Remember [New] for a second,! The conversation between Bai Feng and Xiao Ping was startled by a sudden and harsh alarm.

At this moment, according to human time, only about three hours have passed since Su Chen and the others left the planet where the World Tree is located.

And after these three hours of calm, the federal alarm sounded directly.

- A huge fleet from deep space, composed of countless civilizations, appeared in the starry sky outside the federal territory.

Tandan people are just a force in this fleet.

And such a fleet is enough to destroy the entire Federation hundreds of times.

The federal border checkpoint sounded the emergency alarm immediately, and through quantum communication equipment, the information on the battlefield ahead was immediately transmitted to Galefa No. 1.

Immediately afterwards, before the news reached Xiao Ping, an emergency response was initiated through the Federal Emergency Defense Department and the highest alarm was sounded.

Hearing this siren, at Galefa No. 1, the Federal Central Building, Bai Feng immediately raised his head and looked into the distance.

Across the endless starry sky, he couldn't see the huge advanced fleet, but he felt something.

That is the breath of original life.

"They're coming."

After saying this, Bai Feng jumped out of Xiao Ping's office and rose into the sky.

At this time, Xiao Ping received the information from the front. Of course, through Bai Feng's words, he had already guessed what was going on. He immediately connected to the drop-shaped spaceship and wanted to communicate with Su Chen. Talk directly.

They came too fast, and before the Federation even started to respond, they were already at the door of the house.

With this speed of response, the Federation has no means at all to use it. Even if Xiao Ping had prepared the evacuation plan early, it would take at least two days for the Federation to truly implement the evacuation plan with the capabilities of the Federation. , And now, the other party has been killed in front of him, where are there two days left!

Before they could run, they were blocked at the door!

Xiao Ping's face turned pale, but he realized that this was not an unsolvable situation.

Because if they really want to do it directly, the Federation has already been attacked, and the civilization of the other party's fleet group is so powerful that many of them have exceeded the imagination of the Federation and human beings, and they are almost incomprehensible, not to mention, They also have a top star in the sky. If they really want to make a move, it is impossible for the federation to set off any alarms. Even before the alarm is issued and the federation observes them, the federation has already been burned!

The universe is three-dimensional, but there is no distinction between ancient national borders. The opponent's Chen Bing fleet is now outside the territory of the Federation. This is a kind of signal.

They were waiting, observing, or fearing something, or there were other reasons that prevented them from taking action immediately.

That reason was the only chance for the federation to get through this difficult time. Therefore, Xiao Ping realized this and immediately contacted Su Chen. He believed that if anyone had this reason, it must be Su Chen.

Bai Feng was with him just now, looking at Bai Feng's appearance, he didn't seem to understand.

Moreover, Bai Feng had just conveyed Xiao Ping's words to Xiao Ping, that Su Chen had reached a deal with the original life, and he let go of the Federation, and now, why did he come here again?

At the same time, there was a knock on the hatch of the teardrop-shaped spacecraft.

Su Chen and Lu Anbang were drinking and talking, but they didn't pay attention to the system interface of the spacecraft. Xiao Ping's information was ignored. The network connection between the spacecraft and the Federation needs to be done manually. The crystal cluster does not look down on the Federation's network and does not want to share information with the Federation, so such a threshold is set up.

Therefore, at this time, neither Su Chen nor Lu Anbang was aware of the arrival of the alarm, and no one noticed anyone approaching outside.

Until this time, the drop-shaped spaceship was knocked on the door by a visitor like a house.

"It should be Bai Feng back."

Lu Anbang stood up.

At this time, he was thinking about a solution with Su Chen, and he was talking about the Shilian people: "I don't think it's impossible, since you've got it from the Tandan people, you can always try it, you can use that crystal cluster. Isn't it the Shilian people? In the Shilian people, we have our own people, so we can try and solve your problems directly."

With that said, Lu Anbang opened the hatch directly, but became surprised when he saw the people standing outside.

The visitor outside the door is not Bai Feng.

Instead, there are two figures, one big and one small.

Xia Chuwei and An.

They came in a shuttle, parked outside the drop-shaped spaceship. Lu Anbang was an ordinary person and didn't notice their arrival. Surprisingly, Su Chen didn't notice either. His dark energy perception Like it doesn't really exist.

It wasn't until they stepped into the drop-shaped spaceship that Su Chen turned his head and looked at the two people in front of him in surprise.

An entered the spaceship, flew to Su Chen without a word, and landed on top of his messy head, her wings resting on Su Chen's head, and her hands also fell on top of Su Chen's head.

A little light burst out in her palm, and the faint light seeped in. Su Chen was surprised to feel that a heat flow came from Duan's body, which lifted his sluggish mind and raised his spirits in a rare way.

But Su Chen didn't allow An to do so, he stretched out his hand, took An from his head like a hamster, put it on the ground, and asked, "What kind of ability is this? You still have this ability, Are you hiding it and not telling me?"

An shook his head and stared at him with wide eyes: "I'm saving you, you let me save you."

There is some kind of subtle connection between Su Chen and An, which seems to be a connection constructed by the power of the ninth realm, because strictly speaking, An is the power of Su Chen and the ninth realm. The "life" created together is a matter of course for the existence of this connection.

Therefore, although Su Chen didn't know what method An An just used, he could faintly perceive that An An would pay a huge price for it.

And the most important thing is that An's heat flow is too small, it is useless at all, it can kill herself, but there is no way to really help Su Chen.

Su Chen asked, "What are you doing to save me?"

Anbu said nothing, was silent for a while, and asked, "Are you going to die?"

Su Chen was a little dazed. In fact, he didn't even think he was going to die. He only felt that his state was not right. It had nothing to do with the collapse of his consciousness and death.

Therefore, he suddenly didn't know how to answer this dark question.

He could only raise his head and look at Xia Chuwei, who came over.

Xia Chuwei's eyes were red, and she asked in a hoarse voice, "What happened? Tell me."

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