I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 86: The Story of Lu Anbang

Remember [New] for a second,! There was some silence in the teardrop-shaped spaceship.

Lu Anbang told Su Chen a story.

It was the story of a personal home he saw when the Empire was stationed on the frontier.

He was an ordinary young man with no education. He made a living by doing odd jobs and picking up garbage. He had no family to rely on, and no inheritance to gain. He was an orphan who grew up in an orphanage in the ruins. Big, destined to be inferior from birth.

With the governance model of the empire, its class nature is more prominent and obvious than that of a modern federation, and in the universe, this class nature is even more magnified.

The upper class, the middle class and the lower class are clearly distinguished, and it is clear that there is no clear rule in the empire to distinguish them, or to demarcate the boundaries for their existence, but the boundaries appear unwritten.

This is the normal state of existence in society. In a seemingly peaceful society, there are always some rules that are unique to it, and it is useless to talk about it.

This ordinary young man is such a person, but even though he is inferior, his life is not bad.

Humans are backward creatures, but because of their backwardness, no matter what position or class they are in, they can always find their own way of living in their own way. For that young man, too, from childhood to adulthood, He lived a very "cheeky" life, he didn't have much money, and his life was not rich, but it didn't conflict with whether a person was handsome or not.

Gags in the area where inferior people live, drinking, picking up girls, wandering around, and occasionally doing petty theft—he met Lu Anbang because of petty theft.

Until one day, he met a girl he loved.

Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but sneer: "You...you're not just a love story?"

Lu Anbang's story is very useful. It is like an anchor, which locates Su Chen's consciousness here, and does not require Su Chen to pay too much experience - he only needs to be a listener.

Lu Anbang pouted: "Listen to me, this is of course a love story, I know what you want to say, it's disgusting for such an old greasy uncle to tell love stories, what's the matter, I just like it, my wife and I We were very loving together back then, Che, that's wrong, wait, listen to what I'm going to say—"

Lu Anbang even took out two bottles of wine and threw one to Su Chen.

Su Chen took it. Without drinking, Lu Anbang pried it open and drank it. The alcohol seemed to help him tell stories better and more smoothly.

Su Chen only needs to be a listener.

Lu Anbang didn't ask him anything, and didn't say anything crucial, instead he chose to tell a story, which was his own way.

Su Chen looked at him, but only laughed in his heart.

Why does Lu Anbang hide wine everywhere, and he can take it out at any time?

Lu Anbang couldn't hear Su Chen's inner voice, and the story in his mouth continued.

Although the young man was poor, he was very handsome like the protagonists of many love stories, and the woman he was looking for was also a beautiful woman, a young and serious girl.

Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but want to complain again, thinking, isn't this a typical computer-generated love story?

The first time the two met was in a serious restaurant, and it was only in that kind of place that young people could meet her.

It was the first time that the teenager went to a serious family restaurant for dinner - he was doing a temporary little brother support scene for others. The funny thing is that the people who hired him were a group of half-old children who were illiterate and illiterate, and those children were the middle class in the society. Because they are in the middle of the two classes, some of them will have contacts with the upper class, and some will have entanglements with the lower class like the young people.

Only children will choose to "talk things" in the family restaurant.

On that day, the boy met the girl, who was a quiet and gentle girl, but she was not Snow White, just like the boy was not an ugly duckling.

Ordinary low-class teenagers and ordinary middle-class girls, when they met for the first time, had a strange attraction to each other.

Then everything went smoothly.

They fell in love quickly, and the boy made a lot of changes for the girl. He quit many bad habits and worked hard to win the approval of the girl's parents.

He even found a "job" in the bustling city area - a less formal job, just a waiter in a restaurant, but it was better than his previous petty theft.

Then, they got married.

The small border town of the empire is not so particular. The parents of the girl saw the brilliance of the person in the boy's heart, so they entrusted the girl to him.

Lu Anbang appeared at this time, and he was very happy to see this kind of situation of reforming evil and returning to the right. Especially, because he had always dealt with before, the young man could be regarded as half of Lu Anbang's acquaintance. Seeing this friend on the right path, Lu Anbang was also very happy. He brought his team to congratulate him, and he also found a non-staff public post for the teenagers to do chores for their barracks.

This time, the boy's work has taken a new level, and everything has become better.

Su Chen's eyes sometimes opened and sometimes closed. He looked at Lu Anbang silently, and said, "This is really a happy story."

Lu Anbang shook his head and said, "Then, Zixuan came.

"Do you know how many people died in that battle?

"The planet I am on has 120,000 troops stationed, 90,000 people died in battle, and civilian casualties are astronomical."

Su Chen was silent, he said, "You might as well tell me a happy story."

"I think it's okay." Lu Anbang said with a smile, "The girl escaped and rebuilt her home from the ruins.


"She runs an orphanage."

The corners of Su Chen's mouth twitched, and her calm emotions were a little excited~www.readwn.com~ said: "Is this a happy ending?"

He began to think about why Lu Anbang told this story to himself.

Finally he came to a conclusion.

This big fool may have drunk too much and thought he should say something, so he just told a story. As for what to say, it's up to him.

Wait...he just didn't drink.

Lu Anbang took a sip of wine in front of Su Chen and laughed, "Why isn't this a happy ending?

"Look at you look at-

"The girl survived. Although the boy died, she opened an orphanage. From then on, the orphans who look like teenagers are no longer homeless, and can even receive a certain education. How wonderful! Isn't this a happy event? Has it been resolved? It was so touching that it brought tears to my eyes."

Su Chen didn't say a word, just stared straight at Lu Anbang, the darkness in his eyes seemed to burst from his eyes, and he was about to swallow the alcoholic, potbellied and greasy man in front of him, blood and juice splashing.



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