I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 106: Su Chen's Realm

Remember [New] for a second,! Lin Mo was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone in his sleep.

As an "elderly person" in the new era, although Lin Mo keeps up with the trend of the times in the configuration of game computers, he is still not able to accept embedded human body devices and some thin-like communicators in personal communicators. , he still prefers that big candy phone.

He suddenly sat up from the warm bed, the boss stared at him as soon as he opened his eyes, grabbed his mobile phone, and connected the call.

Inside is a gentle and sweet female voice.

"Hello, I'm sorry to disturb your rest so early, I am the 03 manual liaison of the Federal Central Emergency Response Center Group A, and now there is an emergency to inform you, I need to confirm your identity first.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Lin Mo?

"We need you to confirm your identity, please make sure that your voice is clear and native, so that we can use this as the basis for judging your identity."

Lin Mo was stunned for a while. He didn't expect such a phone call. The second monk was puzzled, but Lin Mo nodded and said dumbly, "Yes...it's me, what is the emergency?"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Joanna's voice sounded from the door: "Lin Mo, are you awake? Something happened!"

Joanna's voice was mixed with the female voice on the phone: "Okay, it has been matched successfully. Dear Mr. Lin Mo, please arrive at the west apron outside the Federal Central Building before 18 o'clock tonight and take a special spaceship. Go to the transport ship a7010 to evacuate. You have the highest access authority designated by the federal government. You only need to check your genetic identity, and you can go unimpeded without any other information to prove channels. Repeat, please be sure to…”

"The door is not locked."

Lin Mo reminded, Joanna immediately pushed the door and walked in, noticing that Lin Mo was on the phone, she kept silent until Lin Mo hung up the phone, raised her head blankly, looked at Qiao Anna, pointing to her phone, said, "What's the situation? What happened? Did you receive this call? What is the FEMA and asked me to evacuate, what a joke?

"What about Su Chen?

"Are they back?"

Joanna shook her head, nodded again, and said, "This is exactly what I'm going to tell you - if something happens, the entire federation will be evacuated. Lin Mo, come with me."

Lin Mo put on his clothes and followed Joanna down the stairs. She saw Xia Chuwei, Bai Feng and Lu Anbang were already sitting in the living room on the first floor. Joanna took Lin Mo down and turned her head away. Wake up others.

Xia Chuwei's face turned pale, but she had regained her consciousness. She smiled and nodded at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo frowned. His reaction was a little slow, but he could see the problem at this time. He asked, "What happened? Where's Su Chen? Why did you evacuate?"

"When everyone arrives, let's talk together." At this time, it was Lu Anbang who spoke. He still smelled of alcohol, but his face was no longer drunk.

Seeing this, Lin Mo also kept silent and waited.

In the living room, it was quiet for a while, only upstairs, Joanna's knocks and voices were constantly heard to wake everyone up, becoming the only voice in the room.



at the same time.

Borders of the Federation, Sentinel Sixteen.

Staring at the sky, Su Chen found a probe in the starry sky. It seemed to have been deployed by the Tandan people. It was cleverly hidden in the background of the starry sky. With the help of advanced technology, if it did not collide with it in the universe, it would be almost impossible to find it.

But Su Chen just glanced at it and realized that it was some kind of monitoring detector.

Su Chen's eyesight is of course not that good. He can find Tandan's equipment that even electronic equipment can't find. It's just that his power spreads endlessly in this space. His eyes are where his power is. , so he was able to spot it just by looking at it.

Tandan people's technology is advanced, but in the face of absolute power, there is nothing to hide.

That is actually Tandan people's request of the original life, and the things left to monitor Su Chen are to confirm Su Chen's state - once Su Chen's state begins to weaken and is on the verge of losing control, it is judged to be organic and possible. Take advantage of it, it will send a message to the Tandan people at the first time, and the Tandan people can use this to show their usefulness to the original life. At that time, the original life will make a comeback.

——He will not give up killing Su Chen, he is just waiting for the opportunity.

This device was quietly left when the Tandan people went back and forth a few hours ago to return the prisoners of the forest tribe. The Federation actually thought that the Tandan people might do something secretly. After the people left, they also did a lot of inspections, but found nothing, and finally found Su Chen.

Su Chen glanced at it, determined what it was, and crushed it in the starry sky.

It was a very strange state. Su Chen's analytical power did not touch the device, and only relying on the diffused dark energy perception, Su Chen discovered it and destroyed it.

It seems that at this time, Su Chen realized that, for some unknown time, the dark energy perception, which exists as the "sixth sense" of dark energy creatures, actually possesses real power, which can be used as an attack to obliterate what Su Chen is in front of. Everything you want to erase.

Su Chen was a little strange.

What was strange about him was not this ability, but his own power.

Strange to the state he is in now.

What state is he in now?

Su Chen felt that thinking of this question should be something that would make him happy, because his current state should be very high, outrageous and scary, it was a dream state that he had never dared to imagine before, and it was someone else's realm. The level of eternal pursuit and envy~www.readwn.com~ Just like the price he has to pay for removing the seedlings, he feels that he should be a super master among masters now.

It's the top star.

But after pondering and feeling carefully, Su Chen found that he did not seem to be the top of the starry sky.

He is very powerful now, and Su Chen himself doesn't know how powerful he is, so he can only use the original life to make a vertical comparison - so powerful that the top star of the starry sky who has let the original life live for such a long time has to stay away from himself and dare not make a move to the point of.

However, Su Chen found that he was not the real top star of the stars.

Su Chen didn't know what kind of power Xingkong Top had, and he didn't quite know what its concept was, but he had never eaten pork and had always seen a pig run.

The cracked life and the original life are the top of the starry sky.

Using them as an analogy, Su Chen felt that he was completely different from them.



Chapter 106 Su Chen's Realm

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