Remember [New] for a second,! In the universe, the top star is a real existence like the **** of the universe. Most of the beings have never even heard of the top star. Most of them are dead.

Because weak beings are not even qualified to be their vassals, and seeing them is destruction.

Su Chen is very lucky and unlucky - in his not very long life, he has encountered a total of two top stars in the stars.

Although he doesn't understand why the top star is the top star, he has truly felt that power, whether it is the original life in the world tree planet Po Town, or the deep crack in the ring of Anova. Cracking life, the feeling they bring to Su Chen is often not powerful, but a real sense of oppression.

Even if they don't do anything and just stay there, you can feel the vastness of the universe from them. Standing in front of them is like a human standing on a promise. The edge of a large star system, small and huge, can be seen.

This kind of feeling is unclear, Su Chen has always felt that it may only be one day when he reaches that level before he can understand.

But now, he seems to be able to compete with the original beings who are the top stars of the stars, but he still doesn't seem to be the top stars of the stars. On the contrary, Su Chen felt that although his current state can compete with the top star of the original life, he is fundamentally different from the so-called top star.

Su Chen has always taken it for granted that the analytical power is a power comparable to the top of the starry sky, because it is the only power that Su Chen can use and can compete with the top of the starry sky, and even cheated with it. Cracking Life, although he only deceived the other party once or twice - now that I think about it, it may even be the only time when Su Chen encountered Cracking Life for the first time. It was the only one that really deceived the other party, but it was also incredible. .

Therefore, Su Chen placed it on the same level as the top of the starry sky.

Until today and now, the power of the ninth domain has fully exploded. For the first time, Su Chen has grasped and felt this power so clearly, and he suddenly realized that the power he has mastered is comparable to that of the top star in the sky. Strength has a completely different pattern and working texture.

Although Su Chen didn't know what the real top of the starry sky looked like, how its power worked, and how it was invincible against the starry sky, he just had a feeling that the two were completely different.

Because from the power he has now, he can't even feel the shadow of the dark energy that he is familiar with.

As a sixth caste, Su Chen has been taking advantage of the power of the ninth realm along the way, but he has been walking the path of dark energy to achieve caste, except for one more great golden finger, everything else Nothing, he was still indistinguishable from a normal dark creature.

Until now, Su Chen felt that he had a disagreement with the dark energy creature.

The power of the ninth domain brings a kind of power beyond this starry sky.

Su Chen's strength can be at a similar level to Starry Sky Top, but he is not Starry Sky Top at all, but is powerful under another rule.

Su Chen seemed to be stuck in an intricate alley. He didn't know where to start, but it attracted all of Su Chen's attention, pulling his thoughts forward. The more he thought, the deeper he became. Gradually, Everything around him seems to be isolated. He has been thinking hard, trying to figure out what the top of the starry sky is and what his own power is.

He thought about these roots in order to figure out how powerful he is now, but that was just a superficial idea. At a deeper level, it was Su Chen who wanted to figure out what the so-called power of the ninth domain was. .

What is it, how does it work, and why is it able to achieve its present posture.

No matter what it is, there is a law for its operation. Even a simple bamboo dragonfly can make it fly better and faster by figuring out the law of its operation.

Figuring out what the power of the ninth domain is, may help you.

Xia Chuwei's remarks and Lu Anbang's unpleasant story once pulled Su Chen back from the end of her fear.

Su Chen wanted to live.

And if you want to survive, you have to find a way.

He knows that in this matter, the efforts of others are meaningless, and if he wants to help himself, he may have to find a way from himself.

The premise of this method is to figure out what the power of the ninth domain is.

The more he thought about it, the more cheerful he felt.

Because he suddenly realized why the deeper he immersed himself in the dark wasteland and the deeper the dark "hunter" intertwined with him, the stronger his power, which is similar to Bai Feng and Anuru. There is an essential difference in the relationship between them, not even the difference between devoured and devoured by their existences.

This is an assimilated distinction.

The power of the ninth domain assimilated Su Chen into a part of it.

Su Chen has become the medium and bridge for the dark wasteland to communicate with this universe. Therefore, the deeper the assimilation, the deeper the forces in that world can influence this world, and then Su Chen can become another form of "starry sky". top".

His current strength is based on another rule.

That rule may not apply to the current universe, but with the power of the ninth domain and Su Chen's intrusion and assimilation of this world, with Su Chen as a bridge, that rule can be applied.

Su Chen is just one of the but he is a creature in this universe. As a bridge, when he is assimilated into the rules of the ninth domain world, he will naturally cease to exist.

This looks like engulfing, but in fact it is fundamentally different from engulfing.

The World Tree seems to be right.

This point may not even be clear to the Tandan people, because they do not understand the power of the ninth domain. It is precisely because they do not understand that their attitude is different from that of the Shilian people. They want to study the power of the ninth domain. .

Thinking of this level, and figuring out this point, is actually of little help to Su Chen's current state, but Su Chen seems to have a vague understanding of the thoughts of those who desperately want to annihilate the power of the ninth domain.

This matter may not be as simple as entropy increase.

Silence is not the real result...

Instead, a wall was broken.



Chapter 107 The Wall

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