I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 93: burning planet

Remember [New] for a second,! Su Chen didn't bring any communication device at all, Tang Haobo contacted him by people.

Tang Haobo sent a shuttle and drove all the way to Su Chen.

Tang Haobo, who was still sleepwalking just now, only showed his professionalism at this time. Although he has no room to play now, the ability of this federal commander can be seen from this reaction speed.

Tang Haobo was very nervous. He wanted to let Mr. Su and others leave, but what made him uneasy was that when Su Chen appeared, the fleets of powerful civilizations that had been docked outside the federal territory and did not move. At this moment, Suddenly moved.

They broke away from the silent state, and the huge fleet slowly moved forward, pressing forward.

That scene was very shocking, as if a star was pressing down on the Federation, but at the same time, it brought unprecedented pressure.

But they still didn't fire.

Tang Haobo realized immediately that the target of these people was Su Chen.

The federation's technology is not at the same level as the other party, and they can't hide Su Chen's arrival at all.

When Su Chen came here, the Federation discovered him, and these civilizations naturally discovered him.

Tang Haobo's heart thumped, but at this time, information that surprised him even more came from where Su Chen was.

Mr. Su received Tang Haobo's "advisement", but instead of leaving, he told Tang Haobo and others to retreat and he would solve the problem.

It was an audio message, which was directly transmitted to Tang Haobo from the front. After listening to this audio message, Mr. Su said these words calmly, and Tang Haobo was surprised. At this time, Su Chen had already told Cong from the air. Passing by, like a big bird, it passed by the Federation's fleet, flew forward, and landed on Sentinel 16 planet.

Su Chen's human body is very small, even compared with the Federation's spaceship, his body is only like an ant beside a giant ship, but at this moment, he is almost everyone's target.

Listening to this speech from Su Chen, and thinking about Xiao Ping's attitude before, Tang Haobo became more and more silent.

He realized that Xiao Ping and Su Chen might indeed have a solution.

But he couldn't understand, and couldn't imagine, in this case, what way Xiao Ping and Su Chen could do to solve such an invincible fleet.

And the original life.

But at this moment, Tang Haobo chose to believe.

Because as the commander on the scene, he has no other choice.

He issued an order, and the huge Federation fleet slowly retreated for a certain distance. At the same time, countless ready Federation soldiers on Sentinel No. 16 also stopped their actions.

On the Federation side, it seemed that the pause button was suddenly pressed.

Of course, there is no big difference for the federation whether to pause or not. In this battle, they have no advantage. How to deal with it will make no difference. This is not a war in the land era. Everyone fights. You can even fight for your life.

In the universe, the gap in science and technology cannot be filled by fighting for life.

As a result, the suspended Federal Fleet turned all eyes on the only forward figure.

Su Chen is flying forward.

Not only the Federation, but at this moment, on the opposite side of Su Chen, in the thousands of fleets, countless powerful civilization creatures also set their eyes on this human being.

Among the countless battleships, only Su Chen moved forward.

Only one person moved forward, before the bright starlight.

The mechanical emperor and the fluid life of the ecological continent stand together.

Looking at this scene, the Great Mechanic said: "Do you remember? The fear before the distant years."

It said these words to the fluid life, but the fluid life did not answer, he just stared at the scene in front of him, and in fact, what it thought at the moment was exactly the same as what the mechanical emperor said.

This scene felt familiar to him.

Because in the distant era, He had seen a similar situation.

A human destroys their fleet and destroys their civilization.

At that time, He was not as powerful as it is now. In his own civilization, he was a chosen one, and because of this, He was able to get the priority of evacuation in that battle, free from one It was only through robbery that he was able to survive for such a long period of time and pushed his combat power to where it is today.

And now, He felt as if he really saw the same scene.

Before he came, He still disapproved of Primordial Life's approach, but now, He began to agree.

At this moment, at the position behind Su Chenlai, the transition channel was opened, and the water drop-shaped spaceship also came here. Bai Feng, Lu Anbang, and Xia Chuwei all looked nervously at the battlefield ahead.

And then, their pupils were all illuminated by a fire.

In space, a little fire lights up.

It lit up from the center of the Tandan people and other fleet groups, a position that the federal detection equipment could not detect—the center of the "black hole", and it was the first to light up a little fire.

The firelight reflected a slender, crystal-clear human being. From a distance, the scene looked like the figure was burning, but in fact, something behind the figure was burning.

The flame was a little bit at first, like an insignificant little flame, but then, this flame became flaming, forming a circle of fire, spreading rapidly outward, showing an arc-shaped posture, Swept in all directions, and finally illuminated the starry sky on this side and the thing that was ignited ~www.readwn.com~ It was a planet.

A huge star the size of half a moon stands majestically behind the original life. At this moment, the ring planet is ignited by a rootless fire, and the boiling flame erupts from one point, in less than two minutes. , spread at a terrifying speed, burning the entire star - in fact, it was not spreading at all, but a little fire, and then all positions of the planet were ignited at the same time, but because of the difference in position and dislocation, it came up at a long distance. When observing, the time at which the light reaches the observation organ is different, so it looks like a fire starts from one point, igniting the entire planet with the momentum of a prairie fire, and because the space distance is relatively short, the speed of the spread of the prairie fire seems to be fast. incredible.

The entire star was burning wildly at this moment.

The original life slowly opened his arms to Su Chen, and the breath that suppressed Wandai spread out from his body, like a frantic gale, to sweep the entire universe starry sky, and his "voice" also shook the starry sky, But it is full of a strange passion, as if talking to a long-lost friend. The tone of voice is extraordinarily passionate, but because of this, it seems unusual. The voice shook the world: "Human, I'm here to kill you!"



Chapter 93 The Burning Planet

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