Remember [New] for a second,! The end of the galaxy.

On the border of the federal territory, there is a desolate planet.

It was a desolate planet with no atmosphere, no magnetic field, and no heat. It was everywhere in the starry sky and could not be used to house civilians. Huge military base to monitor the situation in outer space and conduct some scientific research.

Since the end of the Empire Federation War and the Federation successfully recovered four star systems, this place has completely quieted down. In the past two years, there has been no accident here, no attack, no danger, although stationed There are a large number of Union soldiers, but it has always been peaceful here.

This planet was named Sentinel No. 16 by the federation, and was dubbed the No. 16 planet of pension by the local federation soldiers. It can be seen that there is nothing to do here.

It was not until today that the huge fleet came from the starry sky without warning and appeared outside this desolate place, which completely changed the situation here.

This planet suddenly became the most "lively" place in the entire Federation.

Xiao Ping mobilized all the Federation fleet to come here at the first time - no matter whether the Federation's next plan is to fight or flee, they can only face these existences directly, at least not let the other party notice the Federation's plans.

And how can it appear real?

Of course, it is to use human life to fill, to resist.

From Galefa 26 to here, the federal people have long since considered life and death. Maybe they are not a real star civilization, but from a certain point of view, they actually already have the real star civilization. There are shadows and appearances.

The transition channel was opened, and warships stationed in various parts of the Federation came here one after another, and the transition arrived on the battlefield.

Among these federal warships, there are new warships newly developed and produced by the federation, as well as the active-duty ships of other civilizations captured by the federation in previous wars. Xiao Ping will bring all those that can be mobilized and can be rushed here within the effective time. The ships were dispatched.

Before coming here, many federal soldiers didn't quite understand what they were facing.

Because in the starry sky, strength and weakness are just concepts for the ignorant, and when a concept is just a concept that is heard, it will not work for anyone, just like a sentence of listening It's useless if you don't hear it.

Many federal soldiers even felt that their current fleet might be strong enough. There are some old federal people and some former imperial people who joined the federal fleet later.

Until they came here and saw the mighty fleet.

That endless group of advanced fleets, some of which are even there, can be seen and observed with the naked eye, but they cannot locate or even find them with their own reconnaissance equipment.

The Federation has more than 200 warships. This is the result of the federation's retaliatory construction of warships and self-improvement in the past two years, but these two hundred warships are simply a joke in front of the fleet in front of them.

Because the other side has thousands of warships.

Moreover, each of the opponent's warships is many times more advanced than the Federation's warships.

The battle was lost from the start.

Xiao Ping didn't come here in person. Tang Haobo was in charge of the battle. He stood among the most advanced flagships of his Federation, and found that their most advanced spacecraft was not even the weakest in the fleet in front of him. The weakest spacecraft of civilization, even Tang Haobo, has an indescribable feeling in his heart.

And the most terrifying thing is...

When Tang Haobo stood on his bridge and looked out, he saw the starlight shining all over the universe.

Thousands of ships, the number alone is enough to engulf the Federation fleet.

As the highest commander appointed in this battle of the Federation, he opened his mouth involuntarily when he saw this scene, like a child who saw a spaceship for the first time, standing on the bridge for a long time, speechless.

He didn't come to his senses until others called him.

- Their technical department discovered a "black hole" in the center of the enemy fleet.

In fact, there is no need for the technical department to say, Tang Haobo himself has noticed that in the center of this sudden huge fleet group that flickers like stars, there is a large "open space", which is located in the most important core position of the entire enemy fleet group. - At least from a human point of view - but there is no spaceship there, and any light and electromagnetic waves that get close to it will disappear like a rock sinking into the sea, as if a black hole exists there, throwing everything that dares to go there. Anything close to it devoured everything.

But Tang Haobo knew what it was.

He had seen the summary information Xiao Ping sent him.

It's not a black hole that's there.

It is the original life - flame.

When he doesn't want to be observed by others, no one can observe him, and at the same time, he manifests his existence in this way.

Coming to this side of the "battlefield", the Federal Fleet went up and down, and fell into a strange sluggishness. In the ground base of Sentinel No. 16, many soldiers even ran out, watching the scene in front of them in despair. .

The federal soldiers wanted a fight, and they could fight, but this did not conflict with the boiling despair in their hearts, because even a fool could see that this battle could not be won at all.

They are going to die.

The federation is doomed.

Tang Haobo got news from Xiao Ping that Mr. Su was coming. In fact, he wanted to say, don't let Mr. Su come. In this case, let Mr. Su come, wouldn't that mean one more person will die?

In the face of such a battle, who can survive? In the federation, it must be Mr. Su and his high castes. Instead of all dying here, let them run away quickly. These federations can win a little bit. Time is just one o' Therefore, Tang Haobo even broke out into a dispute with Xiao Ping when he heard that Mr. Su was coming. Otherwise, Mr. Su didn't know why he couldn't get in touch, and he even had to talk to Mr. Su in person. .

But Xiao Ping didn't talk to Tang Haobo too much, he looked extremely tired and argued a few words, as if he didn't want to say anything, just said: "Forget it, I'm not arguing with you, don't open fire, wait for Mr. Su to go. , wait for Mr. Su to go."

Then, Xiao Ping cut off the communication, and if Tang Haobo wanted to connect again, he would be rejected by the other side.

Tang Haobo was so angry that he circled around the bridge, scolding Xiao Ping for being stupid and wanting Su Chen to die.

The bridge was silent, but no one accused Tang Haobo of not ordering the troops.

Because everyone knows that there is no need to command here.



Chapter 91 Sentinel No. 16


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