Remember [New] for a second,! This is a living silicon-based life.

Bai Feng also realized this, but when he realized it, he was already standing in the deepest part of the Rubik's Cube.

The huge Rubik's cube was broken into pieces, surrounded by nanometers, gathered around Bai Feng's body, and finally "swallowed" Bai Feng.

And the disappearance of the dark energy light group that Bai Feng released, which was compressed to the extreme, actually Bai Feng also saw it.

Bai Feng's "Super Spiral Pill" did not play its due role at all. In the process of advancing, the nano-structure of the Rubik's Cube approached silently, forming a strange box around Bai Feng's blow. Bai Feng's blow was eaten in one bite in a similar way to dropping Bai Feng, and then an extremely tiny space channel was opened instantly, sending Bai Feng's blow directly to somewhere in the universe.

It sounds simple, but the whole process is extremely fast, to the extent that Bai Feng can't react with the reaction speed that has been strengthened by the dark energy realm. Before Bai Feng completely stimulates and detonates the super dark energy bomb, Just threw it away.

Because of this, it even creates a sense of sudden disappearance in the visuals.

Su Chen was falling down, and all he saw was the blazing flames that filled the sky. He could only feel its existence through the arc of light that flew through it and the huge dark energy possessed by that ray of light.

At this moment, Bai Feng was standing in the center of a spherical space the size of a basketball court.

Bai Feng speculated: This seems to be the interior of the Rubik's Cube spaceship, perhaps a place specially opened up to close himself.

This place is like a huge arena, the surroundings are tightly closed, and the location of the exit cannot be seen. Its structure is refined and spliced ​​at the microscopic level. It is almost impossible to see where the splicing is with the naked eye. , the dark energy here is static and fixed, and the closed space seems to cut off the natural flow and interaction of dark energy in this spherical space and the outside space.

The dark energy in this space cannot flow out, and the dark energy outside cannot be replenished. In other words, this place seems to be isolated into an independent dark energy world, and Bai Feng's power is also restricted here unprecedentedly. He first Then he found that his dark energy and dark energy perception could not leave this spherical space, and the surrounding structural sphere wall material was special, which could isolate his level of dark energy level, and at the same time, because of the amount of dark energy, This means that once Bai Feng has used up the energy of his body, and then consumes the dark energy available in the entire space, if he can't get out again, he will be trapped here, and all his power will be buffed little by little.

Ultimately it could be death.

Bai Feng is not stupid. Although he has no combat experience, he also realized immediately that this Rubik's Cube trapped him. Obviously, he had to suffocate himself first and solve himself first.

It is impossible to restrict movement.

Although this silicon-based life is powerful, its current spherical space can only limit Bai Feng's ability at most, but it cannot trap him. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to lock him here to trap him, it can only be To kill him!

For him and Su Chen, it would be much easier to kill one first and then deal with the other.

Divide them apart and break them one by one.

It's a simple tactic, and it's not hard to guess.

The only thing Bai Feng didn't understand was that he was much stronger than Su Chen in terms of strength. Why was he trapped instead of Su Chen?

Bai Feng couldn't think of this question, because he didn't know the characteristics of Su Chen's analytical power. If Su Chen was locked here and the analytical power was swept away, all the cube spaceships would be transformed by Su Chen's analytical power. into delicate flowers.

Su Chen tried his best to get close to the so-called mechanical emperor of the Rubik's Cube spaceship. Therefore, as long as his analytical power can be touched, he can use the analytical power to expand the trend of objects. No matter how powerful this thing is, Su Chen is sure to quickly grasp it. kill it.

Putting aside his worries for the time being, Su Chen fully activated the analytical power that was completely liberated, and it was indeed possible to achieve this level.

It can even be said that Su Chen's move can be called instant death!

In this case, how dare this mechanical emperor put Su Chen in, doesn't that mean he is courting death?

While these thoughts flashed through Bai Feng's mind, his movements did not stop. Why was Su Chen not locked in? This kind of thinking is just a piggybacking thought. In fact, he was eaten by the cube spaceship. In an instant, Bai Feng had already made a series of judgments and started to act, to kill the Great Mechanical Emperor before he started to kill him.

Bai Feng's judgment on the Rubik's Cube was the same as Su Chen's.

This level of things and silicon-based life is the kind of existence that can’t be described as bullshit. Therefore, this Rubik’s cube spaceship cannot waste time and information, and its actions must be precise and perfect in each round. , with a certain chance of success.

It locks itself here, and it has the certainty of killing.

However, no matter how good your arrangement is, no matter how good you are, as long as I can deal with it quickly enough to give you a chance to make a move, your precise calculation of killing will be meaningless.

It's a battle of speed, computing power and responsiveness.

High-level combat is never a big collision of pure power.

What the weak see is a magnificent and bizarre scene, while the strong compete for the slightest difference in the battle or even the change in reaction power.

Bai Feng's speed is still very fast, and the huge Rubik's Cube swallowed him, and he rose rapidly, his strength was violent, and even in an instant he smashed a huge gap on the "spherical wall" above his head~ It's about to fly straight away.

But at this moment, at the position of the gap, the light flickered for a while.

Bai Feng noticed that there were countless microscopic particles rushing in, condensing into tall human figures out of thin air.

The figure was two meters high and wore a robe. Except for the exaggerated height, it looked no different from a normal human being.

If Su Chen was here, he would be able to see that the image that appeared in front of Bai Feng was exactly the same as the one Su Chen had encountered outside the deformed Rubik's Cube spaceship.

But Bai Feng's realm is higher than Su Chen's, and after a scan of dark energy, he clearly knows that this thing that looks like a normal person in terms of flesh, skin and even clothes is simply a temporarily created robot. It is constructed by The ever-changing microscopic particles accurately simulate the appearance and appearance of human beings, and even the movements and facial expressions are exactly the same as normal human beings.

Seeing this, Bai Feng immediately complained: "Good guy, such a big iron, why don't you want to be a man?"



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