I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 92: I want to talk to Mr. Su!

Remember [New] for a second,! Standing on the ground base of Sentinel No. 16 and looking up at the sky, you can see the scene of "bright stars".

A stream of galaxies stretched out at the end of the field of vision, without the refraction of the atmosphere, the glow they shed clearly fell on this desolate and gray rocky planet, shimmering.

A large number of federal soldiers ran out of the sentry base. They either came to the fort position of the sentry base, or took off on the land and air fighters deployed here, or stood there blankly, watching the stars. daze.

No matter how long the soldiers here are from the old Federation or the former Empire, no matter how long they have existed in this starry sky, they have never seen such a scene.

They had never seen such a mighty and powerful fleet come before them.

That kind of pressure, as if to penetrate the starry sky to come here.

Even soldiers who don't have a big picture can still see a little from the current situation.

This battle cannot be fought, this battle will be lost.

The strength of those fleets is even breathtaking.

A former empire veteran stood at the door of Sentinel No. 16 base, watching the scene outside, slowly took off his hat, and muttered: "Such a powerful civilization, Chaos Star Territory is counted with one hand. Come here, now, so many have come?"

Fear is like a plague, and once it arises, it will spread indefinitely.

The Federal Fleet was immersed in this fear. ,

If they came to fight, it might be better, but now, their fleets are gathered here and confront each other with the opposing fleets, but they have never opened fire, let alone confrontation, so just looking at the strength of others, Like a blunt knife cutting meat, even people who are not afraid gradually become afraid.

This is a very bad start.

But Tang Haobo, the commander of the fleet, did not make much effort for this.

Because the effort is not worth it.

Under the huge disparity in strength, whether the Federal Fleet fought with fear or charged bravely with confidence, the result was actually the same, and they would all face defeat.

Under the huge gap, there is no difference between fear and self-confidence, whether it is the result or the process.

Tang Haobo still hadn't contacted Xiao Ping, his anger was glowing, and he was a little tired, so he turned around and sat back on his own captain's seat, staring at the distant sky, silent for a long time.

Tang Haobo is not afraid. As an older generation of federal people, he has no idea what to be afraid of. No matter how powerful the fleet and civilization are in front of him, they are nothing more than fleets and civilizations, so what can they do?

The federal people they killed from Galefa 26, who is not the one who died once.

The only thing he was not reconciled to was the collapse of the Federation. He wanted to leave seeds for the Federation, but unfortunately, Xiao Ping refused to answer his call. After a while of rage, Tang Haobo calmed down, and even this unwillingness was thrown into the clouds. He just sat in his seat, squinting at the sky in the distance-the sky was a forest of fleets.

Tang Haobo first stared at Tandan's spaceship, and then looked at the spaceship that looked like an ecological continent.

In the eyes of the federal soldiers on the other bridges, their commanders stared at the enemy fleet with hatred.

But Tang Haobo knew that his eyes were actually envious.

He was staring enviously at the enemy fleet, and sketched infinite imaginations in his mind.

It would be nice if those oval spaceships of Tandan people were themselves.

What if the Federation could also develop a spaceship like an ecological continent? My God, how did the spaceship fly, and how did it travel through the universe?

as an old federal.

Tang Haobo had no fear in his heart, he only had infinite envy.

He envied other people's fleets, turned his head, and looked forward to the same as his own fleet.

Like a child who has not grown up, standing on the ground, looking up, yearning for the life of adults and all kinds of strange things in their hands.

Maybe when the child grows up and he has those things, he will not feel so great.

However, the world is like this. Those who have it feel nothing, and those who don't have it are envious.

The world is not fair.

So is the universe.

Just why don't they kill them?

Obviously so powerful—the fleet of such a powerful civilization alliance, just need to breathe a sigh of relief, the federation will collapse like a castle made of sand, turning into dust scattered in the anti-universe.

So why don't they do it?

Is this the contempt of the higher civilization for the lower civilization?

Do they want this way to express the crushing of humanity and the Federation?

No, civilizations of this level are generally very powerful. For them, time has no special meaning, but it does not waste time on boring life experiences.

So, is it Tandan?

The Tandans persuaded them - other advanced civilizations?

Do the Tandans still hope to turn humans back into their experiments?

It's really amazing, in so many civilizations, Tandan people can still be considered powerful, and they can still talk.

When did the Federation have such a powerful fleet, and how many years have they developed? Can the Commonwealth catch up with them? After catching up with them, will the Federation and Humanity become like them?

At that time, the Federation was considered to have evolved, or... simply became another new species that looked like humans?

It is said that as a person grows up, he undergoes various changes, and finally becomes another person that he himself does not recognize.

But is that really right?

Such a person~www.readwn.com~ Except for the fact that the face looks exactly the same as the original, what is the relationship between the person and the original person?

Numerous thoughts flashed in Tang Haobo's mind. At a certain moment, the military commander of the Federal Fleet even had some self-deprecating thoughts. He seemed to have changed from a military strategist to a philosopher full of strange ideas. Thinking about all kinds of problems in the Federation, but none of them are related to the battle at hand or even how to win this battle.

This seems to be a dereliction of duty.

Tang Haobo thought to himself.

At this moment, Tang Haobo, who was dreaming on the captain's seat, was suddenly woken up, and the others in the bridge said nervously, "Your Excellency Commander, Mr. Su is here, he... he didn't take the spaceship, he was Jump over by yourself."

Hearing that Mr. Su was coming, Tang Haobo's heart jumped, as always, he gave birth to a lot of hope, but in the end, he was all defeated by reality.

He sat up quickly and said, "Can I contact him? I want to talk to Mr. Su!"

Tang Haobo wanted to leave Su Chen all.



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