Remember [New] for a second,! Destruction comes in the next instant.

These four blows are observed on a macro scale, very much like an infrared light gun that Su Chen "remembered" when he was a child. It cost a few cents each, and by pressing the switch, a red dot can be hit on the object. If you look for a strange angle in a dusty space, you can observe it passing through a red light passing through the space, which looks like a laser, full of a wonderful sense of technology, Often make children linger, never get tired of watching.

Now Su Chen saw the light again.

Four at a time, it is thicker and heavier than the infrared light in Su Chen's memory. It seems that someone has thickened it with a scarlet brush, and the outline of the edge is still a little fuzzy, which looks a little distorted.

But they are no longer toys, but real hits.

The moment he saw it, Su Chen gave up his complete defense, because blocking the four paths could not be achieved at all, so he turned all his strength to intercept the one shot at the World Tree.

If there is any power that can stop the light on this battlefield, it is only Su Chen's analytical power.

Therefore, only his interception was successful.

Su Chen's analytical power collided with the blow just above the universe of the world tree planet. This time it was a magnificent "explosion", but it was not the explosion of the flame of destruction Su Chen was familiar with, but a piece of light. exploded.

The scarlet light particles collided with the analytical force of the planar interception, and they exploded into a ring of rippled particle apertures. This blow seemed to be a pure particle ray, but those particles were not light particles. The endless spread in the starry sky, collapsed in the blow and collision, like a handful of red beans, sprinkled in the starry sky.

As a result, the golden golden tree was covered with a touch of blood, revealing a somewhat desolate doomsday.

Su Chen's analytical power was being consumed violently like never before, but he didn't have time to realize it, and he didn't even have time to be lucky. He stopped the blow and immediately turned his head to look behind him.

He blocked one, and no one could stop the remaining three.

Bai Feng tried once, but although his power was domineering, he did not have the strength of analytical power. He tried to block it with the defensive net constructed by dark energy, but was pierced by three blows as if it had penetrated a piece of paper.

The scarlet rays penetrated the sky and the earth, came from three directions, and hit the huge satellite at the far end of the field of vision.

The satellite that kept falling towards the world tree and the planet was tragically penetrated like this.

But in fact, there were actually only two hits, and one of them missed strangely.

From the visual point of view, the blow must be able to hit, but at the last moment it is about to hit, it seems that the micro-scale variables under the macroscopic scale such as the rotation of the planet cause the blow to be completely missed, from the surface of the satellite It whistled past, continued to run at the speed of light, ran in a straight line against the far side of the starry sky, and shot towards the sun of the binary star system at a distant location.

Lu Anbang guessed wrongly. The targets of these three strikes were not Su Chen and Bai Feng. The closest one was about 100 kilometers away from the two of them. Such a distance is not suitable for precise macro-scale strikes. , it is too far.

Therefore, the target of these three strikes is the "Holy Moon".

Su Chen also realized this, and at the same time more uneasiness and abnormality rose in his heart.

Why is there only one blow of the Ray World Tree?

The remaining three are going to hit that satellite?


Su Chen raised his head for the first time, wanting to observe the result of the blow.

But the scarlet scene began to emerge in his eyes, and the world in front of him was overwhelmed by a sudden darkness.

It was pure, deep darkness.

There was something moving through the darkness, rustling across the vegetation in the dark.

It was the sound of dry grass being tossed.

Here, is an endless dark wasteland.

Su Chen, here again.

But Su Chen was not surprised or disturbed. It seemed that he had already anticipated the scene in front of him and expected that he would appear here.

So he appeared here in the blink of an eye, his face was calm, his breathing was steady, and he stood motionless.

He could feel that the "hunter" was wandering around, and it was smelling something - when Su Chen recklessly used the power of the ninth domain in the starry sky, using analytical power, physical power and magic transformation When using strength to fight against the Great Mechanical Emperor and those high-level blows, it is like he is holding up a torch and lighting up the light in this dark wasteland.

And that, will eventually attract hunters.

It will bring Su Chen here along the light, so as to find and facilitate its hunting.

This means that the efficacy of the "painkillers" that Yuan Sheng gave Su Chen had been completely exhausted.

Using power again, Su Chen's situation will further deteriorate.

Standing in this wasteland, Su Chen seemed to have quickly pulled away from the critical battlefield. He listened to the rustling sounds around him, put his hands in his pockets, and looked up at the sky.

He hasn't found him yet, he doesn't need to run now, it's better to enjoy the short-lived peace on the battlefield here.

This is not because Su Chen is not anxious about the situation on the battlefield, but he is very clear that since he is standing in this dark wasteland, it is useless to be anxious, and random actions can only bring bad results.

His "illness" was getting worse, but he couldn't stop using his powers now.

He has to solve the problem.

Su Chen's heart was extraordinarily peaceful.

Although he looked up at the sky, in a world of darkness, no matter which direction he looked in, there was actually only pure darkness in his eyes. Without light, it was impossible to see anything.

So Su Chen began to think about some other questions.

Is he acting stupid?

Knowing that it was the original life, he still pretended not to know how to cooperate with it, but just hoped to use its power to help himself solve the power of the ninth domain, and now it is like this.


Who knew then that things would turn out like this?

Not only did it fail to solve the problem for it seemed to make the situation worse.

Su Chen suddenly smiled lightly.

He realized that he seemed to have given himself an afterthought.

This seems a bit ridiculous, not like what a sixth caste across the sky should do.

But isn't that what people are?

stupid human.

If he did it again, Su Chen felt that he would make the same choice.

Because who would want to give up the chance to live?

When you only have the life-saving straw in front of you, even if grabbing that straw is to fall into a deeper trap...

Then can you not catch it?



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