I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 108: Where did the darkness go?

Remember [New] for a second,! When Su Chen thought of this, there seemed to be a dark wall in front of him, rising from the end of the earth, spreading and growing among the weeds, the burning flames were extinguished, and the world in his eyes became Dark down.

Black walls rumbled up from above the ground, towering high into the unseen heights of the clouds, obscuring the heavens and the earth.

Suddenly, there was another knocking sound in the corner, as if someone was knocking on the black wall with something.

The sound rang for a while, and a gap suddenly opened in the center of the dark wall.

This dark wall was chiseled.

At this time, Su Chen was surprised to find that the person who pierced the wall was actually himself.

Because a heavy sledgehammer was being held tightly in his palm.

This made Su Chen abruptly startled, so he sat up from his seat, and when he turned his head, he suddenly found that An and Nakajima Huayin, who were sitting beside him just now, were all gone.

He is standing alone in this dark rock world, behind which is an illusory, huge towering wall, and in Su Chen's field of vision, black lines appear in the space, and those lines suddenly appear for no reason. The flow of dark energy in Su Chen's dark energy vision meanders, changes and advances, like a child's hard scribbling with a paintbrush, drawing a trail of traces in the world that Su Chen sees.

- Some of those lines are curved in eighteen ways, starting from one point, but it seems to extend to the end of the world, and the colorful colors in the dark energy world are all swallowed up by it; The circles are twisted together, and at the beginning, a circle of line textures can be separated. With the circle of outline strokes more and more, it gradually becomes a huge black spot, and finally extends abruptly, in the circle. The outside is cut off into a black black spot; some are painted with certain distinguishable things, like candy, like tall buildings and stars.

In that scene, it was like countless hands holding black paintbrushes, graffiti in the world in front of Su Chen's eyes.

But Su Chen took one look and then withdrew his gaze. He turned around in a circle, his eyes wandering around, trying to find the shadow of Nakajima Hanaine and Anan who were just beside him.


As if he had just lost his mind for a moment, the two people beside him disappeared.

He disappeared without a trace, and even Hana Nakajima disappeared without knowing when.

In this "monstrous" rocky ruin, only Su Chen stood alone on a high place, like a homeless tramp.

After just wandering for a while, why did Nakajima Hanaine and Anto disappear?

Such doubts arose in Su Chen's mind, but he suddenly, suddenly thought - since when did he start to lose his mind? What about those who started thinking about those things just now?

How long have you been thinking about yourself?

Su Chen couldn't find the answer to this series of questions. He didn't even know when he started thinking. There was no fault in his memory, but there was a fault in his consciousness. He fell from sober to the abyss.

So at this moment, are you awake?

Su Chen didn't know.

Illusion and reality are intertwined. Su Chen can't tell whether he is in a dream or in the real world. He stumbles and runs forward, fitting into the black high wall in front of him that rises from the ground and penetrates into the sky. I want to see if Hana Nakajima and Antou are hiding behind the wall - maybe they are just blocked by this wall of illusion?

The high wall that was indestructible just now was as fragile as paper, and it collapsed with a slight impact, but it was not destroyed. Those scattered black bricks twisted and changed their shape in mid-air, turning into strips of black. The lines of scribbles are intertwined in the sky above Su Chen's head - the scope of graffiti is expanding.

But Su Chen used a lot of strength. He didn't expect this wall to be so "weak" and collapsed with a slight push. He suddenly fell between a boulder and his head was broken.

Su Chen touched it, only to see bright blood on his hands.

That is the scarlet blood of mankind.

A little pain followed.

But Su Chen was neither nervous nor fearful about it, on the contrary, he was a little happy.

Because of this scarlet, it seems to be a unique and distinctive flag in this world of lines, with a mysterious and wonderful color.

The most important thing is that he can still bleed and feel pain, which proves that he has not entered the so-called dream state.

He was still awake.

This is also the real world.

So, where did the dark run go?

Hana Nakajima may be able to disappear all at once.

But the dark will not disappear, how could she suddenly disappear.

Su Chen got up from the gravel, sat in the center, looked left and right blankly, and finally set his eyes on the pile of stones in front of him. He was silent for a moment, and slowly pushed his arm forward.

Along with the roar and loud noise, the huge stones in front of Su Ran's eyes exploded one after another, and those huge stones cracked with mourning and turned into powder.

From the high mountains to the rocks, and then to the gluttonous powder at this moment, the peaks of Nuoda were completely destroyed like playthings in Su Chen's hands. Su Chen stood up from the ground little by little, and as far as he could see, was the Wherever the destruction went, surging power burst out from his body, and every boulder in every position he saw cracked in "waiting" and was crushed into powder.

This is the most violent scavenger.

Su Chen stood here and looked around the whole circle. The 10,000-meter-high mountain collapsed, and the formed rock area covering several kilometers was almost flattened. There were huge pits on the ground, and the space was scattered. With a lot of stone powder, UU reading www. uukanshu. com dances and scatters in the space.

Su Chen stood there, staring blankly at this scene.

He still hadn't found the dark.

In the sky high in the sky, black lines crisscross and interweave, forming a bizarre picture that is incomprehensible, like the graffiti of a child. Unbelievable artistic atmosphere.

But now, in Su Chen's world, there are countless children completing their graffiti. This scene looks terrifying. Su Chen stared at this scene, speechless for a long time, only silent.

Then he began to think further.

But where did the darkness go?

Yes, there is a federal base in front.

It may be that there is something delicious there. I just thought about it for too long, and I have no interest, so I went there to play.

Chapter 108 Where has the darkness gone?

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