Remember [New] for a second,! Standing above the sky, within the universe, Su Chen once again saw the flowing river of thinking.

At this moment, in his field of vision, there seems to be no distinction or clear boundary between reality and illusion, consciousness and entity.

The dark wasteland has long been connected to the real universe in his eyes.

At this moment, the world of the World Tree consciousness is also emerging in his real vision, overlapping with the surrounding universe and the dark wasteland, like a picture composed of several picture puzzles.

The four-dimensional river is withering and drying up, starting from its invisible end, disappearing little by little. At the beginning, it was the end of a pale green color, which seemed to be the color of the world tree when it was just born, and then it became prosperous. The greenery, and then a little bit of desolation in the greenery - that seems to be what the World Tree looked like when it first came to this planet, and then, everything gradually changed, and green filled the world again.

And then those greens were gone too.

The fire of destruction is the subject of the river of thought.

Su Chen was a little moved. He wanted to see what the flames in the river of thinking looked like, where the flames burned, and where and who would be burned by the fire. Ash.

But this time, he couldn't move forward, couldn't touch the river of thinking, and couldn't see the future scene that happened or deduced in reality.

He is now a complete spectator, watching the annihilation of this river of thought.

And that also means the annihilation of the World Tree.

Su Chen felt some guilt and regret in his heart, but those voices turned into some kind of longing in the end.

A voice rose in Su Chen's heart, telling him that he could go forward and eat the river that had not completely disappeared.

Su Chen knew who it was, so he didn't move.

He is still conscious now.

He also knew who he was, and he knew what he was doing.

So he just watched silently.

He realized that he didn't have time to watch its annihilation.

The magnificent power is rising on the battlefield, and the condensed people and the fish-like fleet are surprisingly consistent at this time. They have given up fighting and confrontation, but chose to jump away one after another.

From the beginning to the end, they never tried to communicate with Su Chen, and even the people from Sawahe did not send another message to Su Chen and the others.

When Su Chen suppressed the original life, they were silent.

Now, Su Chen took the initiative to let go of the original life, and they were also silent.

Su Chen made a deal with Yuan Sheng, a deal that says hello to me, but everyone is not necessarily a good deal.

However, in this universe, besides you and me, where else is there "everyone"?

Of course, Su Chen's transaction does not include the original life to help him eliminate the power of the ninth domain, because that is impossible, and Su Chen has already thought about this before everything has reached this stage. .

The strength of the ninth domain is his bargaining chip at the negotiating table.

Without a bargaining chip, there is no right to speak.

Without the qualifications to speak, it will become a fish and a knife to be slaughtered by others.

To let other people at the negotiating table remove the power of the ninth domain for oneself, that is stupidity among stupidity, and an act of suicide.

Therefore, this matter was not brought up in the transaction at all.

At the last glance, Su Chen saw some kind of greenness flashing in the river of thinking, and the greenness carried a message that didn't enter Su Chen's heart, so he withdrew his gaze and flew to Bai Feng.

At this moment, the confrontation just now in this starry sky has completely collapsed. The breath of the original life is being revived along with the decline of the World Tree, and the Sifang Altars deeply buried in the earth are collapsing one after another, turning into ashes.

The fleet on the side of the condensed people was scattered, and most of the many powerful civilizations and fleets that were neutral "onlookers" also made the same choice, and only a few remained.

The fleet on the Gangtandan side completely stopped moving, and its fleet was lined up around the starry sky without any movement, neither blocking the departure of the civilized fleets such as the condensate, nor against Su Chen and others here. shot.

They seem to be protecting the revival of original life, or simply expressing piety in this way.

It is worth mentioning that the mechanical emperor who just "disappeared and ran" is back. When it debuted, it was still domineering. The star gate was opened, and the huge nano-mechanical cube jumped out of the star gate, like an emperor. , but even it came to worship the original life.

It didn't go far, it was just observing the situation. Now that the situation was better, it came back immediately. Moreover, from a certain point of view, it was the biggest contributor to the destruction of the original life in this battle, because it was the only one who played the The existence of the key move will surely become the right-hand man of the original life!

But Su Chen didn't stay any longer. He boarded the drop-shaped spaceship and glanced at Bai Feng.

In fact, the barrage of information bombardment sent by Bai Feng to Su Chen has not been responded to yet. In fact, since just now, Su Chen has not said a word to him in any form to Bai Feng.

But Bai Feng still saw what Su Chen meant from this look.

Bai Feng was actually a little unclear, but he returned to the drop-shaped spaceship for the first time. When the three of them arrived, their spaceship started immediately, jumped directly, and disappeared into the starry sky, without any obstruction.

They may be relatively important to the Tandan people, but they are not that important. In the priority, the original life is still the most important existence here.

The emergence of a top star in the sky is enough to change a lot of patterns and bring about a lot of changes.

Especially for the current Tandan people, they have been blocked into a dead end by the Condensers, but now, once the original life returns, their situation will be completely reversed, and the Tandans will make a comeback, while the Condensers Will flee in a hurry.

The scene just now is a portrayal of the future.

Condensate and other fleets left without In this starry sky, the tree of the world is withering, the flames above the sacred moon are gradually becoming a prairie prairie, and the entire planet is gradually turning into one in the starry sky. A huge fireball is like a new sun, and the boundless power begins to rise and become stronger and stronger.

The ground collapsed, and the primordial stone in the core was slowly rising, with innumerable crystalline structures.

Countless races and civilizations who stayed here silently watched the scene in front of them. Countless Tandan people were also rarely excited and excited at this moment.

Almighty God is about to revive.

And here, all worship and fear His servants.

But in the corner of this starry sky, there is still a spaceship that has not left.

The death ship did not leave, and they remained motionless, as if waiting for the resurrection of the original life.

This is a pilgrimage in the stars.



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