I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 84: return journey

Remember [New] for a second,! One of the benefits of the universe is that when you leave the battlefield and jump away, for a moment of light-years, everything that happened next where you were before has nothing to do with you in that moment.

This is a sense of detachment from organisms on a macro scale.

The same is true for Su Chen and others. When they boarded the drop-shaped spaceship and jumped away, the planet, the endless fleet and the original life disappeared from sight, and they seemed to have been pulled out of that trouble. , The tense atmosphere seems to have calmed down in an instant, and even the threat just now does not seem to exist.

On the way back, the water drop-shaped spaceship was extraordinarily "quiet".

No one spoke, no one spoke.

There were only Su Chen, Bai Feng and Lu Anbang in the spaceship.

Su Chen stood in the corner, motionless, the lights in the drop-shaped spaceship had no blind spots, even if Su Chen stood in the corner, his face was all reflected brightly, like a patient standing under the shadowless lamp. And his pure black eyes also looked a little terrifying, like one of the strange-shaped ghosts in horror movies—the kind with bigger black eyes.

But for some reason, Su Chen didn't speak.

Lu Anbang couldn't see Su Chen's state, and he didn't quite understand why Su Chen didn't speak, but what he didn't quite understand was why Bai Feng didn't speak.

Lu Anbang felt that there should be too much to say at this time, and the only thing that should not appear is silence and "quietness".

Bai Feng sat beside Lu Anbang.

Bai Feng, who was always able to talk non-stop on weekdays, was silent at this time. He sat there with his head down and fiddled with something. He seemed to be operating the spaceship. say.

But Lu Anbang is very clear that this spacecraft is an autopilot system and can be called a one-stop service. Where does it need to be operated?

And besides knowing the basic driving of this spaceship, where did Bai Feng learn other operations?

Su Chen didn't know why he didn't speak, and Bai Feng didn't want to speak.

Although Lu Anbang couldn't understand the root cause of it, he had lived for so many years and was not a fool. He could see that this was the result of a major problem, but unfortunately, Lu Anbang couldn't guess that it was a problem. Whatever the big problem, he had no choice but to remain silent.

But the journey is not long.

With the lifting of the crackdown, the coordinates of the planet where the World Tree was located were completely exposed, and their return journey was no longer so cumbersome. It didn't take long before they arrived outside the huge star of Galefa-1.

Seeing a familiar planet in front of them, the people in the spaceship did not have much joy in returning home.

At this time, Lu Anbang was the first to break the silence and said, "What's the situation now? Su Chen, what happened to you? Bai Feng, why didn't you speak, don't be busy, our spaceship has stopped, what's the matter? Does the system need you to operate?"

Lu Anbang couldn't take it anymore.

He can be silent, but he doesn't like this kind of unexplained silence, and in his opinion, everyone is a brother. If there is any problem, you can talk and solve it together. If you don't talk now, what is the situation?

He thought so and said so.

After saying these words, Bai Feng and Su Chen were still silent, both of them were chattering, as if immersed in their own world, he continued: "What's going on! Isn't it? Has the original life destroyed the town? The soldiers will block the water and the soil. Haven’t our federation already started the retreat plan? Now hurry up and run away! If there is something, tell us, let’s solve it together, if it’s a big deal, we will die together. How?"

Lu Anbang looked very dashing. Although it was dashing and dashing, this sentence seemed to have an effect.

Bai Feng said impatiently: "What's the noise? I'm not sending a message to Xiao Ping. He quickly started the escape plan at the high speed, and dragged his family to run away quickly? I don't know how to send a message. !"

Bai Feng was indeed sending a message, and it was indeed sent to Xiao Ping. He edited two lines of text.

Lu Anbang glanced at it and couldn't help but say, "What are you talking about, what do you mean by 'the original life has come and something has happened to the Federation, hurry up and run', this donkey's lips are not right, you..."

Lu Anbang couldn't speak, because Bai Feng finally couldn't bear it anymore. He threw the personal terminal in his hand directly to the ground. With such a force, the electronic device was directly smashed, and Bai Feng stood up abruptly. Under Lu Anbang's surprised eyes, he walked directly in front of Su Chen, grabbed his collar, and pulled Su Chen up from the ground, his eyes were blood red, and said, "Yes, I'm a donkey's lips and a horse's lips are wrong. Mouth, but what about you, Su Chen, tell me, what happened to you?!"

Lu Anbang was stunned.

He had rarely seen Bai Feng so excited, and his unease became more and more fiery, but at this moment Bai Feng spoke, but he was silent instead, and looked at Su Chen.

Because from Bai Feng's words, the situation seems to be very clear.

It was Su Chen who had a problem.

The answer seems to be clear at this moment.

Bai Feng doesn't care about the Federation, the Federation, and in fact, he doesn't care about the Tandan people and the original life. He never thought of taking revenge on the Tandan people, because Bai Feng doesn't have such great ambitions. He lives by himself, and the people he likes live. His friends and family are alive, why is he going to take revenge on the Tandan people?

To take revenge on the Tandan people, if all the people he liked by Bai Feng died, then what's the point of his revenge even if he succeeded?

Even if you have been "bullied" by Tandan people inappropriately before, what can you do?

But now it was Su Chen who had a problem. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

However, Su Chen's response to Bai Feng was also beyond the expectations of Bai Feng and Lu Anbang. Bai Feng's remarks landed, and his body was blown away by an invisible and powerful force, falling like a cannonball. On the back console, a series of alarms were triggered.

If this spaceship is weaker, it is a federal spaceship, it may have been penetrated by this time.

Bai Feng fell on the ground of the drop-shaped spaceship, leaning against the console behind him, and seemed to be stunned. He raised his head and looked at Su Chen blankly.

At this time, Su Chen seemed to come back to his senses. He kept still, he raised his head dully, looked at Bai Feng, the light in his eyes gradually focused, and the darkness became less, but he didn't seem to return completely. When I came to my senses, I just observed blankly, like a child, collecting information and taking a long time to judge my own situation.

Looking at this scene, Lu Anbang suddenly realized.

It's not that Su Chen doesn't want to talk, but he has been "walking away" just now, so he didn't speak.

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