I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 56: tree of Life

Remember [New] for a second,! Deep in the planet's core, rocks are turning into lava, boiling at a terrifying high temperature, and Su Chen's analytical power stops before this burning world.

The words of the original life have just been spit out.

It seemed that Su Chen was only silent for two seconds, as if thinking, the original life was also waiting.

But what he waited for was Su Chen's outrageous shot.

No matter what kind of changes and choices Su Chen wants to make, it does not include the option of breaking the original life.

The conversation with the World Tree strengthened Su Chen's confidence and determination.

So far, he has nothing to fear, even the tree of the world said that their calculations are only trends, but human trends are not unique, trends can change, like a fork in the road, you are in At this time, choosing to go one way is one result and one trend, but going the other way may be another result and another trend.

What if the Tandan people had already calculated Su Chen's choice precisely?

Su Chen believed.

No matter how advanced technology or complex algorithm is, the human heart cannot be calculated.

Can you calculate the trend and direction of my life based on my life experience and my character? Then, must all my choices be made based on my experience and my character?

Su Chen believed that even a Tandan person would not be able to do all the mental calculations of human beings, not to mention that he was instructed by the tree of the world today.

That is not the help of any substantial force, but it is more important than that.

People often say that it is impossible to move without strength, but how can an empty shell without a heart as a driving force and without a soul move forward?

Procedures and life, after all, are different.

There is a way to go.

Only left full of fear and timidity, not taking a step, where did the road come from? !

There must be no way!

Su Chen's analytical power surged out, sweeping across the core of the entire planet, and the power of the original life that spread was mercilessly beaten back by Su Chen's power in an instant.

The power level of the original life is not weaker than Su Chen's analytical power. Strictly speaking, the original life, as the real top of the starry sky, is many times stronger than Su Chen, a person who borrowed external force, but the original life is still being suppressed. Although its power is strong, it is greatly limited. As soon as Su Chen analyzes the power, he will forcibly beat back the power of the original life expansion.

The burning and flowing magma began to cool, its crystalline structure that spread and spread outward began to shrink, and its terrifying power and vibration began to weaken.

The original life's roar shook Su Chen's ears in human language: "Human, do you know what you are doing? You are blocking an impossible fact, you anger me, only for you Bringing the ultimate destruction, with the power of your ninth domain, what can you do to me?

"Now you still have a chance, you help me break the town, become a vassal for me, and I will help you solve the power of the ninth domain."

Su Chen didn't believe his nonsense.

Once the original life is broken, can he still keep him Su Chen?

Even if he keeps Su Chen and helps him get rid of the power of the ninth domain, then he will be a disobedient and insignificant sixth caste to this original life, what is his use for this original life?

In the starry sky, different races, different civilizations, you can't even be useful to each other, why do you become a vassal of others, and why do you believe that others are willing to treat you as a vassal?

This is a big joke.

How could Su Chen believe his nonsense, the powerful analytical power swept out without money, and forced the original life that shook the altar of the four directions back to its original shape, while Su Chen's consciousness flew upside down with the analytical power and returned to its original form. above the surface.

Above the surface, the earth cracks and the world burns.

The vibrations caused by proto-life at the center of the earth have had an unimaginably huge impact on the surface. The continental plates of this planet shook, the ground cracked, and some of the bottom layers even directly floated up to a height of 100 meters, forming an incredible formation with other surfaces. terrible fault.

Earthquakes and sky fires raged wildly on this planet, turning this lush and beautiful planet into a **** world.

And the countless native creatures of this planet are fleeing wildly in the doomsday scene.

The key to this battle is not the original life.

Although the original life is powerful, as long as he does not completely break the town for a moment, and the world tree does not collapse for a moment, he cannot use the top-level combat power of the starry sky for a moment, and he cannot use the top-level combat power of the starry sky. He himself cannot break the town, it is impossible It will have too much impact on the balance of war, and Su Chen will do his best to fight him back.

The meaning of the tree of the world is also the same. The protagonist who can really help this original life to break the town today is the huge Rubik's cube in the sky.

The so-called mechanical emperor.

It's such a bold name.

Su Chen's body rose up on the edge of the World Tree.

Behind him, the just-burned and withered World Tree glowed again at this moment. The entire World Tree began to frantically extract dark energy from the space, and its huge body brightened brilliantly, shining golden and shining. The scorched branches pulled out new shoots, and those that continued to grow were no longer green, but golden leaves, golden branches.

It will become a true tree of gold.

Its canopy spreads upwards, rushing out of the atmosphere, and reaching the holy moon, which is constantly sinking in the sky.

It sprinkled golden light on the earth, so that the anger on the earth was extinguished and the earthquake stabilized.

It's burning life to support the planet.

From the planet, there are thousands of tweets, and countless creatures flock to it like a pilgrimage.

Around this tree of the world, Jianbaiyamu, the forest clansmen who originally came here to rescue it, all knelt down and prayed to it, the sound of brilliance all over the world.

It supports the sky with one hand, spreads branches and leaves; supports the ground with one hand, all over the world.

Reject the stars up, and the antigenic life down.

In the universe, who can do this?

It is not a god.

It is the sky of this planet.

It is the creation of all species on this planet.

No existence can destroy this planet and all kinds of life it has created while it is still alive.

This is its dignity, this is its persistence.

On the high sky, Bai Feng was attacking with all his strength, but Su Chen had already ascended to his side by the splendid light of the World Tree.

Bai Feng was preparing for a thunderous strike, glanced at Su Chen, and asked, "What's going on?"

"The World Tree said that we will lose the battle~www.readwn.com~ Now we should flee back to the Federation, and then flee from the Federation to the stars."

Bai Feng looked at Su Chen: "What are you going to do?"

Behind Su Chen was a giant golden tree, raised his head, the huge Rubik's Cube reflected in his eyes, held his head high, and replied generously: "Maybe it will fail, but...

"I want to turn the tide and help the building fall!"

Bai Feng laughed when he heard the words, and scolded: "Idiot - how about we kill this big cube first?!"

They are not the darlings of the universe.

They are not the most powerful alliance in the universe.

They are a bunch of **** who are entangled in all kinds of things. They have come to this day in failure, and they are only full of **** and salted fish who enjoy peace.

Still, that doesn't stop them from going to their next defeat.

This is a union of waste.

This is the Crap League.



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