Remember [New] for a second,! Is there anything better in this world than having a chance?

As long as there is still a chance.

There is no failure.

The mechanical emperor is revelling, and this top powerhouse can't wait to celebrate with the crown and celebrate the arrival of the original life.

Su Chen didn't know why it was so excited, the original life was not the same as it, as if seeing it dissatisfied, crushing it was just like strangling an ant.

But he knew.

You must make your own choice.

The world tree and the moment he said have come.

The golden light of the World Tree has dimmed, and between Amano, the pale-white analytical power rolled back.

He has already begun to break the town.

The body is liberated, and the World Tree no longer has the ability to suppress him.

Su Chen is not the top star in the sky, but this does not prevent him from seeing the situation on the battlefield.

On the battlefield at the moment, people are divided. Bai Feng is a few hundred kilometers away from Su Chen. He chased after the escaped Mechanical Emperor, and the Mechanical Emperor is still more than ten kilometers away from Bai Feng. The distance is even farther from Su Chen's position.

Bai Feng stared at the satellite that had broken and revealed its original life in shock, which was in stark contrast to the excitement of the mechanical emperor.

The drop-shaped spaceship was under Su Chen's feet, close to the atmosphere of the huge planet under his feet, and its silver surface was slightly illuminated by the dim golden light.

Is Lu Anbang in it also staring at the sky?

Su Chen didn't know.

He just looked up slowly, slowly.

The moment shown by the World Tree has finally arrived.

At this moment, what can stop him?

What else can stop an original life that is about to break the town?

Is it Bai Feng?

world tree?

Do not.

The answer had already emerged in Su Chen's heart.

He lowered his head slowly and slowly, savoring the dark atmosphere sweeping through the space, and watching the pale power circulating in his palm.

Analytical power.

He has to make a choice.

Choose what price he wants to pay.

In the Ring of Anoir, the power of analysis is flowing out more and more.

more and more……

That pale flash is becoming more and more flamboyant.

Reflected in Su Chen's pupils, it was as grand as the fire of the scorching sun.

At the end of the flame, there seemed to be a twisted and terrifying monster, howling frantically.

He made mistakes to live.

Now, he will pay the price for a more meaningful choice than living.

Have a chance and never fail.




A hundred kilometers away, Bai Feng suddenly turned his head.

At that moment, he heard Su Chen's voice.

Su Chen's voice, through the power of analysis, rang out in his ears.

"Help me sweep the formation, Bai Feng."

This is a very common sentence. During this period of time, Bai Feng fought side by side with Su Chen countless times. It was different from fighting side by side before.

But Bai Feng is such a keen person, he immediately noticed the unusualness in Su Chen's voice.

However, when Bai Feng turned around, he only saw a dazzling flash of light.

The power of analysis lit up from the end of the world, leading the lonely figure forward, shooting towards the sky, the battlefield, and the original life.

Before everyone could react, Su Chen had already hit the stars of the Holy Moon like a cannonball.

He landed on a huge primordial stone.

The original stone was crystal clear and flawless, as if it was a perfect handicraft carefully carved by the God of the Universe. Even if it was half-buried in rocks and soil, it would still be difficult to conceal its dazzling brilliance. At this moment, Su Chen fell on it. Right above, and then... let out that silent roar in the vacuum.

Outside of his body, the power of analysis has never been more flamboyant.

That's all his analytical power.

At this moment, Su Chen had no more reservations, the analytical power in the Ring of Anovar burst out, and the bronze and dark circles burst open with shocking cracks, as if unable to withstand the flood of analytical power at this moment like a surge.

In the darkness on the side of the Ring of Anova, the darkness entrenched in the corner of the shadow is like a living creature, as if afraid of it and afraid of him, it began to retreat, began to retreat.

Su Chen's body brightened like a new star.

In his eyes, infinite light shone brightly.

Infinite light brightens up.

He became a white sun on the battlefield.

As if to reflect him, a star in the binary star system suddenly shattered at a farther star position - it was a scarlet ray from the Mechanical Emperor, penetrating through the void, and hitting the star a few minutes later, It was penetrated and destroyed, and the grand light took a few minutes to bring the information of the destruction of the stars here, which became an unprecedented and brilliant background on the battlefield of this side.

Against this background, Su Chen raised the blood-colored crystal sword in his hand.

At that moment, he seemed to hear the screams of countless souls, and the analytical power spread layer by layer, following Su Chen's body, covering his arms and covering the sword in his hand.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but at that moment, many figures appeared around Su Chen again. Some of them were familiar to Su Chen, and some were strangers to Su Chen.

Some of them wanted to hold Su Chen, and some put their arms on Su Chen's.

There was no one on the satellite, but there were thousands of people around Su Chen.

Standing in the position closest to Su Chen was Hana Nakajima.

The woman put her white palm on Su Chen's wrist and shook her head gently at him, her lips squirming, as if she was silently telling him not to do this.

But Su Chen only smiled slightly.

Under the wrapping of analytical power, the blood-colored crystal sword has turned a shocking pale color.

Immediately after the sword turned around.

At that moment, the voice of the original life sounded in his ears: "You can't kill me, human, you do this, it is the way to die. We can talk - we can talk!"

He is recovering, and His voice penetrates the earth and the stars, resounding beside Su Chen.

The darkness spreads in Su Chen's eyes. The dark wasteland is intertwined with the real world. I don't know if it is an illusion. At the end of the dark wasteland, I don't know when a golden tree has grown, swaying in the dark world.

It seemed to be the gaze of the tree of the world.

It asked softly, "Is this your choice?"

Su Chen replied calmly: "I'm very lucky, I'm very lucky, I still have a choice."

Cut off the blood-colored crystal sword in his hand.

The blood-colored crystal surrounded by pale-white analytical power descended all the way down, like cutting a piece of tofu, and penetrated into the original stone under the feet.



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