Remember [New] for a second,! The nano poisonous insects began to spread in Su Chen's body, and his analytical power surged up. With a slight shock of his body, all those nano poisonous insects were precipitated out. This difficult thing was just like ordinary sticking on his body. It's dusty, and it's gone after a little shake.

And then what Su Chen used was the five chains that ran through his body.

The heavy chain turned into a long "chocolate" rope under Su Chen's eyes. The chain was broken while being transformed by the magic, but the trend spread at a high speed, rushing upward.

Su Chen and the Rubik's Cube fought back and forth for only a few seconds. He glanced at the central main gun that evolved from the Rubik's Cube in the distance. The light on it had reached its peak, and its terrifying threat made Su Chen's scalp numb.

Time is running out.

The trend of magic transformation climbed rapidly along the chain, and Su Chen's body followed closely, and once again accelerated towards the huge Rubik's Cube structure in front of him.

The tall humanoid figure condensed on top of Su Chen's head remained motionless, and calmly pushed out his palm towards Su Chen.

As a result, the suction cup array behind the tall figure once again lit up brightly, and the terrifying pressure and impact came again, and Su Chen and the analytical force were beaten back for the second time.

But with the previous experience, Su Chen just landed this time, and immediately changed direction, pulling a huge arc in mid-air, and rushing to the position of the central cannon from the other direction.

After being hit twice, Su Chen could probably see what it was.

It is not a dark energy attack, nor is it any other mysterious and mysterious thing, but an application of gravity. It is only because of the cutting-edge means of its application that gravity is used as a means like dark energy and strike, and it achieves incredible results. .

Moreover, it is precisely because of gravity that it can take effect on Su Chen's analytical power, and even knock back the analytical power.

The tall figure didn't have any dark energy fluctuations, he was not a dark energy creature at all.

The only thing Su Chen was a little surprised was the appearance of the figure. Although he didn't see how the figure appeared in the starry sky, looking at his appearance, apart from his absurd height, the figure was clearly indistinguishable from a human being!

Is that human?

Is the manipulator of this cube structure human?

This thought flashed across Su Chen's mind, but was quickly thrown out of his mind by Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't think of a way to break it for a while, so he would no longer break through in that direction. With the help of the opponent's gravitational blow, his body pulled out a perfect parabola in mid-air, and then the arc rose, rushing directly to the center The location of the main gun.

At this moment, the transformation of the Rubik's Cube is the posture of a living giant cannon with a heavy muzzle pointing to Bai Feng in the distance.

It and Bai Feng will complete their blows in the next few seconds.

The technique of this Rubik's Cube is powerful, and even the analytical power can find a targeted countermeasure in an instant. Under the storm, it is extremely difficult to hit it in a short period of time.

In the current situation, it is time to race against time.

Therefore, Su Chen changed his mind and did not force his way into the interior of the spaceship, so he had to remove the gun barrel from the outside, and let Bai Feng smash it into a sieve with one blow.

Su Chen's body rushed up at a high speed, and his analytical power rushed out first. At the same time, in the other hand, the blood-colored crystal sword was gathered and infused by Su Chen like a majestic dark energy, and the light above the crystal sword skyrocketed. In an instant, it changed from an ordinary long sword to a giant sword of light that spanned thousands of meters across the entire battlefield. On the ground of the planet below, this huge sword of light was clearly visible, like a blade across the sky. , to chop up the planet! Valley

At the same time, Su Chen noticed that on the side of his body, on the surface of the huge Nano Rubik's Cube, countless microscopic structures changed synchronously with Su Chen's movement, all of which became a sucker-like state. The speed is faster than Su Chen's rushing speed, only a little slower than the analytical power. Before Su Chen's analytical power has reached, the gravitational change suddenly started.

Su Chen was hit hard again.

At this moment, he was on the side of the entire Rubik's cube structure, and his body was no longer hit downwards, but was hit to the side.

That is obviously the traction and influence of gravity, but the effect is almost no different from the real blow to the flesh. Su Chen's body fell directly to one side, and the analytical force also twisted and circled back. Even Su Chen At that moment, the sword glow in the vertical and horizontal thousand meters was twisted.

Its dark energy, which is thousands of meters in length and width, condenses the sword's edge, and is directly folded into a Polish-like shape.

Don't say go ahead and chop the main gun, it's not bad if it doesn't fall into a ball.

This scene even seemed a bit funny and ridiculous.

Su Chen's face changed wildly, seeing that the Rubik's Cube was about to fire!

But at this moment, another power poured in in time, as if someone had retreated from behind Su Chen, and the thousand-meter sword that he couldn't control in mid-air suddenly solidified for a second.

And this second chance was enough for the battle-hardened Su Chen.

Without any hesitation, Su Chen handed out the blade straight forward, and the thousand-meter sword that pierced the central cannon of the Rubik's Cube in the sky in an instant.

The dark energy staggered and spread rapidly. Within a second, Su Chen not only completed the blow, but the interlaced dark energy also followed the trend, detonating the terrifying power that the main gun was accumulating, and sending the blow that was about to be launched. It turned directly into a cannonball bombing at its door!

Then, UU read www.uukanshu. com's magnificent martyrdom lit up the entire sky in an instant.

On the ground, countless forest people were confronting those steel monsters, and they noticed that the sky above their heads was brighter than ever before. The sky was as bright as day. In front of that terrible explosion, even the golden light of the World Tree appeared dim. There is no light.

The battle in the sky is like a battle of gods.

The magnificent light directly engulfed the giant star-like Rubik's Cube, and the figures of Su Chen and Bai Feng were almost invisible to the naked eye.

In fact, at the moment when the sacrificial explosion broke out, Su Chen's body was already rolled backwards, falling from space like a cannonball, falling into the atmosphere again, and falling to the boundless earth under his feet.

But he glanced at the long sword in his hand.

The last power comes from the power of the soul brought about by this sword and its curse.

Only that kind of conceptual, unreal power that can ignore the iron laws of physics and gravitation, and not be affected by gravity, can help Su Chen complete this sword.

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