I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 57: new rival, old acquaintance

Remember [New] for a second,! In the sky of the battlefield, a huge Rubik's cube is changing.

Its nano- and even femto-meter-level structure is changing drastically, making its whole like a group of fast-swimming fish structures, but that is only a visual experience. The look and feel is because all its own micro-units are undergoing displacement and change. On the whole, its change at this moment is like the Transformers in the movie, but compared with the movement and transformation of the huge structure of Transformers , at the moment its changes are more detailed and perfect.

The entire Rubik's Cube is "spreading". This six-sided cube is unfolding in front of Su Chen and Bai Feng, the front is separated, and a huge muzzle structure is extended, while the two sides are separated back and reassembled into a bizarre, wing-like structure. The same structure, its cubic shape changes silently in the starry sky in just a few tens of seconds, the dense metal structure interweaves and changes in mid-air, and finally becomes a huge ring structure, A huge cannon with a black hole in the center was aimed directly at Su Chen and Bai Feng, and its two wings spread out, like a terrifying metal monster opening its arms.

But the ejection devices at both ends of this huge Rubik's cube have not disappeared. They still exist, but they have changed their positions. They are still "spitting" those steel creations outwards, and throw them into the stars under their feet at a beautiful angle. Fight the Forest Clan to further destroy the planet.

Immediately afterwards, the muzzle of the black hole in the center of the cube was the first to light up, and the tips of the scattered arms-like steel wing structures lit up with rays of light, like intertwined lines. The mouth location converges.

It was in the form of a Rubik's Cube just now, its front muzzle was turned, and several rounds of ten thousand salvos had been fired at Bai Feng, but they were not able to hurt Bai Feng - although Bai Feng was brewing a "big move", his level Very high, the level of scheduling of dark energy has long been different after this period of contact, and it is worthy of his realm of strength. It is completely possible to use dark energy while manipulating the light group in his hands Build a defensive net to block out all the beams of energy that would knock a mighty fleet head-on.

Right now, it has undergone such a change in form, and it is obviously preparing to change its tactics and use another method.

At the same time, Bai Feng was still brewing his ultimate move.

Su Chen knew about the "big trick" that Bai Feng stole learning the sub-level original life forbidden technique and invented together with federal experts, but he did not expect Bai Feng's brewing speed to be so slow, he glanced at Bai Feng In front of the dark energy light sphere that is converging and continuously compressed, I feel the majestic power that is mind-blowing.

The light group that Bai Feng condensed was the size of a baseball. He was still gathering dark energy into it and forcibly compressing its volume—it had already begun to produce some obvious gravitational effects that had an impact on space.

The scale of that kind of power has already exceeded Su Chen's own limit to dark energy. If there is no analytical power and the power of the ninth domain, Bai Feng will smash what he is now in Su Chen's face, Su Chen. It could be said to be dead.

Su Chen's scalp was numb, and he said, "How long are you going to brew this?"

Bai Feng said: "I was about to throw it out just now, but I heard your rhetoric and my heart was full of emotions. I don't think the tree of the world thinks that we can succeed. I should concentrate for a while, and it's better to be able to transform this shape with one shot. It would be good if King Kong smashed it into pieces."

Bai Feng wanted to be safe, but Su Chen stopped urging him when he heard the words, and he said directly: "Okay, then you try your best to smash this thing to death in one breath, and I will help you resist it!"

The World Tree has a high opinion of this "Mechanical Emperor" Rubik's Cube. Su Chen believes in the World Tree's judgment that this thing is by no means good, and he has just seen what was ejected from this Rubik's Cube. And face those monster monsters.

Su Chen was also a little surprised. It was not the first time he had come into contact with this "Mechanical Emperor".

Long before he met head-on today, he had already met the other's "little brother".

And because of the previous experience, Su Chen is now more and more vigilant - those steel creations that can directly fight with fourth-level or even more advanced power users and even bring huge threats are only mass-produced models of this thing, How powerful is this boss?

Therefore, now this Rubik's Cube is changing its shape and brewing an attack, it must not be a situation of "I just can't beat you and try to change a weapon now to see if it can be successful".

For a guy who can even rely on himself to locate this planet hidden by the old **** of mankind and the world tree in the endless starry sky, its computing power must not be underestimated, presumably it has even been calculated. When Bai Feng's strength resistance limit is reached, if Bai Feng wants to take it down in one blow, it must also take down Bai Feng in one blow.

Su Chen immediately shot, and when he shot, he used his analytical power to swept the battlefield.

On the battlefield at this level, Su Chen's own body energy is only used as a guide for analytical power. He does not dare to use his own body energy first, because his body energy has the ninth domain attribute bonus, but in the end The realm is too poor. Once you can't fight, you probably won't even have the chance to fight back with your analytical power. In this case, using the analytical power directly is the safest way.

To start, do your best.

The most powerful analytical force is the main force of this battle.

As for the gradual fight, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was not within Su Chen's consideration.

Analytical power reacts violently to high-level dark energy creatures and powers, often without Su Chen's guidance, but now, the Rubik's Cube in front of me does not have any dark energy itself, except that the central cannon has a certain dark energy response. This is a pure technological creation, and the analytical power must be guided by Su Chen before it can function.

But Su Chen has an obvious advantage.

That is, he attached great importance to this huge Rubik's Cube, but the Rubik's Cube did not understand Su Chen's combat power.

From the perspective of dark energy fluctuations alone, Su Chen is only a dark energy creature of the sixth caste, and the analytical power does not manifest its form, and it is impossible for it to be discovered and observed by low-level dark energy creatures or any electronic equipment and scientific devices.

Therefore, the giant Rubik's Cube did not pay much attention to Su Chen's attack and kill at the first time. It just changed the direction of the side ejection equipment and ejected a full twelve steel monsters towards Su Chen's location. At the same time, It is located in Su Chen's nanostructure change this time, forming gun muzzles that are closely next to each other, all aimed at Su Chen, firing at the same frequency!

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