Remember [New] for a second,! Seeing Xia Chuwei fall, Bai Feng who was standing beside her hurriedly took a step forward and supported her, so she didn't let her fall into the ruins of rubble like this.

Bai Feng supported Xia Chuwei and briefly checked to make sure she was fine, so he was slightly relieved, raised his head, looked at Su Chen, and said, "This..."

"Take her back." Su Chen smiled and waved his hand.

Bai Feng asked, "Aren't you going back?"

"I have to stay here - they could come back at any time."

With that said, Su Chen glanced into the depths of the starry sky.

Fleet such as Yuansheng and Tandan may indeed come back at any time. Once they realize that Su Chen's power is hollow and weak, and no longer threatens them, they will swarm like sharks smelling blood. There will be no hesitation.

Bai Feng was silent for a while, and also looked at the starry sky, and said, "Did you see it? The spaceships of the Black Shadowmen are together with the Tandanians."

Su Chen was stunned when he heard the words, and nodded slowly.

He didn't actually notice it, but Bai Feng reminded him that he seemed to recall that in the advanced fleet that was full of empty forests just now, there was indeed a coffin-like spaceship that looked very similar to the Jiao Heiying Man. At that time, Su Chen's My mind was all on the original life, and I didn't have time to tell the difference, but now, since Bai Feng said so, presumably that spaceship is really the spaceship of the scorched shadows and gods.

Su Chen was not surprised by this.

When he was outside the world tree planet, Su Chen had already seen Jiao Heiyingren's determination to kill him, and based on this, the original life broke the town, the Tandan people's side was powerful, and the condensation people and others Dare not to take action or even to show up. Under such circumstances, if Jiao Heiyingren wants to kill Su Chen, it is impossible for them to use the power of Condenser, because they can't borrow it. In this case, who can they turn to for help? What about killing Su Chen? That is of course the original life and the Tandan people.

Thinking of this, Su Chen nodded slowly and said, "It's them."

Bai Feng said: "You said, what price did they pay?"

Su Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe there is no price? Maybe the original life and the subordinates who like their enemies become its pawns. But they really want to kill me."

It seemed like a trick of fate.

At the time of the Battle of Basalom, Su Chen and the envoy represented by the Jiao Black Shadowman were still solid allies, but now, everything has changed. The person who died Su Chen.

Su Chen felt that the current Jiao Hei Ying Ren wanted to kill his own sex, perhaps even stronger than the original life.

Su Chen somewhat missed the divine envoy from before.

But this is nothing, Su Chen is very clear, Jiao Heiying Ren is not for the federation, but for him Su Chen, he Su Chen is now in debt and has no worries, and many people are staring at him. What's the difference, the only thing he felt helpless was that he didn't want to stand on the opposite side of the divine envoy.

This is not from the point of view of interests and practicality, but only from Su Chen's emotions as a human being.

Even if he is on the opposite side of Ningren, he actually feels nothing. Although Ningren has frequently appeared in Su Chen's ears over the years, he has never had contact with this civilization, but Su Chen has had a lot of contact with Jiao Heiyingren. , and even fought side by side. He understood them and respected them. Without the final explanation given to Su Chen by the previous generation of divine envoys, Su Chen may not understand many things until now.

It can be said that they even pulled Su Chen at one point.

Therefore, Su Chen has some special feelings for the shadow man, and does not want to meet each other in this way.

But it has come to this point, and now this is something that can't be done.

A new generation of oracles replaced the old ones, and it clearly wanted to strictly enforce the will of the gods.

It does nothing wrong.

Bai Feng doesn't seem to be as "sentimental" as Su Chen. Of course, this is actually related to the fact that he has no intersection with Jiao Heiyingren. What he sees is Jiao Heiyingren who wants to kill Su Chen even at the side of the original life. Meaning, he whispered: "The power of this ninth domain is really dangerous to this point?"

"I don't know either." This question stumped Su Chen. Although he is now making full use of the power of the ninth domain, it does not affect his ignorance of it, just like a person who eats does not know himself He could only give a rough idea of ​​how the dish in front of him was made, but he couldn't grasp the essence at all, "Maybe—

"It seems so now."

Su Chen said plainly, but Bai Feng heard a chill all over his body.

Bai Feng asked, "Then Su Chen, how do you feel now?"

"You're asking me what it's like to have a cold." Su Chen retracted his gaze from the distant starry sky, turned his head to look at Bai Feng, and in his eyes Bai Feng was also standing in the intertwined world, and his back was not extinguished. The flames, the half-human tall weeds underfoot, and the chaotic and huge rock fragments in the weeds.

Looking at this scene, Su Chen replied calmly, "I feel like it's the same as usual."

At least he wouldn't be alone in that dark wasteland, where he could see his friends now.

Isn't this the same as usual?

How smart Bai Feng is, he can see that this guy is talking nonsense just by looking at Su Chen's eyes.

This is not what it should be like to be different from usual.

But Bai Feng didn't break it. On the contrary, he showed a relieved look and said with a smile: "Did Xia Chuwei slap you and wake you up? You seem to be a lot more energetic than just now. Isn't this a return to the light?"

"Of course not." Su Chen said, "Returning to the light and returning to the light won't last long, and I-I'm going to sit here and wait for the federation to withdraw smoothly."

"Are you the door god?"

"Of course, I'm Su Chen, the star guardian of the Federation. In the future, the mascot of the Federation will have my name engraved on it - or simply engraved with my appearance." Su Chen responded domineeringly, his tone fluctuated, and the expression on his face But almost nothing changed, like a robot talking.

"Didn't you agree to open a crispy beef patty specialty store with me?" Bai Feng scolded with a smile: "Why has it changed now, to be the door **** of the Federation? Does this sound good? Or crispy beef patties? This industry is really something is still something of our old Huaxia, making a lot of money, and if we hire a few unlucky people to work for us, we can go home to retire and become the largest capitalist in the federation."

"Fart, I've never seen you cook, can you eat the beef patties you make? I'm not allowed to start a side business to earn some money?"

"We can force consumption. The federal executives, Xihuang Group, and tens of thousands of employees can forcefully sell it to them. Do you think we can make money? In a few days, we can become bigger and stronger and become popular all over the Federation."

"Where are you going to engage in the catering business, you are simply going to be a robber."

"Don't talk nonsense, just say you join or not, you can join, you don't have to worry about the rest. You can rest assured."

"Are you trying to pull the flag? I want to report you with my real name!"

"Then didn't you ruin your own business? I'm so famous that I need to hold your banner? Su Chen, I advise you to be kind."



Chapter 104 Vision

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