I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 102: let's go

Remember [New] for a second,! Xia Chuwei was interrupted before she could finish her sentence.

Su Chen said softly: "That's just a second choice.

"The World Tree told me that we always have choices, but choices do not necessarily make the situation better or bring about better results.

"Every time I choose, I just make the result less bad, it's not called something, I just didn't let the sky fall.

"And there could have been better results here.

"Federation, you, me...

"We could all have had better results than we are now..."

Su Chen's words were interrupted.

The sound of Dengdeng's running sounded from behind him. It was Xia Chuwei who suddenly stepped forward and rushed towards him. She came to him and raised her arms high.

At that moment, Xia Chuwei's figure almost merged with the multiple worlds in Su Chen's field of vision, regardless of each other.



An unprecedented crisp sound resounded in the field.

The power of this slap was so great that Su Chen's head was turned to one side, and there was even a red mark on his face, but his power was out of his control, like some kind of protection and defense mechanism. To Su Chen, it rushed towards Xia Chuwei uncontrollably like a wild horse running away, and the woman's body flew out in an instant and fell to the rock pile behind.

If it wasn't for Su Chen desperately holding on to this power, Xia Chuwei would have been smashed to pieces by his power just in front of him.

Su Chen was startled and stood up abruptly. He wanted to hold Xia Chuwei, but the force stopped just after he made a move - he was afraid that the uncontrollable force would cause more harm to Xia Chuwei.

Fortunately, it's not just Su Chen here.

Bai Feng was also surprised by Xia Chuwei's sudden slap, but his reaction was very fast. Seeing Xia Chuwei being sent flying, he immediately took action and rolled out his strength, directly blocking Xia Chuwei in mid-air, and released it smoothly. down.

Even so, Xia Chuwei still spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and her face became pale.

But she didn't seem to care about it. She just looked at Su Chen in the distance and fell on the stone. She threw the blood-colored crystal sword in her hand to Su Chen. She was wearing an oxygen mask, and her voice Through the communication device, it echoed in Su Chen's ears.

She was just hit by Su Chen, but she was still furious, and said sharply: "What are you talking about? Su Chen, look at what you are saying, listen to what you are saying, look in the mirror and see you , look at the ghost look you are now!

"Who are you?

"Are you the Su Chen I know?

"Stand up for me! What the **** are you doing!

"Where's that Su Chen who was standing in the city of Yuanliao and slaughtering the world?!

"In this world, people make mistakes.

"What's wrong with wanting to live? I also want to live, whether the Federation is dead or alive, I don't care that much, what can I do if I do it wrong!

"You guy-

"Are we standing by your side to see you save the world and lead the Federation to an infinitely glorious future?

"We only care about you.

"You chose right or wrong, as long as it has nothing to do with you, what does it have to do with us?!

"Su Chen, you idiot, stand up for me!

"You really consider yourself a hero of the world!

"That's the perfect fantasy character for a TV show!

"There are times when people make mistakes, there are times when people cannot afford to pay, and there are times when people are like this.

"Wake up!

"It's time for us to get up and run!"

Standing on the ruins of the rock, Xia Chuwei's voice was transmitted to Su Chen's ears through the communicator, and the sound was shocking and deafening.

Su Chen sat in his place, staring blankly at the woman in front of him. The world in front of him intertwined and overlapped, and in the end it became a look that he himself did not recognize.

Bai Feng, who was standing behind Xia Chuwei, was silent, with his hands in his pockets, his eyes turned around on Su Chen and Xia Chuwei, and finally looked at the sky.

Xia Chuwei seemed to be tired, and it seemed that she was really hurt by Su Chen just now. After she said these words, she gasped a little violently, leaned back, and sat on a large rock behind, with a bellows box. The same panting.

But Su Chen...

The light in his eyes was refocusing little by little. He looked in front of him, looked at Xia Chuwei, and said slowly, "I see, thank you."

His voice returned from panic and bewilderment to calm and orderly.

Xia Chuwei was pressing her chest when she heard this sentence and raised her head. She knew that the Su Chen she knew had returned.

Panting, she asked, "What shall we do next?"

Bai Feng said nothing.

Su Chen didn't say anything.

After he said the sentence just now, he fell into silence again, as if in deep thought.

He was thinking about what to do next.

Xia Chuwei woke him up, but he didn't.

What really lingered in Su Chen's heart was the heavy fear. He watched the world in front of him change, and his state became worse and worse. The world in front of him was falling apart. He knew very well, At this moment, the ninth domain has become his shadow and has been inseparable from him, and then, the power of the ninth domain will nibble away and devour him step by step, just like the crazy growth of cancer cells in his body , madly breed in his flesh and blood, and finally completely turned him into a huge cancer cell body.

It's just that when the time comes, the power of the ninth domain will not perish with Su Chen's demise, but will completely control his everything with Su Chen's death.

This fear comes from the imminent death, but also from his helplessness and loss.

From Yuanliao to today, for the first time, he felt that there were countless paths in front of him to take, but none of them could be taken. The short-term loss was actually just Su Chen's emotional breakdown.

For so long, he had been clenching his teeth and was about to lose his strength.


What can they do now?

Su Chen replied slowly: "Let's go~www.readwn.com~ Su Chen said to go, of course it is the Federation's escape plan, he can't stop the original life and the Tandan people for too long, he can no longer control the ninth In this case, he must evacuate at a faster speed to ensure everything.

Of course, Su Chen was not included in the list of evacuees.

He followed the federation with the power of the ninth domain, which is equivalent to leading the original life to the federation, and it would be meaningless to escape, and the power of the ninth domain may also become the confidant of the federation after Su Chen completely lost control, or even the other way around. Destroy the Federation.

There are also federal options.

But what Su Chen has to admit is—

He has no choice now.



Chapter 102 let's go

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