Remember [New] for a second,! It was a silent battle.

Su Chen's breath did not expand, his strength and breath only rose to the sky along the edge of his sword, straight to the end of the clouds, in front of the original life, and the original life in front of him was the same, although from the visual effect, it was magnificent. Powerful, but his breath is also constricted, only solidifying in front of Su Chen.

So the contest between the two is only between such a square inch.

Or, it wasn't even a contest at all.

Su Chen pointed his sword at the sky.

The original life chose to retreat.

The huge, burning star behind him was the first to go out, just like when it just lit up.

The powerful creatures and civilizations such as the Mechanical Emperor and Fluid Life looked at him in unison, and were all surprised by his withdrawal at this moment.

But none of the people present were fools. They were as powerful as the original beings. They came here in a huge battle and chose to retreat without taking a shot. There must be only one reason.

That is, He felt that there was no way to succeed.

He couldn't defeat the human being in front of him either.

It may even pay a price that it cannot afford.

Therefore, He chose not to shoot anymore and stepped back.

Of course, no civilization would be stupid enough to ask the original beings why they backed up, and if they understood it, they backed away.

The original beings don't even want to shoot, they exist, what are they fighting for?

And because of this, when he began to retreat, many civilizations and fleets in the sky also began to retreat at this moment. The huge fleet group was like a spot of light shining in the starry sky, retreating in groups, flickering. Shimmer, following the original life to retreat to the dark place.

In front of this sword, the invincible fleet began to retreat.

On the ground of Sentinel No. 16, Su Chen still did not move, he stood there, raised the sword in his hand high, pointed to the sky, and pointed to the fleet in front of him.

So, at the point of his sword, the "splendid stars" that covered the starry sky began to retreat in fear of something, and gradually disappeared into the boundless darkness behind him. The ships, as they were before they got here, retreated one by one.

Among them, there are some surprises and mixed flavors. I am afraid that they are Tandan people. They are a little shocked and a little surprised. I didn't expect that the original life would choose to give in at this moment - this human who holds the power of the ninth domain seems to be It has surpassed their initial expectations and has grown beyond their control.

And because of this, the original life retreated, and they didn't know whether they should be grateful or regretful for this.

On the other hand, the federation is completely dead silent.

The silence at this moment is different from the previous one. The dead silence at this moment is deeply shocking.

No one would have imagined that the huge enemy fleet and top-level powerhouses that came mighty would retreat like this.

The unprecedented crisis of demise in the Federation came and went quickly, without causing any substantial damage at all, and it ended like this.

Standing on the bridge of the ship, Tang Haobo stood in front of his captain's seat, watching the fleet of powerful civilizations in the sky and retreating, he could hardly believe his eyes.

He knew that Mr. Su was very powerful, but he never thought that he could reach this level.

One person and one sword, forcing back empty fleets and civilizations, even a primitive life.

When did Mr. Su become so powerful?

This moment, this scene, was imprinted in the eyes of all the Federation people, all eyes full of shock, despair was swept away, replaced by the ecstasy of the rest of the life after the catastrophe. In the military base of Wei No. 16, countless federal soldiers burst into cheers.

They screamed and jumped for joy. Whether it was an ordinary soldier or a middle and lower-ranking officer, the ecstasy was almost beyond words.

Because what surprises them right now is not just the situation of dying and then being reborn, but also the combat power shown by Mr. Su Chensu - the Federation has such a powerful existence, and it can force back the top of the starry sky with one person and one sword. With the Armada, what else is there to fear from the Federation?

With such a strong person, the Federation can stand for thousands of years in the chaotic star field!

No, it's not just a thousand years, as long as that Mr. Su doesn't fall, the Federation will not collapse, Chaos Star Region, the Federation will be king!

At this moment, those ex-Imperial people seem to finally understand why those old federal people have such respect for Mr. Su, and even have a special emotion that they can't understand at all.

Because that Mr. Su is really too powerful!

So powerful, how can you not be in awe? Not as hopeful?

Inside the federal warships and the base of Sentinel No. 16, some people even started shouting Su Chen's name to express their excitement and joy.

Today, the name Su Chen will spread from here, resounding in every corner of the four star systems that the Federation now owns.

A sword retreats all enemies.

This will become an interstellar legend and story, and it will be tied to the name Su Chen, and it will become known to both old and new federal people.

And the same scene is being transmitted to Xiao Ping, where the Federal Central Building is quite far away.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Ping just pushed his glasses, didn't speak, didn't even have any special expression on his face, just looked, looked, even seemed a little dumb, then he picked himself up and put it aside 's communicator, and said to the humane on the other end of the communicator: "How is the evacuation plan? We need to speed up the process, make it faster, and... hurry up.

"The previous seven days were too long, we have to shorten it to within five days, and it is best to set sail within three days.

"We are running out of And in the water drop-shaped spaceship, Bai Feng is silently staring at this scene, his eyes are chasing the fleets of those Tandan people and other civilizations, chasing the original life , watching them jump one by one and disappear again at the end of the starry sky.

Watching the starlight dissipate, this side of the starry sky returns to tranquility.

Finally, his eyes fell to the end of Sentinel Sixteen.

On the 10,000-meter-high mountain peak, there was a soft sound as the enemy fleet disappeared at the end of the starry sky.

The blood-colored crystal sword fell from Su Chen's hand, as if the sculpture couldn't grasp the weapon in his hand, so the weapon quietly fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The blood-colored crystal sword flicked twice and fell from the gap where the mountain was split by the power of analysis, falling into the unknowable depths of darkness.

Su Chen stepped forward and fell heavily on the ground.

The protagonist, who was cheered by the crowd, collapsed on the top of the mountain.



Chapter 96 Retreat

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