I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 54: edge of cliff

The voice of the World Tree seemed very calm.

From its tone, you can't even feel the slightest sense of urgency and danger, as if there are no threats close at hand.

Moreover, it does not seem to be dissatisfied with Su Chen's previous actions.

But when Su Chen heard these words, he had mixed feelings.

Because the words made him feel familiar.

How are these words similar to what the Tandan people said to him Su Chen in that crystal castle?

Although the content is different, the meaning is almost the same. They all affirm the fate of others, as if it is the calculation of an ice-cold computer, and finally comes to a perfect, irreversible and triumphant result.

Strictly speaking, in fact, the World Tree was also calculated. At this moment, Su Chen faintly understood that the World Tree was rooted in this planet. In the end, the location of this planet will be deduced, and why it can be known that after the original life is broken, the Federation's Galefa-1 will eventually turn into a magma hell.

Because it calculates the movement of the original life, and also calculates the result that the huge Rubik's cube will come to the final answer.

The universe is full of computing.

Advanced civilizations rely on science and technology to calculate, and advanced creatures rely on dark energy and their powerful biological intelligence to calculate. In the end, they reach the same goal and deduce the future for themselves in a similar way.

The original life is right, the light belt in this dark conscious space is indeed the river of thinking, but in the same way, it is indeed the river of time, it cannot see the real four-dimensional space-time, but it can pass through. This way of deduction meets the future that he wants to see.

From this point of view, it is no different from the river of time.

But these words made Su Chen feel cold all over, and his body almost stiffened in place, staring blankly at the hazy phantom of the World Tree in front of him.

He suddenly wondered if the Tandan person had foreseen all of this now.

It has already seen this step in the glass castle.

Seeing that Su Chen will definitely find the tree of the world, and take a step for himself here, making the situation worse and worse?



I even used myself to join forces with the Watcher Fleet to deflect it before, and it guessed wrong at that step. How could it guess this step right?

No... Maybe it doesn't need to guess everything right at all, it just needs to guess the trend right, as Protolife and the World Tree said, the trend in this universe is gradual, and the direction that gives the trend a path forward , is undoubtedly Su Chen's choice as a human being.

What determines Su Chen's choice is his character, his life experience, and his worldview.

It's everything he's gotten to today.

Knowing all of this, understanding all of this, and deducting all of this, is it true that he can generalize Su Chen's future trend and even the outcome of his life? Even figured out his final result.

Maybe there will be a deviation in the middle, but if the trend is good, the result will not be wrong.

And the road of life, doesn't the result determine everything in the end?

Everyone says that the process is more important than the result, but without the result, what is the meaning of the human process? It was all wasted in the process, and it was a complete failure in the end.

Su Chen's footsteps staggered and took two steps back slightly.

He thought of the curse that the Tandan people had placed on him. At that time, he was not very clear about it, but now that he thinks about it, that is the real curse. It is not as powerful as Nakajima's curse. But that was the most vicious and accurate prediction of Su Chen's future.

I have calculated all of your life, and the result is accurate to n decimal places. Moreover, I have repeated the calculation for an unknown number of times. The result is absolutely accurate and precise, and there will be no problem. Now let me tell you, you can Thinking about changing, but the parameters you changed are also counted by me, so no matter what you do, it will not actually change. This is the final result calculated.

Is there anything scarier than a conversation like this?

Mortals always want to change the present by peeking into their future, but the results are often unsuccessful.

There are also many such examples in many film and television works. In rigorous time travel, the protagonists who are time travelers will always find out at the end that their travel is actually the root cause of the final result. The time-travel factor is taken into account, the paradox of time and space has not occurred, and the so-called new parallel universe has not been born. This is because all the results and processes have been closely integrated, and nothing has changed due to the traverser's traversal. This seemingly outrageous causal four-dimensional effect is actually just an ordinary flow of time, and the four-dimensional effect and concept are still vague and one-sided.

This kind of thought is like some kind of terrifying virus. Once it is born in people's hearts, it can't be contained and spread. Even people like Su Chen have a kind of panic and horror that seems to be crushed in an instant. Looking around, it seems that there are sneering Tandan people in front of him and behind him, as if the roads in front of him are all accurate roads that have been calculated by binary and can be self-corrected.

And the most terrifying thing is that the precise correction of this road still relies on him, Su Chen, to complete it.

Man's most terrifying despair is nothing more than to mean that the source of his impotence comes from himself.

The World Tree said softly: "Your mood changes seem to be very violent."

It has a kind of power like insight into people's hearts, and almost instantly saw the stormy waves in Su Chen's heart at this moment.

Previously, it was suppressed by the original life in all directions, and it was unable to communicate effectively with Su Chen. Until now, it can really communicate with the human beings in front of it.

Su Chen instinctively lowered his head, wanting to take a look at the blood-colored crystal sword in his hand. I don't know since when, that blood-colored crystal sword seems to have become some kind of sustenance in Su Chen's heart, and the sword is in his hands~ www.readwn.com~ is like a kind of reassurance, which can calm him down in the unease.

But now the blood-colored crystal sword is no longer there.

Su Chenqiang calmed his mind and said, "What should I do? There should be a way, there must be a way to stop them, there can be another way to go, right? Right? In this world, there are always more solutions than problems. Right? The tree of the world, right?"

If Lin Mo and others stood in front of Su Chen at this moment, they would be very surprised. At this time, Su Chen was completely different from the confident and powerful Su Chen before.

No matter how strong a person is, no matter how determined the will is, there are moments when it is difficult to maintain.

People are always vulnerable.

If it weren't for this, Su Chen's consciousness as an awakened person would not have collapsed after repeated experiences, and there would be no Su Chen today.

And he seemed to be walking to the edge of the cliff again.



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