I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 101: this is the price

Remember [New] for a second,! In the cluttered pile of rubble, three people were in a state of arrogance.

Su Chen sat in the frontmost position, looking forward and staring at the far side.

Xia Chuwei stood about seven or eight meters behind him.

Bai Feng, on the other hand, was silent at the diagonally opposite corner of the two of them.

After a while, Su Chen was the first to break the silence. He seemed to have suddenly recovered from his long-term memories, and said softly, "Xia Chuwei, do you want to hear my story?"

Xia Chuwei, who was standing behind him, didn't say a word.

Bai Feng hesitated, raised his hand slowly, and said, "Old Su, in fact, I told Xia Chuwei about your situation just now on the drop-shaped spaceship. You don't need to repeat it again."

Su Chen, who was sitting on the stone, almost fell, Xia Chuwei turned her head and glared at Bai Feng.

Bai Feng rubbed his hands, looking a little uneasy, and said, "Should I say it or shouldn't I say it?"

The terrifying atmosphere is thus weakened.

Xia Chuwei stood behind Su Chen and asked, "Su Chen, there must be some way, right? The universe is so big and the starry sky is so vast, we will definitely be able to find a solution to the problem, you can..."

"I did something wrong."

Su Chen, who was sitting up again, did not look back, perhaps because of the awkward moment in the conversation just now, Su Chen said without looking back, "This time, I made the wrong choice."

Xia Chuwei looked at Bai Feng, while Bai Feng looked at Su Chen blankly.

They don't have any clue about what Su Chen is saying now, they don't know where the choice came from, what did they do wrong.

Because of the intervening matter, Su Chen did not mention it to Xiao Ping, and what Xiao Ping knew was limited to Su Chen's situation. During this period of time, what he encountered and did in the World Tree The choice, only he knows.

Su Chen also knew this. What he said at this time was something that neither Bai Feng nor Xia Chuwei knew.

Su Chenzheng said: "Actually, when I was on the planet of the World Tree, I already knew that the original life was about to be destroyed, and the interior of the World Tree had been eroded by Him. What we see, the so-called world The tree is actually just the original life, and I even know that the mechanical emperor has located the coordinates of the planet and may kill him at any time, but...

"I didn't break it down at the time.

"No preparations were made.

"it's me.

"Let the situation unfold."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Bai Feng and Xia Chuwei became surprised.

Bai Feng said: "I don't understand, why?"

"Because he can help me." Su Chen replied softly, his voice seemed to come from outside the distant world, because the world in front of him overlapped, from Bai Feng and Xia Chuwei's line of sight, he was staring at There is a bright star in the distant starry sky, but in fact, there are not only stars in Su Chen's eyes, but also a burning world and a dark wasteland. All the pictures I saw, "I made a completely selfish choice.

"But it failed in the end.

"I didn't benefit from it myself, but it was self-defeating and got into big trouble."

Bai Feng and Xia Chuwei looked at each other and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

At this moment, an untimely communication bell rang. It was Xia Chuwei's personal terminal being called. She picked up the personal terminal and found that it was an evacuation notice given to her by the upper management of the Federation.

After listening to half of it, Xia Chuwei cut off the call. She took a step forward, approached Su Chen, and said, "Why did it fail? I don't quite understand. If He can help you, can we still seek His help now? "

Bai Feng looked at Xia Chuwei in surprise. In his opinion, this woman was also a little crazy. At this time, he was still thinking about whether he could get help from the original life.

But Bai Feng immediately turned his attention to Su Chen, and said very simply: "We can surrender to Him! As long as we can survive, it doesn't matter who we serve."

Bai Feng is a true statement.

There is no so-called difference between right and wrong in this world, especially in the starry sky. A position is often worthless in the face of survival. As long as one can survive, today's enemy may be tomorrow's "father".

But Su Chen just shook his head, he said with a chuckle: "Of course I can surrender, now I am also a huge threat to the original life, surrender to him, of course, but the real problem is not here. …”

When Su Chen said this, Bai Feng also understood and whispered: "I understand, if the original life can help you solve the problem, you are useless to him..."

It's useless, surrender is courting death.

Xia Chuwei's body swayed slightly, bit her lip, and said nothing.

Su Chen's focus didn't seem to be here, he just repeated softly: "At that time, all I was thinking about were those things - I can definitely do it, I can use the original life to solve me before everything gets better. problem, and then it can successfully suppress the original life.

"I think I can do it, and when I think about it now, it's like I was in a daze.

"I'm doing something that only I don't think is stupid. Unfortunately, I haven't told anyone what I'm doing, and I can't get anyone to remind me, so I went wrong one step at a time and let the situation develop into today. look like this.

"The Federation, which could have been safe for a long time, must once again embark on the road of escape.

"And I can only make that choice.

"What can turn the tide and help the building fall...

"You say, is this very funny?

"Bai Feng, Xia Chuwei~www.readwn.com~ This is the price.

"There is a price to be paid to survive and gain strength in this starry sky, and there is a price to pay for doing wrong. It is impossible for a person to live without making mistakes, being selfish, and not walking into a dead end. Then, he must pay the price. This is also the case. a trend.

"I don't want to be a hero. I've always been a bear, but, sometimes, there's a price to be paid for being a bear.

"I do not have any choice."

Su Chen's voice came from under the starlight of dark energy. With the help of dark energy, it sounded in Bai Feng and Xia Chuwei's ears, revealing a touch of helplessness and despair.

He raised his head high and looked at the sky, but in fact he had already lowered his head in despair to the fate in front of him.

Xia Chuwei had never seen Su Chen like this, she didn't know what to say for a while, she just whispered: "Su Chen, you did it, you did it, without you, the federation would have been destroyed today, You saved the Federation..."



Chapter 101 This is the price

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