I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 59: fierce battle

Remember [New] for a second,! In the universe, there is silence, but this side of the universe is extraordinarily "lively".

In the distance, the huge sacred moon is overlooking the earth under its feet. Its star side has already begun to fall slowly, but among the planets in front of it, the huge world tree has transformed into a dazzling golden tree, branching out. The scattered leaves have re-supported the sky and the earth of this planet, so that the distance between the two has been widened again.

Under the huge golden canopy of the golden tree, the warriors of the forest tribe are fighting **** battles. They are not the opponents of those steel creations, even if they cannot use the dark energy to carry out a one-sided massacre like the real fourth caste, even Because of its characteristics, there is a feeling of being strong when strong and weak when weak, but as a steel monster that can directly fight with high castes, coupled with its calculation program, it is not something that the natives of the forest tribe can fight.

Even if the golden light radiated by the World Tree also brought a lot of benefits to the warriors of the Forest Clan, it could not change the result of the one-sided defeat of the Forest Clan. Retreat and retreat, retreat from the high altitude to the cracked ground, and retreat all the way from the forest to the World Tree.

With the support of sufficient computing power, it is difficult for them to be affected by the complex forest environment. On the contrary, the forest people who seem to be the children of the forest are disturbed by the forest environment to a certain extent, because they can only rely on Experience, and people rely on analysis and calculation, even if the forest people have always lived here, relying on experience and instinct, it is difficult to overcome the precise calculation that can get all accurate answers in an instant.

Under such circumstances, the forest warriors quickly lost their forest positions, and they suffered huge casualties. Countless men and women of the forest warriors died in battle, leaving pieces of corpses behind, and they retreated to the last line of defense— At the foot of the world tree.

This seems to be an irony.

The people of the forest tribe fought to defend their tree of life and the world tree, but in the end, they still had to hide under the cover of the world tree.

Because they are too weak.

It's ridiculous for the weak to want to protect anything.

Ori also had blood all over her body, but it wasn't her own blood, but the blood of other forest clan compatriots who died and spattered on her body.

Zhi is the third surname, Pinnacle. She is considered a relatively powerful individual in her own clan. Facing the attacks of those steel monsters, she is not helpless. She even cooperated with a group of forest clan warriors to destroy one of them. Steel creations, of course, they paid dearly for it.

Twenty-three forest warriors participated in the strangulation.

Fifteen men were killed on the spot.

The two were seriously injured. Because of the retreat of the large army, they had to abandon them all in the forest. From this, one can also imagine the consequences of the two seriously injured.

At this moment, although the fire just now has been extinguished by the World Tree and Su Chen's two shots, the forest of this planet has also suffered unprecedented damage. There are charred dead trees everywhere, pointing obliquely to the sky. The scorched black everywhere, standing in the former dense forest, can already see the golden crown of the World Tree above and the battlefield in the sky.

Origen glanced up instinctively.

The battlefield in the sky was dazzling, because it was too far away. From her position, she could only see the magnificent flashing light and the majestic power that made her instinctively feel shocked and terrified.

Ori knew that these two humans were powerful, but did not expect them to be so powerful.

It can enter the sky, fight against the stars, and even its strength is almost comparable to the sacred tree they revere. In fact, the people of the forest family don't know what the magic cube means, only the stars they are familiar with. Discuss.

In their view, the current scene is more like other beings from evil aliens attacked them.

Therefore, Su Chen and Bai Feng, who can directly confront each other's stars, are extremely powerful existences in the eyes of Zhihe and most of the forest clansmen.

What Zhi didn't know was that Su Chen and Bai Feng were indeed very powerful, but they were not as powerful as they thought, and the battle against these so-called "evil stars" was not as optimistic as it seemed.

The distance was too far, Zhi couldn't even see the silhouettes of Su Chen and Bai Feng, and under the tense situation, he couldn't see the positions of the two.

It is not clear that Su Chen was pierced with five long locks just now.

The material of the thing is very special, and it seems to be a weapon specially designed for high castes. It penetrates through Su Chen's limbs and body, and the moment it comes into contact with Su Chen's body, it immediately releases a large number of nanoviruses. At the moment of contact with Su Chen's body and flesh and blood, he immediately conducted a high-speed analysis of Su Chen's body and life form, and quickly changed it to the form that was the most threatening to Su Chen. The interior of Su Chen completely disintegrated.

This whole process may not take a second, and it started the moment Su Chen was penetrated by the chains. Therefore, when these five chains completely penetrated Su Chen's body, he only felt a "poisonous insect" in his own body. The body exploded, spreading endlessly in his body like dyeing liquid, swallowing all the flesh and blood of Su Chen's body.

In fact, nano-level viruses cannot be felt by humans at all, but Su Chen's sixth caste, coupled with his tireless study during this period of time, has a very clear grasp and control of his own body conditions, and he discovered these at the first time. Nano poison.

These five chains look like they are going to lock Su Chen to death, but in fact, they are for injecting nanoviruses, deconstructing and collapsing Su Chen's flesh and blood from the inside.

The sixth caste has not yet reached the point where the body can be changed at will, and the consciousness is separated from the flesh and blood. Once the body collapses, even if it is not dead, it will be finished.

This is a very efficient and precise tactic, one hit kills.

And this kind of nanomachine virus is really powerful. It starts with the organism itself and responds to changes with the characteristics of the organism. It is very likely that facing the same human, the mutated invasion mode and the virus state are different, and they In the same vein, they inherit the unique dark energy discharge characteristics of steel creations, and the dark energy in their bodies is not only ineffective against them, but even swallowed by them.

And if a stronger dark energy attack is used, it will damage the main body, which is no different from the ultimate goal that the nano poisonous insects want to achieve.

This nano-poisonous insect can be regarded as an exhaustive plan, and all the responses of the organism are in hand. No matter what, you can't deal with it.

If it is the general sixth caste, I am afraid that it is already in a state of waiting to die.

But Su Chen is not.

His body energy is no match for poisonous insects, but his analytical power can.

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