I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 64: High caste does not mean invincible

Remember [New] for a second,! Bai Feng was trapped, and his several attempts and efforts to break through in the spherical space inside the Rubik's Cube actually only happened in a few breaths, and the rhythm of the battle was unimaginably fast.

The battle between the upper castes was tense and cold.

At the same time, Su Chen was shooting an arrow at the sky.

His body fell, originally to avoid the big explosion or even the big annihilation that would happen next, but he didn't expect that Bai Feng's long-awaited thunderbolt turned into a squib, and the mechanical emperor moved with thunder and slammed the white Kaede swallowed it, and completed the reorganization at a terrifying speed in the sky.

Those nanostructures like black locusts are perfectly arranged in the starry sky. In a short period of time, most of the reorganization has been completed, and more than half of the Rubik's cube structure has been formed, and it has not forgotten the fallen Su Chen, "eat" Bai Feng. At the same time, the Rubik's Cube that was more than half reconstituted rotated and moved high in the sky—in fact, although it looked like it had rotated and moved, it was actually just a change in the order of the nanostructures that made up the Rubik's Cube, and the reorganized part was facing Su Chen's position , a door of heavy beam energy weapons rose high, and countless flickering beam energy rays penetrated the planet's atmosphere, chasing Su Chen.

And Su Chen also turned the analytical power into an arrow at the same time, and once again shot an arrow into the sky.

The arrow of analytical power, facing the high caste, can be said to be effective in a single blow. The analytical power is particularly interested in the high caste, but it is not necessarily limited to the mechanical emperor. Therefore, Su Chen specially separates a consciousness and connects a line The analytic power of the shape, followed by the pale arrow soared into the sky, the moment it came into contact with the nano-rubik's cube structure of the Mechanical Emperor, the pale arrow was directly blown up, turned into the power of matter, and turned this nano-cube into one in the universe. Super cube chocolate the size of a star!

Although the power of analysis cannot automatically annihilate it, but with the power of objects, Su Chen can also guarantee that he will die when he touches it!

Su Chen could also draw Bai Feng's thinking and judgment, so he was anxious, for fear that the Great Mechanical Emperor would really kill Bai Feng in its structure.

And this pale arrow pierced through the air at the speed of light, Su Chen's consciousness couldn't keep up with the speed of its running, but the mechanical emperor reacted.

In other words, it made a pre-judgment in advance.

In the heavy artillery matrix on the front of the Rubik's Cube facing Su Chen, countless sucker-shaped structures are hidden in the gaps of the beam energy heavy artillery. As Su Chen draws the bow, they light up at the same time, and the analytical power is like a broken bamboo. Once encountering an insurmountable enemy, the invisible gravity builds a steel-like defense at this moment.

Before the analytical force could touch the opponent, it was "shocked" by gravity in mid-air.

The intensity of this round of gravitational turbulence is far greater than before. In Su Chen's dark energy perception, he can even clearly feel that the atmosphere of the planet where the World Tree is located is rolling and purging like a boil.

The use of basic gravity has reached an unimaginable level.

The Mechanical Emperor had a prediction, and Su Chen also had his own prediction. Before he shot, he had already thought of the possibility of missing, so the Pale Arrow let go, and his body moved, rising into the sky from the side in an arc. To detour to the other half of the Rubik's cube that has not yet been put together, and then look for opportunities.

At this moment, he is more focused on two purposes, and part of it is used to control the analytical force suppressed by the iron curtain-like gravitational force to travel at the speed of light within the range of its gravitational change zone, exerting pressure on the Mechanical Emperor, and he has moved to the Rubik's Cube Unfinished side.

The cube structure of the Rubik's Cube has been reorganized by more than half at this time, but the Mechanic Emperor does not seem to plan to reconstruct the Rubik's Cube structure. Except for the Rubik's Cube structure that faced Su Chen and the planet, the rest is turning into an unprecedented one. The heavy artillery, the light condensed, and the tip was aimed at the world tree at the foot, obviously wanting to hit the planet one by one with one shot.

At this moment, Su Chen came to the top of the heavy artillery that had not yet been formed, and a thunderbolt struck—

was blocked.

Su Chen's blood-colored crystal sword stopped in front of a hand.

The tall figure in robe appeared in front of Su Chen again.

He raised his head, the perfect face that didn't look like a real human "looked" at Su Chen, the information spread out from every corner of its body, became words, broke into Su Chen's dark energy perception, and was caught by Su Chen. Captured in the morning.

That was him talking to Su Chen: "Humans are really amazing creatures - your power is very strange, I have never seen it before, you can make a mere sixth caste have power comparable to the top of the starry sky, but you are not the top of the starry sky. You are not At the top of the starry sky, you can't beat me."

The moment the voice fell, his other hand was pushed forward flatly.

An invisible force slammed into Su Chen's chest, Su Chen's body retreated like a cannonball, and all his internal organs were shaken.

But in his current state, the trauma of his body is nothing at all. He roared, and the analytical power came out, but his body fell, and he continued to charge forward from the other direction.


The tall figure stood in front of him again precisely, and his message contained a sarcasm: "Do you understand? High caste does not mean invincibility, and great power cannot bring you Invincible success.

"I have no dark energy, I have no caste.

"I can be stronger than you.

"I even have the ability to kill you in seconds."

With that said, the tall figure raised his hand again and snapped his fingers silently in midair.

This silent snap of fingers brought sound.

In an instant, there was no sign of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, and there was no warning about the power of dark energy perception and analysis. Su Chen only felt a bang in his mind, his head was about to explode almost instantly, and his brain was about to explode. boiling.

Fortunately, his analytical power swept across at the speed of light, protecting his entire body, while his body retreated violently.

If he is just an ordinary sixth caste, it is very likely that the other party will directly blow his head to pieces on the spot, and all his brains will evaporate directly.

For the sixth caste, unless its life form is special, it is almost the same as death.

Moreover, being able to directly hit and destroy the body of the sixth caste in this way is a very difficult and incredible thing in itself.

As a sixth caste, Su Chen is no longer completely dependent on the brain, heart and other vital organs, but the moment his brain almost burst, it still has a huge impact on him. When he retreats, he directly withdraws from a distance of thousands of meters. , Dark Energy repairs the brain frantically, and his thinking even has frequent short-circuit interruptions like a downtime.

Su Chen's seven orifices were bleeding, his eyes were blood red, and he stared at the huge advanced cube Rubik's Cube that was still steadily reorganizing.

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