Remember [New] for a second,! Su Chen is calming down.

His ideology is still very fragile, and he has not yet reached the point where he can leave his material organs. If his material organs are damaged, he can rest, but if it is completely finished, Su Chen can't create it, and his ideology can't do anything about it. The "soul" came out of the body, allowing the conscious Jin Chan to escape from the shell or even change a body to use it.

That should be a realm that can only be achieved at a higher level. Su Chen can't do it. Maybe with the help of analytical power, he can do it, but he doesn't know how to use it.

At this time, with the gradual recovery of the brain, Su Chen realized the entire process of the blow just now.

The blow just now was actually the same as the gravitational force Su Chen faced before. It was a simple ultrasonic resonance. Under the same frequency resonance, it could directly shatter Su Chen's head, making Su Chen's head seem to be crushed by a car. It exploded like a broken watermelon, and the brain inside boiled and evaporated.

The other party used the atomized nanoparticle structure to form a connecting channel directly to Su Chen, thus providing a channel for this power user.

The most basic feature of this Rubik's Cube's structure is to ignore dark energy and dark energy perception, which Su Chen had already learned when he first encountered the first steel monster in Chaos Star Field.

But that doesn't mean Su Chen can be wary.

Because the dark energy perception that surrounds the whole body is a defense, but its effect is not so great when Su Chen is unconscious and Su Chen does not control himself, just as the dark energy control of the fourth caste is only for creatures lower than their realm. It is the same as a god-like power, and its auxiliary role is greater in combat at the same level or even at a high level.

Whether the opponent's gravity or the ultrasonic wave just now, it is not impossible to defend against, but the opponent's attack is a pre-judgment, and sufficient advance and pre-judgment and calculation have been made. Every landing point and position of Su Chen is in the It is in the calculation, so the shot can be so accurate and effective.

Its computing power is thousands of times that of Su Chen. This "Mechanical Emperor" even found himself by himself, relying on the dust and matter collected from the starry sky.

Fighting for calculation, fighting the rhythm of fighting, it is impossible to beat it.

Attacking doesn't make sense.

So what makes sense?

To change the way...attack in a way it has not seen...understood...

Su Chen gritted his teeth, and he clenched the blood-colored crystal sword in his hand.

In the distance, the huge Rubik's Cube is reorganizing once again magnificently. Its heavy artillery has been completed. It points diagonally to the earth. Above the surface, the golden tree with branches and loose leaves is this space. The only target of the cannon.

Su Chen believes that this blow will directly penetrate the world tree, the planet, and the altar in all directions, giving the original life eternal freedom.

And after this series, Su Chen looked at it, his mind was spinning, he was thinking, how can he kill this guy.

This so-called mechanical emperor has no dark energy, and is not a dark energy creature. It is created by pure machinery and technology, but it is more powerful than dark energy creatures.

Its combat power seems to have passed the threshold of the so-called **** level of the ninth caste.

How did this silicon-based life come about? How did it grow to where it is today? Silicon-based life, without taking the road of dark energy, can actually achieve such a powerful combat power of a single unit?

This thing is a real monster.

So, **** it?

Su Chen oscillated with dark energy waves: "You seem to despise dark energy creatures—then why do you still save the original life below?"

The form of the mechanical emperor floating in the starry sky has not dissipated. The human being composed of microscopic machinery looks lifelike from the outside, and it is no different from the real person. At this moment, it stands on the platform above the cannon, like a majestic emperor. The strange thing is that , Su Chen just suffered a heavy blow, and retreated thousands of meters all the way. It did not attack, but was still far away, near the Rubik's Cube.

Hearing the words at this time, it said, "I don't look down on any life. You still have a chance. Turn around and leave now. I can spare your life, but your companion must die."

It sounds like kindness, but Su Chen feels that it is not so.

There is no creature in the universe that would be kind to the existence of non-me races, such a terrible silicon-based life is even more impossible, stupid benevolent people have long since died, and it is impossible to grow to this level today.

Just like Su Chen himself, if he didn't have that selfishness and cruelty, how could he have gone from being an experiment to becoming an awakened person, and then from the awakened person to today?

Su Chen realized that it wasn't sure to kill himself either.

He retreated violently, and the Great Mechanical Emperor did not chase him. Obviously, he felt that chasing him would be risky.

Although Su Chen is only the sixth caste, his analytical power and the power of the ninth domain are also extremely dangerous for the Great Mechanical Emperor, so it does not want to fight Su Chen, so it hopes that Su Chen "rescue", But it was different for Bai Feng.

It is sure to kill Bai Feng.

Thinking of this level, Su Chen didn't feel lucky, only horror.

Although Bai Feng can only be regarded as half of the top powerhouse, his combat power has actually exceeded the level of the ninth caste. It can be seen that the Fleet dares to fight against the emperor of the empire who can reach the ninth caste after wearing the Apocalypse Armament, but facing the wind and fleeing against Bai Feng.

But right now, killing Bai Feng by this mechanical emperor sounds extremely difficult, and there is not much risk.

How powerful should it be?

It does not have the top level of the starry sky, otherwise there is no need to hunt for such a primitive life that is not of its own race, but judging from the current situation, it is at least in the same realm as Bai Feng, but it is different from Bai Feng. It's not half-baked.

Su Chen tightly held the sword in his hand. UU reading

He can't go, and he doesn't want to go.

The World Tree said that the right to choose is in his hands, and what kind of choice may create what kind of result, this is Su Chen's choice.

If he wants to turn the tide, he has to fight here, fight on, and solve the problems of the original life and the mechanical emperor.


There is a way…

In the depths of the Rubik's Cube, in the spherical space, Bai Feng was struggling with the tall humanoid mechanical emperor.

The form of the mechanical emperor here did not talk to Bai Feng. Perhaps as Su Chen guessed, Bai Feng was sure to die in the eyes of the mechanical emperor, and he had nothing to say.

Bai Feng was miserable, because he couldn't defeat this figure, and said angrily: "Why are there so many anti-human forces, and each one is more powerful than the other, what about our human helpers? Why can't we see any of them at the critical moment!"

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