I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 89: What kind of hero is this?

Remember [New] for a second,! He brought Xia Chuwei here.

Xia Chuwei was not a gifted person, nor did she have the means to monitor the Federation. She was just an ordinary person.

Shi An knew about Su Chen's return and sensed the weakening of the breath connected to her bloodline, so he brought Xia Chuwei here.

Found Su Chen.

How to answer An's question, Su Chen didn't find the answer in Xia Chuwei either.

Instead, Xia Chuwei threw him a new question.

So Su Chen became more and more silent.

He stood up in the corner of the drop-shaped spaceship, his body swayed slightly, and then he stood firm, his eyes fell on Xia Chuwei's body, moved a little bit, and came to An's body.

Close at hand, the jet-black winged little guy flew up in front of Su Chen, blinking at him.

She realizes the seriousness of this matter, but she may not understand how serious it is.

At this moment, the person who rescued Su Chen arrived.

Bai Feng finally "come too late", he glanced at everyone in the field and everyone's expressions, he probably understood something, he thought about it, and said to Su Chen: "They didn't follow the agreement - they came, Civilized fleets such as Yuansheng and Tandan have already been deployed outside the Federation."

Everyone was shocked when they heard these words. Lu Anbang returned to the console immediately and finally noticed Xiao Ping's information. He raised his head and said, "Old Xiao is calling."

Bai Feng said: "It should be the same."

Bai Feng's judgment is similar to Xiao Ping's. He clearly has overwhelming ability. There must be a reason for not fighting, but Bai Feng knows more. He guesses that the other party is afraid of Su Chen.

Su Chen stepped forward and walked forward. He walked very slowly. He walked from the end of the drop-shaped spaceship to the front. It seemed that he had to walk for half a minute at a distance of several meters. He didn't seem surprised, no. Surprised that the original life, who had just made a deal with him, turned back, he was here now; he was not nervous either, because the fleet of the original life and the Tandans had already approached the city.

But Xia Chuwei blocked Su Chen's way forward, and the woman's eyes looked at him without blinking; "Su Chen - what happened? She said you were going to die, do you really? Why, To perform a task well, why are you going to die, and Tandan people and the original life, why are they here?"

Xia Chuwei was a little ignorant, and even stopped Su Chen and Xiao Ping's conversation.

Su Chen didn't know how to answer, so he was going to keep walking forward. Anyway, Xia Chuwei couldn't stop him, nor could he stop him.

But Xia Chuwei seemed to see what he wanted to do. She stretched out her hand, grabbed Su Chen's arm, and tried to hold him tightly. Her eyes were red and she said angrily, "You can not answer my question. , you can also die, I won't stop you, but...

"You're dead, don't let me know.

"Your sister, do you still remember your sister? Su Mu, she entrusted you to me when she died, she asked me to take care of you, I know I can't help you, but you...

"Just don't die in front of me.

"Otherwise, I'm dead, and I don't have the face to go down to see her.

"No face to see you.

"If you want to die, you want to suffer by yourself, one by one, don't take your own life as your life, think it's for the good of others, and die!"

Xia Chuwei's flesh and blood are just ordinary people, she couldn't stop Su Chen at all, but Su Chen's footsteps still stopped, he turned his head and stared blankly at Xia Chuwei who was close at hand.

This was the first "friend" he knew at the beginning of the apocalypse.

In that far-reaching shopping mall, she eagerly rushed out to help.

Those pure eyes have not changed to this day.

She has also grown and changed, but to him, to Lin Mo, and to them, the light in those eyes has never changed or wavered.

The promise made from that little sandwich at that time continues to this day.

Su Chen and Lin Mo have kept her alive to this day, and she is not taking care of him and Lin Mo.

Su Mu died in the era of star roaming of the Federation's great escape. At that time, Su Chen was far away in the chaotic star field. Resources were scarce in the floating Federation spaceship. Su Mu was seriously ill. The Federation still devoted a lot of resources to save her, but all She failed, and Su Chen didn't come back until more than half a year after her death. It was Xia Chuwei who accompanied her through her last life, listening to her wishes and promises on behalf of Su Chen, and doing what Su Chen had not done.

Su Chen's footsteps stopped, but Xia Chuwei didn't seem to want to ask any more, and she didn't want to say any more. She shook off Su Chen's hand and strode back, wanting to leave the spaceship.

Seeing this scene, Andu was stunned.

She had never seen Xia Chuwei get so angry and say such heavy words.

But Xia Chuwei was unable to leave the spaceship, because Bai Feng was holding her, Bai Feng's arm was like an iron pincer, Xia Chuwei struggled for a while, but couldn't break free, and said angrily, "Bai Feng, what are you doing?!"

Bai Feng looked at her, then at Su Chen, and said, "You go, you will regret it."

Xia Chuwei's body trembled slightly.

Then Bai Feng looked at Su Chen and said: "We still have a chance, Su Chen, we can find a solution together, in this world... there are always more solutions than problems. They are coming, we can not fight against them, we can now Just go - the Federation can't go, we can."

At this moment, Su Chen, who was behind, spoke up. He did not answer Bai Feng's question. His words were addressed to Xia Chuwei.

"When I settle this matter, what did I tell you, okay?"

Xia Chuwei turned her back to him, her voice still angry, like a piercing hedgehog, she said, "All of you, you all think you are heroes, but you are actually just a bunch of trash.

"You have to sacrifice, bleed, and die on your own for the great things you do, and pay such a huge price to win.

"What kind of hero is this? What kind of hero is this?

"It's just a bunch of trash crawling around in the dirt!

"You feel like you held on to everything, you feel like you embraced the life you wanted.

"But have you ever thought about it, have you ever thought about it.

"You are dead, how can the living live the way you think?

"How can we... how can we live the good way you think?!!"

With these words, there was a dead silence in the drop-shaped spaceship.

Xia Chuwei turned her back to Su Chen, but Bai Feng stood beside her, and he looked at her.

The woman's voice was mixed with anger, and her words had a blade~www.readwn.com~, but she had already burst into tears.

Su Chen lowered his head, the blood-colored crystal sword appeared in his palm, he looked down at the long sword, and said softly: "I don't want to be a hero, I don't want to be a hero, I just , gotta do what I have to do.

"It's a curse and a blessing.

"While I accept the benefits of it, I will also pay for it.

"Also, I can't leave, Bai Feng.

"If I go with you, I might kill you all in the end, do you understand?"

After saying this, Su Chen stopped talking. He just got through the communication with Xiao Ping before he came to the console.

Without waiting for Xiao Ping to speak, Su Chen took the lead and said: "Don't move, everything is as planned, I will solve it."

After speaking, Su Chen interrupted the communication, walked past Xia Chuwei and Bai Feng, and left the drop-shaped spaceship. From beginning to end, he did not look back or look at anyone.



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