I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 74: see the sun again

Remember [New] for a second,! The invitation from the dark world did not last long.

Su Chen stood calmly in the wasteland. When he left, the hunter who was looking for in the dark couldn't find his location.

This time, they did not confront each other.

Immediately afterwards, the world in front of Su Chen brightened.

The interaction and transformation between the two are gradual and blurred, just like in a slideshow, one interface is gradually replaced by another interface, and the two even blend for a small moment during the alternating process, light and shadow. Overlapped, the dark and real universes are indistinguishable from each other, as if the two were to merge with each other, and as if they were originally things on the same level.

But Su Chen still remembers that when he was on the battlefield of Basalom, he entered this dark wasteland for the first time. , for this reason, he once thought that he was killed by the secondary life and entered the afterlife world.

but now--

The line between his entry into the dark wasteland and being in the real universe is blurring as he enters more and more often.

It's like an increase in infection.

The darkness faded like a tide, Su Chen raised his head, and the first thing he saw was a glowing planet.

During the time spent in the dark wasteland, the external time also flows. As long as Su Chen stayed inside, he spent as long as possible outside. Although the process this time was not long, Su Chen estimated in his heart that At least half a minute.

Half a minute, in normal times, can't do anything, and it will even be ignored by many people, but on such a high-level battlefield, half a minute means a lot of changes.

When Su Chen observed again, the battlefield here had undergone a lot of changes and had become somewhat "unfamiliar".

He missed a lot of opportunities.

The power of Bai Feng and Su Chen turned to intercept the blows, which gave the Great Mechanical Emperor a chance to escape, and Su Chen disappeared, leaving Bai Feng without much power to intercept this powerful silicon-based life.

At this time, in the corner, part of the structure of the Great Mechanic had successfully escaped from the power control area of ​​Su Chen and Bai Feng, and was reorganized in the distant starry sky, turning it into a very small Rubik's Cube.

Of course, this "small" is also relatively speaking. The Rubik's Cube structure it forms now is not much smaller than before, but it is still as big as a modern human high-rise building, a humanoid structure simulated by a mechanical emperor. It stood on it, its eyes moved, and it was frantically looking at the far end of the starry sky.

That is where the so-called sacred moon of the forest people is.

The planet where the world tree is located is the closest and most dangerous planet to it.

Just now, the planet was hit by three rays of destruction from three directions.

A blow of that scale was powerful enough to blow this fragile rocky planet into scum flying in the stars.

But the so-called "Holy Moon" was not destroyed.

After half a minute, when Su Chen returned to this starry sky, the three blows had just ended. They hit the planet and penetrated the bottom layer, causing the surface of the satellite to crack like broken porcelain. Come, the earth on its surface cracked open piece by piece and fell from space, revealing the magnificent crystalline structure beneath it.

Those crystalline structures are perfect and delicate, like the handicrafts carved out by the gods in the universe. They are scattered under the rock layer on the surface of the planet and deeper. The three rays that penetrate the starry sky are in the middle of its largest The location of the three parts did not destroy them, but activated them, making these dazzling structures emit a perfect refraction as if they were alive.

And it was their existence that kept this satellite from being destroyed by the three extremely powerful blows.

And these crystalline structures are like some kind of life at the same time, because the fragments buried deep in the ground each extend some branches and structures like human blood vessels or nervous systems, spreading under the ground, Usually they are almost invisible, until today, when the bottom layer was smashed and penetrated, they finally saw the light of day.

This satellite is like a strange life, with blood vessels and organs all over the place, and the light emitted in the starry sky is its breathing and pulsation.

And this scene, Su Chen is too familiar.

This is the original life.

The picture he once saw with the help of the thinking river of the world tree under the planet under his feet is almost the same as the picture he sees on this satellite now.

It's just that the primordial stones scattered all over this satellite are even larger and more terrifying than what Su Chen suppressed on the planet where the World Tree is located.

It seems to be a primitive stone the size of half a moon. It was broken by someone, divided, sealed and suppressed on the two planets, so as to disperse his power.

This is almost exactly the same as dismemberment in the human sense, but the difference is that human beings are dismembered and face only death, while the original life is dismembered and divided, it is only suppressed, He is still alive, and even uses it for thousands of years. time to erode and devour everything that suppressed him.

Now, at last, He can see the sun again.

Why is only this satellite closest to the main planet where the world tree is located, and why this satellite has been "working hard" to fall to the main planet under its feet.

The answer is revealed now.

Because the original life wants to become one.

The majestic power is spreading out in the starry sky~www.readwn.com~ It is the power expansion in an unconscious state, and the expansion of this power alone has made the galaxy tremble.

Su Chen could feel that a dark and incomprehensible force swept across the starry sky, shaking like a ripple, and everything it swept across was withering, Su Chen suddenly felt a sense of dead silence, as if he had a momentary It is about to be swallowed up by the dark atmosphere of this withering and die together.

Su Chen hurriedly turned the analytical power to stick to the source to keep the ripples, and he noticed that the power that Bai Feng was still fighting against the mechanical emperor was withdrawn like an electric shock at this moment, and he did his best to stick to the source, but it was Lu Anbang in the drop-shaped spaceship. There was no feeling, but the water drop-shaped spaceship itself issued a series of alarms, almost piercing Lu Anbang's eardrums.

And at their feet, the grand golden tree began to wither at this moment.

The splendid golden Sogo began to dim at this moment. Countless trees and golden leaves that had just sprung and sprouted lost their luster and fell. On the ground, the remaining creatures that survived the fire and the earthquake seemed to be breathed out by the breath of fire. Now, they withered and died, and even the people of the Forest Clan grew old and died. Fortunately, the trunk of the World Tree shed a ray of light, which prevented the Forest Clan from being wiped out!



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