I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 63: over the shoulder

Remember [New] for a second,! Tucao on his lips, but Bai Feng's movements in his hands did not stop at all.

The moment he spoke, he shot, and when he raised his hand, it was the power of dark energy like mountains and seas, madly swinging towards the other party.

With a single blow, this nano humanoid instantly collapsed, and of course it didn't exist, as if it didn't appear at all.

Bai Feng's realm is extremely high, and a single blow from the dark energy can indeed have such power, but Bai Feng was still slightly stunned when he saw this, because logically speaking, this Rubik's Cube spaceship trapped him and blocked him. The means should not be so vulnerable.

But if he succeeded, he succeeded. While thinking, Bai Feng rushed forward without hesitation. He would rush out in one breath, rush out to join Su Chen, and then take a long-term plan to see **** this so-called mechanical emperor.

Although Bai Feng didn't know the magical effect of Su Chen's analytical power, but judging from the fact that the mechanical emperor trapped him and Bai Feng did not trap Su Chen, Bai Feng had already come to the conclusion that the mechanical emperor must be afraid of Su Chen and not dare to put him Put it in!

Since there is something to fear, it is a threat, so it is easy to handle!


Just when Bai Feng was about to rush out, Bai Feng's body suddenly froze, and his hair rose!

Because a hand suddenly stretched out from behind him and slammed onto his right shoulder!

This is not a fight. Bai Feng is surrounded by his dark energy perception and power, which is both a protection and an early warning. In his current state, even if it is a mosquito, don't even think about getting close to his body.

But the hand suddenly came up like this, instantly penetrating the dark energy and dark energy perception of his defense, and he was only aware and reacted at the last moment when it fell on his shoulder!

A tall figure appeared behind Bai Feng at an unknown time.

It was the tall robe figure who had just been destroyed by Bai Feng's blow.

One of its hands directly rested on Bai Feng's shoulder, and pulled it to the side, using this hand to cut off Bai Feng's head directly!

That is a nano-structure, it looks like a hand, but it is as sharp as a knife, and the top-level body strengthened by Bai Feng will be like paper in front of it.

Fortunately, Bai Feng noticed and reacted. His dark energy surged and swept across the hand and the person behind him in an instant.

Seeing that the hand could not succeed, it retreated from the sweeping and cutting to the downward grabbing, and suddenly exerted its force. The moment Bai Feng's power smashed the tall figure behind him, its attack on Bai Feng was also completed. .

——Bai Feng only felt the world spinning.

Here's a trick...

Over the shoulder.

Great power.

By the time Bai Feng realized this, he had already been thrown out from a high-altitude position, fell all the way, and smashed directly onto the ground under his feet from the highest point of the spherical space.

Bai Feng's eyes widened.

He never imagined that he would actually take a shoulder throw here.

While lying on the ground, Bai Feng saw that the gap on the top of his head that he just blew up was quickly closing under the repair of the nano-module.

Seeing this, Bai Feng gritted his teeth and patted his body with his backhand.

Anyway, it’s the same from anywhere in the sphere space. The gap on the top is repaired, and you can make another gap below it!


Bai Feng's palm failed to land.

Because that palm rested on his shoulder again.

It was exactly the same as the last time, exactly the same, the moment it fell on Bai Feng's shoulder, he immediately cut across it, and wanted to cut off Bai Feng's head.

Bai Feng's current realm is above the gods, and his combat power is amazing, but he is only a half-baked master, has no power, and his level of consciousness is far from the level of gods, just because his battle with Anuru has occupied the top, now A Nuru is like a generator in his body, so he can have such power.

Therefore, in this case, if Bai Feng's head is cut off, then he must be dead. Of course, if he is dead, his body will not die, and Anuru, who is trapped in the "bottom of the well", will roar. Fighting out of the darkness, he completely replaced him and became the new master of this body.

Therefore, the head must be kept.

The blow that Bai Feng was about to take was forced to retract, and the dark energy strangled the tall figure behind him.

The scene just now reappeared. Bai Feng's power smashed the tall figure's body in an instant, and the tall figure saw that it was impossible to cut off Bai Feng's head, so he chose again... Over the shoulder. .

Bai Feng's body fell to the ground again.

He didn't fall out of Venus, but his scalp went numb.

But he was not reconciled. At the moment of landing, he raced against the clock again to blow up the wall of the spherical space under him and fly directly out of here.

As long as it can be even a third of a second faster, it can directly break the game and break the current situation.


This third of a second is also impossible.

Because the other party obviously knows very well that as long as he slows down even a little bit of time, Bai Feng can no longer be trapped here, and it is even more impossible to kill him.

As a result, everything that happened next seemed to be reversed in time, and Bai Feng's body was once again thrown to the ground in the same way.

Bai Feng did not hesitate to blow up the wall of the sphere under him once again.

But this time, he just pretended to be.

After being thrown three times, it is impossible for Bai Feng to have a long memory. He pretended to destroy the wall of the sphere under his feet, but the real goal was the tall figure that appeared behind him.

According to the calculation of the previous three times, before the tall figure's palm fell, Bai Feng turned around like lightning, and the dark energy surged out, directly throwing the...


Bai Feng's pupils instantly widened.

That tall figure, this time, did not appear behind him at all.


Bai Feng didn't have time to think about it~www.readwn.com~ His dark energy perception and dark energy could not capture the exact dynamics of the other party. The other party did not appear behind him, which meant that he might appear anywhere.

So in this case...

must be avoided immediately...

And to avoid it in a direction other than instinct...

No, if you hide in the direction of instinctual evasion...

Thinking of this, Bai Feng immediately forcibly twisted the foot that had started to step to the left, and took a step to his right, but only felt a slight pain in his left body, he turned his head, and the tall robe figure appeared on his side. On the left side of the body, his palm was directly inserted into the left side of Bai Feng's body, and the two ribs were directly cut off.

If Bai Feng had just advanced to the left, what would be torn by this blade-like palm would be his heart.

Blood gushed out from Bai Feng's body, and Bai Feng's power swept across, tearing the figure apart again, but he stood in place and no longer acted rashly.



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