Just as the Rubik's Cube spaceship was firing in unison, Su Chen's power had reached the bottom of the planet.

With the power of Su Chen's own sixth caste, he can actually reach here, but the touch is just touch, and nothing can be done.

The analytical power gave Su Chen the power to reverse the situation.

The flame of the World Tree was instantly extinguished, the ashes of the swaying World Tree flew down, and Su Chen also went all the way down to the star core.

This is where the huge primordial stone is located, the center of the gathering of the four altars.

The intertwined roots of the World Tree also spread downward, and finally completed the convergence here, and the real situation in this underground world is even worse than what Su Chen saw in the River of Consciousness Space Thinking of the World Tree before. The crystallization degree of the roots of the World Tree has exceeded 70%. It is fine in the upper layer near the surface. The further down the tree is, the clearer and more obvious the crystallization trend is. The transformed structure has even spread like blood threads and spider webs, and the underground seems to have become a paradise for the spread of original life.

The Quartet Altar that suppressed Him was also covered with these crystalline structures, and the original stone in the center of the Quartet Altar seemed to have swelled in a large circle.

And that primordial stone is the body of the original life.

Su Chen's analytical power came violently like a flood, spreading at the speed of light, and in an instant, it came from the surface to the depths of this planet, even faster than Su Chen's own thinking, and the analytical power had already arrived at that place. In front of the original stone.

The primordial stone vibrated violently, and with it at the center, the world around it was red and hot, and the rock melted into hot lava.

This planet is "cold". Its heat comes from the original life and the original stone, but it is not radiated through the original life itself, but through the connection between the world tree and Him, and through this bridge, the original life The power of the world tree is transformed into the light and heat that drives the growth of this planet with the help of the main body of the world tree. Therefore, the so-called core of the primordial stone and the original life is actually not so exaggerated.

Until this moment, the World Tree's suppression of him dropped again, reaching an unprecedented freezing point, the power of the original life poured out, and was frantically shaking the altar of the four directions.

On the square altars made of unknown materials, shocking cracks even began to crack, and with roars and loud noises, the structures on them fell rustling.

The original life seems to be aware of the arrival of Su Chen and the analytical power. His voice echoes in the center of the planet. It is no longer the transmission of special information, but a real roar and roar. It is even used by human beings. The language is exactly the same as the human language used by Jiao Heiying Ren: "Human, take a step back, I can help you!"

Su Chen watched this scene, but was noncommittal.

Even if the original life is suppressed, he can help himself, let him escape, but he may not help himself!

But at the moment when Su Chen shot, it was suddenly dark in front of him, and his external perception was cut off in an instant.

On the side of the World Tree, Su Chen's body hovered in mid-air without moving, and his analytical power even stopped in front of the original life, motionless.

Su Chen was startled at first, thinking that he had encountered a strange blow from the original life, even beyond his understanding and perception, but then he realized that he had entered the conscious space of the tree of the world.

There was darkness in front of him, but behind him was a long river of light.

It was the tree of the world that pulled Su Chen in silently.

Now, the original life no longer has to disguise, and the one who brings Su Chen here to talk can only be the real tree of the world.

Even so, Su Chen was still a little surprised.

The means of the World Tree are indeed very powerful. The previous few times, he was brought in without any warning, without any feeling. It was nothing before. After all, Su Chen was not vigilant and did not use dark energy much, but It was different now, but Su Chen was full of analytical power, lingering all over his body, and all he was guarding was that the original life would force him to kill him by means that he could neither understand nor understand.

Although the defense of the analytical power is single, the analytical power has its own uniqueness, and it can also be called an iron barrel-like defense.

But even with this kind of defense, it still failed to stop the World Tree, and people pulled in if they wanted to.

Moreover, the tree of the world has just been burned by a fire, and its body and root system are almost eroded by the original life, so there is such a means.

Now is not the time for nonsense, when Su Chen was sure that it was the original life, standing in this conscious space, he immediately said solemnly: "It is useless for you to pull us in, I admit that I want to let the original life. Life helps me solve the problem, but it is also not good for me to break the town. I want to help you, we are not enemies!

"You don't have to believe me. I admit that I made a choice that was not conducive to you. I chose to ignore the threat of primitive life and the Rubik's Cube, but did I really do something wrong? In the universe, among all creatures, who is not? To live? Who is not for myself? I can live without myself, but it will not be for the suppression of you and the original life.

"Similarly, now I want to ensure that the original life will not break the town, which is also based on this, so we can join hands, you can let me out, or tell me what I can do to be more effective."

The original life only opened the conditions, and the tree of the world pulled Su Chen into its conscious space. Su Chen took it for granted that it was the tree of the world that was guarding himself.

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, a voice sounded in the space.

That voice was vague and ethereal, as if it might dissipate at any time, but it gave people a strange, gentle feeling like a spring breeze.

"Human, you are right.

"You made the right choice.

"Everyone just wants to live, I don't want to do anything to you.

"The old human kingdom of God has vanished, and my request for help failed to get the first response from the 825th Legion stationed in the Chaos Star Domain. I already know that, your presence shows your sincerity in wanting to suppress him.

"But...it's too late.

"The Mechanical Emperor has arrived, and it is a foregone conclusion that the original life will be destroyed.

"Unless the old gods arrive or you fully liberate the power of the ninth domain, no one can stop them from joining forces.

"Human, let's go, I will fully open the people who took away the forest people and return to your world, and I will buy you the last time.

"You can escape to the depths of the universe.

"You are still very weak, their goals are the human primordial star and the White Temple, and they will not chase you."

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