Remember [New] for a second,! I don't know where the discussion about the crispy beef patty specialty store started, and I don't know where it ended. It seems a bit sudden, but it doesn't make people feel abnormal.

Bai Feng suddenly changed his voice and said, "Actually, there is something I haven't told you."

"you say."

The topic of crispy beef patties ended, but Su Chen's attention didn't seem to be pulled back. His eyes wandered a little, looking at the crushed petals of the flowers that did not dissipate with the wind in the gravel under his feet, and responded.

Bai Feng thought about it for a while, and showed a rare hesitation. After a while, he slowly said: "That crystal cluster left me a section of coordinates pointing to it. If we follow that section of coordinates, maybe we can find it. , Find it, you can find Shilian people, maybe - our troubles can be solved.

"I know that Shilianren's thoughts may be the same as Jiao Black Shadowmen.

"But what if Shilian has a solution?"

Su Chen didn't look up at Bai Feng, his eyes fell on the crushed petals without blinking, like a child staring at a beloved toy, unwilling to look away for a moment.

But he answered softly in his heart.

Ten Lian people have a way.

This is the information Su Chen obtained from the Tandan people.

However, Su Chen did not answer this sentence, he asked: "That crystal cluster has left you with coordinates, isn't it going to disappear? Let's leave it alone."

"Of course." Bai Feng said, "It said, it wants to go back, it doesn't need our help, and we don't need to worry, but it wants to help us, it said, if there is something we can't solve, or we need it We can look for it, find it when it can be solved with the help of the

"But don't take me there."

Su Chen finally retracted his gaze from the crushed petals - this is probably because he suddenly realized that no matter how long he waited, those petals would not disappear - then he raised his head and looked beside him Bai Feng, said: "No need to explain, you know it's useless to explain to me."

Bai Feng was silent.

The conversation between the two was like a puzzle, but it wasn't.

After Bai Feng mentioned the crystal cluster and gave him a piece of coordinates that could help them find it, Su Chen was a little strange, why didn't Bai Feng say this before? This is not a problem, Bai Feng can tell him Su Chen before telling him the coordinates of the planet where the original life and the tree of the world are located.

Now, Bai Feng has spoken to this point, and the answer is clear.

It was the crystal cluster that prevented him from telling Su Chen.

Before that, Bai Feng actually didn't understand why the crystal cluster didn't let him tell Su Chen about this nothing special, and it was only now that he vaguely understood.

That crystal cluster probably knew about Su Chen's ninth domain power earlier than anyone, and because of this, it didn't want Su Chen to know about it.

Why don't you want Su Chen to know?

Because Shilianren also will not let the existence of the ninth domain power.

It would be very dangerous for Su Chen to find it.

Bai Feng suddenly realized that Su Chen may have known about these things, but now that Bai Feng has obtained the same information, he has also made almost the same judgment and analysis.

Both Su Chen and Bai Feng got the "answer" they wanted, so at this moment, they were surprisingly silent.

This is a terrible silence, because the thoughts and ideas of these people eventually point to the same dead end.

It's just that the time when they walked into this dead end was different.

Bai Feng was the last to walk in. He didn't expect that he would meet Su Chen and the crystal cluster here. They stood in front of a mottled old wall at the end of the dead end, smiling and greeting each other.

Then silence.

The silence lasted for a while, Bai Feng picked up Xia Chuwei, changed the subject, and said, "Then I... Then I will send Xia Chuwei back first, and then come to accompany you?"

Su Chen shook his head and said, "I want to be quiet for a while."


Bai Feng hesitated.

Although he has figured out the whole thing, he still doesn't know Su Chen's own situation very well. He doesn't know what to do to benefit Su Chen now.

Su Chen saw what he was thinking, smiled and waved his hand, saying, "Being quiet is good for me."

After thinking about it, Su Chen said again: "Go back and help Xiao Ping and the others to speed up and evacuate as soon as possible. I will study it and see if I can help you erase the traces, so that no one can find you and track you-- Bring this to Lao Xiao, he is in the Federal Building, don't be in a hurry to become an ant on a hot pan."

Bai Feng stopped insisting, nodded at Su Chen, took Xia Chuwei to the sky, and flew towards the drop-shaped spaceship.

Soon, the drop-shaped spaceship also jumped and disappeared into the starry sky.

Su Chen let out a long breath.

He sat down in a huge stone pile, hugged his legs and looked at the starry sky in the distance, as if he was thinking, but he was actually just watching.

At this time, the world in front of him was beautiful.

Throw away those eerie ingredients - green grassland, flame world, colorful dark energy world, real starry sky and rocky planet are intertwined to form a kaleidoscope-like scene, carefully observe and appreciate, you can glimpse the beauty Gorgeous stunning.

Occasionally, Su Chen turned his head and found that an illusory shadow sat beside him at some point—

Hana Nakajima was sitting on a large rock beside him, Bai Shengsheng's calves were dangling, and she was also looking up at the sky. Suddenly, she pointed to the sky as if she had discovered a new continent.

Su Chen also took advantage of the situation to look over, and he saw in the sky, a small swaying shadow flew down and landed on his shoulder.

That is dark.

She did not leave.

Su Chen pointed at Nakajima Huayin and said, "This is your sister Nakajima Anxiety stared at the void, but she didn't see anything.

An a little puzzled, watching Su Chen wave in that direction to say hello, she rubbed her eyes and then rubbed her eyes again, only to see the beautiful girl in a pale yellow dress sitting on the stone.

Xiao An let out a surprised exclamation, and looked at Hana Nakajima without blinking, for fear that this beautiful big sister would disappear with a blink of an eye.

Hana Nakajima also noticed something, turned her head with a smile, and waved her hand towards An with a sweet smile.

There are always people by Su Chen's side.

Su Chen looked at this scene, and also showed a shallow, faint smile, during which he glanced under his feet again.

He found.

The petals of the crushed flower were still there, not gone, as if not going to go away again.



Chapter 105 Accompanying

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