I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 95: 1 Sword to the sky

Remember [New] for a second,! In the corner of the Federal Fleet, a teardrop-shaped spaceship moved forward, hovering in front of the entire Federal Fleet.

In the spaceship, the pupils of Bai Feng, Xia Chuwei and others also reflected the fire.

The burning planet is so magnificent and dreamy, moving slowly in the starry sky, like a huge and exaggerated toy.

Lu Anbang stared at the planet and said, "We can actually observe him directly like this."

Bai Feng said softly: "Because he is too powerful, he wants you to observe him, so you can observe him. When he doesn't want to, those who look at him now will die in an instant."

When Lu Anbang heard the words, his body trembled slightly, and he turned his head to look at Bai Feng, who just nodded at him.

Lu Anbang gritted his teeth and said, "Then what is he doing? Is he pretending to be 13?"


Bai Feng retracted his gaze, looked into the distance again, and shook his head: "I don't know either."

What Bai Feng didn't know, Su Chen knew.

Su Chen is very clear that the original life is pretending to be 13. He has been suppressed for too long, and he finally escaped. He always has to show his strength in front of himself and the enemy. What happened today will soon follow. Flying to every corner of the Chaos Star Territory, the entire Chaos Star Territory will know of his return. This is the purpose of his installation of 13. Of course, the installation of 13 is only one of his purposes, and more is actually Tentative.

Who is he testing?

He is testing Su Chen.

Su Chen made a "deal" with him.

The content of the transaction is very simple. Su Chen will no longer prevent Yuan Sheng from breaking the town, and Yuan Sheng will not attack the Federation.

This transaction, Su Chen also told Bai Feng, but what he did not elaborate is that the federation in the transaction between him and the original life excluded him Su Chen.

At the beginning of the transaction, the original life has been expressed.

He must kill him.

Now, He is here.

What Su Chen knew more clearly was that once he died, his so-called deal with the original life would collapse, and the federation behind him would be destroyed in blood.

This was Su Chen's only choice at the time. He had only two choices at that time, to continue suppressing the original life. He would face the dual pressure of the condensed people and the original life, and trade with the original life to relieve his breath at that time. Just face the original life.

He Su Chen can die, but not today, let alone today.

On the lonely mountain, his eyes moved slowly from the ground under the broken feet, and he looked up at the starlight above his head. The primordial life was close at hand, and his power spread like tentacles in the invisible world of dark energy. .

He stands here, and He is God.

As long as He wants to, even if there are thousands of sixth castes, he can kill them all in an instant.

But now Su Chen is no longer the sixth caste.

He knew very well that there was only one way of immortality, and that was to make the original life feel that he might die.

In the starry sky, very few beings would choose to exchange their own death for the death of others. That would be an act that outweighs the gains, and it is even less likely that the original life would make a choice.

The original life being tempted is to prove that he has no certainty that he will kill Su Chen, or that he has no certainty that he will kill Su Chen without dying. Therefore, he wanted to kill Su Chen and came here, but he did not immediately take action. .

As Xiao Ping guessed, such a powerful existence, leading such a powerful fleet, came to the Federation, aggressive, but Chen Bing did not move forward, it is impossible for them to let the Federation go, and it is impossible for them If you want to put 13 in front of everyone in the federation, the answer can only be that they are afraid and dare not kill rashly.

This is the caution of the star creatures.

Su Chen clenched the sword in his hand, and the blood-colored crystal sword in his palm flickered a little bit of crimson like breathing - it became more and more red, more and more red.

The analytical power began to rise from Su Chen's body.

When he raised his head again, his eyes had turned blood red, and his blood vessels became extraordinarily clear-because under the blood vessels, the flowing blood seemed to have also turned into some kind of oil-like black, replacing his original blood. Some blood gurgled in his veins, bringing that share of strength to all parts of his body and limbs.

Analytical power is no longer the previous analytical power. It presents a dusk-like color. At this moment, it spreads out from Su Chen's body. It is not like a power, but more like an extension of some kind of terrifying creature. The "minions" that came out, they climbed above the mountain peaks, penetrated deeply into the mountain peaks, and outlined thousands of patterns that looked like disorder and inscriptions with specific patterns, criss-crossing, while the rest came from Su Chen's back rose, and the fangs and claws exploded in the sky, spreading overwhelmingly.

A huge, three-dimensional weird pattern spread under Su Chen's feet, spanning half of the entire Sentinel No. 16 planet, and a magnificent force rose on the battlefield.

When he was on the world tree planet, Su Chen was already the ninth caste.

Like Bai Feng, he is an empty shell of the ninth caste and has no power, but he also does not need power, because his power is the power of analysis and magic.

And now, this breath rises again, flying like a rocket.

In space, the complexion of fluid life suddenly changed.

The Mechanical Emperor stared at his feet, but soon, it moved its gaze to its own original life.

The original life stood on the high sky, motionless.

His gaze also fell on the ground, on the human body.

If you look down from his point of view and observe carefully, you can see that the pattern outlined by the analytical power at Su Chen's feet is not a pattern, but seems to be some kind of "living" monster, presented in this world in this way ~www.readwn.com~ frantically struggled and twisted, frantically recovering its tentacles and arms, wishing to devour everything in the world around it.

Like a monster emerging from hell, it finally saw the light of day.

At this moment, the human standing in the center surrounded by monsters slowly raised his arms. The blood-colored light on the blood-colored crystal sword in his hand was particularly clear in the world where darkness and dusk were intertwined, pointing diagonally. Sky.

Point to the original life in the sky, point to the empty civilization and fleet.

Boundless strange power burst out from this human figure.

He has dedicated his life to the ninth realm.

From this, he was able to exchange such a powerful force.

At this moment, the body of flesh and blood, the body of human beings, its breath is like a broken bamboo, and the moment when a sword is pointed at the sky, his last restriction finally collapses, his breath and realm are like riding a rocket straight into the sky, reaching the legendary starry sky top.



Chapter 95: A Sword to the Sky

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