't matter if he didn't know, and Bai Feng didn't need to know. His current level of strength is sufficient, as long as he simply gathers dark energy and simply "arranges troops" for it, he can achieve a similar effect.

During the time when he was idle in the Federation, Bai Feng also read a lot of related knowledge, and even searched for the Federation's expert team to analyze and simulate for himself, and then came to the current "movement".

Of course, Bai Feng's, compared with the forbidden technique used by the secondary life forms before, is the difference between the pirated version and the genuine version. If Bai Feng's level is true, he has used the secondary form of the original life. The real version of the forbidden technique can even rival the top stars of the starry sky, but this move he has now adapted and recreated by himself. Although it is not that powerful, Bai Feng feels that it should be more than enough to use it to fight such a spaceship.

Dark energies gather crazily in space, and countless dark energies come from all directions. Bai Feng strictly deduces the process of simulating the forbidden technique of secondary state life that he and the federal team jointly developed and researched. Has a powerful domineering force to forcibly gather and arrange dark energy.

Pieces of dark energy came in front of him, and he was excited one by one into dark energy in an unstable dominant state, and then squeezed forward in a vortex posture. During the rotation of dark energy, a mass gradually gathered in front of Bai Feng. The infinitely dazzling ball of light gradually became larger, and was forcibly compressed by Bai Feng again and again by relying on powerful brute force, and the dark energy gathered at one point unprecedentedly. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

A small dark energy light sphere, the light it emits illuminates the earth and the stars, and even the surface fire that has not been extinguished on the surface of the planet is eclipsed in front of this light.

Countless forest clansmen looked up in amazement, but did not expect that the human man who was singing and dancing with them in his own tribe was such a powerful existence!

But the people of the Forest Clan did not have much time to be surprised, because those human-shaped steel creations were too powerful, and the Forest Clan did not understand their technological means at all. Therefore, the Forest Clan fell into a hard fight and was shot down in pieces, even if they fought against each other. It is the third surname peak powerhouse like Zhi, and it is also at the bottom when it comes to fighting.

The Rubik's Cube is not a dark energy creature, and it does not use dark energy, so it is impossible to compete with Bai Feng for the dark energy in one space, so the dark energy of Bai Feng's attack can be gathered unprecedentedly.

In the face of this brewing thunder strike, the Rubik's Cube is also changing drastically. Its Rubik's Cube structure changes drastically. The side facing the earth slowly lifts up, and thousands of beam-energy heavy artillery fire at Bai Feng at the same frequency!

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