I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 85: Will you still be online?

Remember [New] for a second,! Su Chen was really distracted.

And it was the distraction that he didn't notice. It was a bit like a child's lack of concentration. Sitting in front of a book and studying all day, in fact, he only did one problem, and he spent very little time on problem solving. a few minutes.

Su Chen is like this at the moment.

But he knew that the "question" was in front of him, and he wanted to do the "question", but he always couldn't control his divergent thoughts.

Do not.

He has no thoughts.

His brain is blank, like a walking corpse, losing his consciousness little by little, and only at a certain moment will he come back to his senses, or someone else walks directly in front of you and slaps you, through a strong Stimuli get you to focus quickly - and it's been happening right from the start.

Therefore, as Lu Anbang deduced, Su Chen didn't want to speak, he really didn't speak, because he was distracted, his attention was not anywhere, he fell into an empty nothingness, and he couldn't concentrate, even though he knew there were many things that should be He said it, but how could he possibly say it?

How can you make someone who can't speak speak?

Until now, he seems to have come back to his senses after realizing it.

What Lu Anbang can see, Bai Feng can also see.

Bai Feng's excited emotions quickly calmed down. He is a rational person. Losing control can often exist for a moment, especially when Su Chen's fall made him completely awake. He looked at Su Chen and asked, "Su Chen. Chen, what's wrong with you?"

This sentence pulled back Su Chen's eyes, who started cruising again. He looked at Bai Feng in front of him and opened his mouth - he opened his mouth twice before saying the first sentence: "It's a long story."

Su Chen seemed to be a bit shy.

Because although he doesn't quite understand what the current situation is, there is a voice in his heart telling him that his "awake" will become less and less, just like physical strength or something, with consumption, will get lower and lower.

Bai Feng looked at Su Chen, as if he gradually understood something, and said, "Then who should I ask? Who do you know about your situation? How can I help you?"

"Xiao Ping."

To these three questions, Su Chen only answered one name.

This is not only because he feels that talking more will exacerbate the current bad situation, but also has a feeling in his heart - it is a very strange feeling, like lying on the bed after a tired day, just wanting to sink When I fell asleep, I ignored others' questions, and the answers became very brief and perfunctory.

But Su Chen knew very well that he couldn't "sleep".

Once "sleep", he may never wake up again.

But fortunately.

Su Chen anticipated this possibility, and he told Xiao Ping about his situation in advance.

Bai Feng went to Xiao Ping and could ask all the answers.

Bai Feng was stunned for a moment, and said, "You tell Xiao Ping, don't you tell me?"

He looked a little angry, but looking at Su Chen, he felt a little regretful after saying that, then stood up and said, "Let's go to Lao Xiao now, just in time, we need to talk to Lao Xiao about the original life, and take advantage of them. We haven't killed it yet, let's go quickly - it's okay, Su Chen, no matter what happens to you, I will help you solve it."

Su Chen blinked and squeezed out a faint smile, he said, "Don't worry... I have made a deal with Yuan Sheng...

"I won't stop him, he... won't kill me... us."

Bai Feng was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "As expected."

The deal between Su Chen and Yuan Sheng was similar to what Bai Feng had guessed.

The reason for this is very simple. Since the fleets such as the gods and the condensed people cannot stand on the side of the Federation, there is no possibility of cooperation between the two sides. It is just a purely temporary mutual use of interests, so Su Chen continues to suppress the original life. There is no point, it is better to do this plan now.

This is beneficial to the Federation, but it is not beneficial to the condensate and the so-called human life. However, in the starry sky, who can control it?

Bai Feng said: "Okay, let's go now."

Su Chen looked at him, but shook his head and said, "You go, let me stay here."

Bai Feng's footsteps stopped, he stared at Su Chen for a while, didn't ask why, just nodded and said, "Wait for me to come back."

Su Chen smiled and said, "I won't leave. I'll stay in this spaceship."

He was just a little distracted.

He couldn't feel the twisted monster that merged with him, which meant that they had begun to mingle deeply.

The virus has been inseparable from him.

But now, he still has the upper hand.

The most intuitive performance is that although he is distracted, he is still awake.

Bai Feng stopped talking and was ready to leave immediately.

Lu Anbang glanced at Su Chen and said, "I'll stay with you."

Su Chen didn't refuse, he needed someone to help him stay awake.

Seeing Bai Feng leave, Su Chen slowly closed his eyes. He also felt that his eyes were a little scary, but he couldn't control him to turn him back. He simply closed his eyes, which just happened to reduce the reception of some external information. Enter and see if it can alleviate his "wandering".

At the last moment before leaving the spaceship, Bai Feng's footsteps suddenly stopped, he turned his head and said, "Your Penguin account has not been online for a long time."

Su Chen opened his eyes again and turned to look at him.

It is true that he has not been on the Penguin account for a long time. It is said that Western Group is still operating Penguin Enterprise on its behalf.

But he understood that what Bai Feng said was not what Bai Feng meant. In Faisenberg Public Psychiatric Hospital, Bai Feng said to himself that he registered a penguin account for Su Chen and gave it to him. Since then, Su Chen has become Bai Feng's penguin account. few friends.

It's just that Su Chen rarely goes online. Su Chen has a memory of going online. It seems that they used it to match the password when they cooperated with Jingtu and Bai Feng later.

At this time, Bai Feng suddenly mentioned this, and Su Chen was a little dazed. It took a moment for him to realize what the other party meant. He didn't speak, just looked at Bai Feng silently.

Bai Feng also stared at Su Chen. He seemed to want to wait for Su Chen to answer him. Seeing that Su Chen didn't speak for a long time, he asked reluctantly, "In the future... will you still be online?"

Su Chen didn't know how to answer. He knew his state very well, but after a moment of silence, he slowly replied, "I deleted it..."

The translation of this sentence is ~www.readwn.com~ He will not be online again.

And what kind of situation will it not be online again?

So sure, it won't go online again?

The muscles on Bai Feng's face twitched slightly, his relaxed expression seemed to collapse again, but he didn't collapse after all, he just said with a smile: "Sometimes it can be another one, Kukas is now its operating system, it You can help us to open yellow diamonds and green diamonds for free and recharge for free. There have been many games released recently, and you will not be alone in single-player games, because you can chat with Kukas in it, and he wants to chat with you...

"Su Chen, did I say too much?

"Right! I want to say, it's still in the update log.


"You have the time to see it online next time! It's very interesting, it's all written into a serial."

After saying these words, Bai Feng turned his head and flew out of the water drop-shaped spaceship, and did not look back.



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