Remember [New] for a second,! When the dismembered body of the original life was exposed in the starry sky, in this starry sky battlefield, except for him, no one's power and breath can dominate.

Su Chen's analytical power and Bai Feng's power can only be reversed. Only the structure of the mechanical emperor's silicon-based life covered with the starry sky trembled with excitement, and the vibration gave a trembling compliment. It was a peculiar message in human language. When translated, it looks very numb: "Master Yan, I welcome your return, the gods of the old days have passed away, and they are no longer honored, and there are few top stars in the sky, your return coincides with the fact-this is your era, the villain has been for thousands of years. , finally successfully found you, woke you up, the villain is willing to be your **** and serve you!"

The Mechanic Emperor, who was so domineering in front of Su Chen and Bai Feng just now, now behaves like a different person in front of Yuan Sheng, like a flatterer who has been immersed in it for many years.

But in the universe, most of the strong are like this.

It is true that the strong have their own pride, but whose pride and domineering will be written on their faces? Those are things that are hidden in the heart, and are reflected through trivial matters or key matters. In most cases, the more powerful the existence, the more smooth and accidental.

The words of the Great Mechanical Emperor, using his own dispersed nanostructures as a medium unit, wished that the entire starry sky could hear it, and naturally it also made Su Chen and others hear it clearly.

When Su Chen heard this, he realized that the four blows just now were not some incredible opponents and peerless powerhouses, but that was also the arrangement of this silicon-based life.

Before it came here to shoot, it had already prepared those four strikes. No matter whether its shot here was successful or not, whether it was blocked or not, in the end, its strikes would hit, and its light-speed attacks could only be hit by Predicting in advance or being discovered on the road, Su Chen and Bai Feng obviously do not have that kind of thinking and ability.

This blow is not impossible to guard against, it is impossible for them to guard against it.

After all, it's still a chess move.

It was only a matter of time before they succeeded.

Killing the Great Mechanical Emperor and suppressing the original life with the help of the world tree, even if the original life is already on the verge of breaking the town, they can at least seal her for at least another hundred years!

And a hundred years is enough for a lot of change.

Su Chen's heart was a little unwilling, but such emotions only flashed in his heart.

It is not yet the end, the battle is not over, they still have a chance.

Even though Su Chen faced the aura of the expansion of the original life at this moment, he also felt a deep sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart.

Because that's a god-like power.

He didn't make a move, there was no fluctuation, just the expansion of his breath, and all kinds of things fell down in front of him.

Even he and Bai Feng felt only the deepest terror in front of this kind of power.

Yep, it's horror.

In that dark atmosphere, Su Chen experienced unprecedented terror.

That is the top star.

Unlike the ninth caste, He is the true God.

In this side of the universe and the starry sky, it is recognized that the most powerful existence, even a civilization like the Tandan people, is as weak as an ant in front of him - powerful as a Tandan person, and even wants to rely on him, Just now, Su Chen and Bai Feng joined forces to take down the Great Mechanical Emperor, and even more so, he had to bow his head in front of him.

The tree of the world began to wither.

The just-great golden tree will also bow its head in front of him.

It was only at this time that Su Chen realized that the World Tree was not only resisting the physical disaster of the satellite falling to the ground, but also the possibility of combining the bodies of the original beings on the two planets.

And that, perhaps, is his real breaking town.

Su Chen's brain was thinking fast, and at this moment, Bai Feng suddenly fluctuated and said: "Do you think something is wrong? Why doesn't he speak, and he doesn't respond to the pug mechanical emperor, so why doesn't he kill us? I look down on it. Us?"

Bai Feng was obviously deeply troubled by the previous humiliation by the Great Mechanical Emperor, and at this time he thought that the original life was humiliating them.

But this sentence pulled Su Chen back from his brief self-decadence.

He suddenly realized.

This original life may not have completely broken the town!

Not to mention anything else, although the gloomy aura just now revealed a kind of power that dominates the world, in essence, it still happened in an unconscious state, and it was not guided by any power.

Moreover, if this original life was broken, wouldn't he have died a long time ago just with the combat power shown by this breath?

Su Chen's thinking is different from Bai Feng's. He has been fighting these high-level beings for a long time. He understands these powerhouses better than Bai Feng. If this original being wakes up and can kill him and Bai Feng, it will definitely kill them in an instant!

The advanced powerhouses in the starry sky, unless they have special hatred or other emotions and purposes, how can they kill their own enemies without killing them?

In the tree of the world, when the original life did not use Su Chen, it was also a sudden killer. Since then, unless it is necessary, except that Su Chen used his analytical power to fight against him, he never said a word to Su Chen. !

In fact, the mechanical emperor's shot against Bai Feng is not a humiliation, but it calculates the best way to kill Bai Feng, but Bai Feng has very little experience, and he did not grow up a little bit. This lack of information and Relevant knowledge, which leads to wrong judgments.

But Bai Feng's doubts made Su Chen's heart skip a beat!

The original life did not kill them instantly, they are still alive now, there is only one possibility!

This original life has not come to life completely!

Why didn't you come alive?

Then we need to ask why the body of this original life should be divided into two and hidden in two planets. What is the benefit of this?

Is it camouflage?

Maybe there is...

However, it seems that the original life of the satellite has more body parts, purer and stronger power, but the world tree is not rooted on the satellite but on the main planet? Or, isn't the body and power of these original life suppressed on the main planet?

There must be a reason why the main planet suppressed by the World Tree has only that original…


Su Chen suddenly realized that the most critical reason for splitting the original life into two and suppressing it in two stars was to separate his body and consciousness!

Inside the satellite of the "Holy Moon" is the body and absolute power of the original life.

Under the suppression of the World Tree, it is the consciousness of the original life.

Without consciousness, his body and strength are just a shell.

Suppressing the conscious soul is more important than suppressing its body and strength.

Therefore, the world tree is rooted on the main planet.

Now the original life has broken the town, but it has not broken the town!

They...have a chance!



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