I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 58: steel and blood

Remember [New] for a second,! The speed of the beam energy ray is not as fast as the speed of light, but the speed of the steel creation that was also ejected is faster, and it arrives first, killing Su Chen almost immediately.

The beam energy ray of this cube has extremely high attack power and terrifying energy output, which is enough to threaten Su Chen. The vertical and horizontal light penetrates the sky. Su Chen uses dark energy to prop up a defensive shield in mid-air, and the beam energy ray bombards On the light shield held up in front of Su Chen, the light spread like a water column falling on the glass, and the dark energy shield vibrated violently.

And those twelve steel creations have been killed together with the attack!

Su Chen's eyes sank, his analytical power erupted at this moment, pale light spread out from his palm, under the guidance of dark energy, "threading the needle" in mid-air, the speed of light spread, and in an instant Passed through the bodies of twelve steel creations.

With the help of analytical power, the power of matter grows like a virus in the bodies of these special steel creations, and their bodies explode one by one in mid-air like roses scattered all over the sky. This time they become rose petals. It is a fake petal, which can still exist in a vacuum, floating in the sky and beautiful.

And Su Chen has raised his sword.

No matter how long it takes Bai Feng to brew his ultimate move, it seems that the cannon of this cube is about to be fired. The slight vibration of the structure senses the power of the blow.

This is not a regular main cannon, it seems to be some kind of annihilation ray, and it will kill Bai Feng and his dark energy in one go!

Su Chen never wanted to see a scene. He said that it was to buy time for Bai Feng, but he had the intention to take down this behemoth.

No matter whether it is the Great Iron Emperor or the Great Mechanical Emperor, this spaceship has no dark energy, which means that it is controlled by ordinary creatures without dark energy, or silicon-based life, Su Chen does not need to destroy it from the outside, just kill the inside The controller is slaughtered, and no matter how powerful this ship is, it will be finished.

Now that the analytical power has been shot, Su Chen has nothing to hide. His speed once again accelerated in space, like a blood-colored lightning, penetrating the starry sky and pointing at the Rubik's Cube.

Its enormous power vibrated in the starry sky, and one starry sky seemed to be shivering in front of the analytical power.

With the power of analysis, Su Chen is full of confidence, no matter what material the spacecraft is made of, and how to resist dark energy, it will crumble in front of the power of analysis and vanish!

It's just that Su Chen's analytical power has been continuously consumed, and there is not that much. If Su Chen's analytical power is enough, he doesn't even have to go into the Rubik's Cube to perform a beheading operation. You can directly turn this Rubik's cube into a cute moon-like plush teddy bear!

Moreover, it is not only because Su Chen's analytical power is not so much, but also because Su Chen is worried that he will use the analytical power on a large scale and mobilize the power of the ninth domain to fight for himself, and he may lose control.

Although Yuan Shengsheng helped Su Chen a little bit, it was a temporary solution, not the root cause. The entanglement between Su Chen and the ninth domain was weakened a little bit, and there was no contact at all. He now uses the power of analysis and the power of objects, which is equivalent to deepening his relationship with the first. The connection between the nine domains is like a stomach problem. Su Chen is the patient. He vomits and has diarrhea, and he can't even eat normally. The original life is helping Su Chen with the treatment. At this time, there was no medication and treatment, so it was not completely cured. At this time, Su Chen ate a bunch of bad stomach things again, and he ate hasai, which would cause his situation to return to a bad state.

And when the critical value comes, Su Chen believes that he will light up in that dark wasteland again.

And the twisted hunter who is dormant in it will find it.

Analytical power is the most powerful power that Su Chen has obtained from the Ring of Anova. Su Chen has a faint feeling that once he uses all of his analytical powers, his situation will deteriorate to the worst time than before. Even worse.

Therefore, under these various reasons, Su Chencai did not directly mobilize all the analytical power, and still retained a little restraint.

However, even with some restraint, the analytical power is still comparable to the top of the starry sky. Under the guidance of Su Chen, even if all the structures of this Rubik's Cube are extremely advanced and even designed to combat dark energy creatures, the analytical power is closely related to the ninth domain. It is closely related, and this Rubik's Cube can't be reversed!

If he can get all the way into the inside of this huge spaceship, as long as he can find the spaceship controller inside, Su Chen will be sure to solve the problem and completely knock this thing down from space!

But just as Su Chen was about to approach, the analytical force even forcibly shot out the first to pounce on the Rubik's Cube spaceship. In his frontal direction, the deconstruction of the Rubik's Cube spaceship facing him was another change. Part of the structure of the spaceship was made of nanometer The level is that the unit sinks down, and the other part of the structure rises up, forming a structure like a suction cup. Hundreds of suction cups converge in one place, like a matrix, densely packed, and even scared to death. patient!

Immediately after that, a huge shadow, wearing a robe, was condensed out of thin air in mid-air. He was almost two meters taller than a human being~www.readwn.com~ was almost the same as a normal human appearance. Toward Su Chen, Yao Yao raised his arm towards Su Chen, and then, the suction cup matrix behind him lit up at the same time.

Su Chen only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and an unimaginable force rushed forward, causing his body to rush forward at a high speed as if it had hit an invisible wall. How ruthless, with one blow, Su Chen's body fell back like a cannonball, and what surprised Su Chen even more was that his analytical power, which was surging out and spreading at the speed of light, failed to succeed at all, so he was with him. They were called back together by the other party!

Su Chen was immediately taken aback—

How did the analytical power of nothing to wear and nothing to break be beaten back?

This thought flashed in Su Chen's mind, and he saw that along with the fall of his body, the structure of the Rubik's Cube facing him changed again. One after another, extremely thick and huge chains were pulled out of the Rubik's Cube, and the front end was sharp. , fluttered in the starry sky and Tianye, and chased after him. The cold light on it flickered, and he didn't know what texture it was. He chased after him and ran through the middle of Su Chen's arms, thighs, and body.

With Da Peng's blood, five chains pierced through Su Chen's flesh and blood, locking him to death in the sky!



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