Remember [New] for a second,! Such an inference quickly formed in Su Chen's mind, and his eyes moved with it, looking to the far side, from the position of the Federation at Sentinel No. 16 military base that he could not see at all.

Then Su Chen took a deep breath.

He took a step and walked forward.

He's going there to find someone.

Dark can not be lost.

At this moment, in Su Chen's mind, only this thought jumped up.

He couldn't lose the dark.

I don't know why, thinking of this, Su Chen's heart was filled with indescribable fear, as if he had lost Ank once.

Thinking of this, Su Chen suddenly stopped again.

He seems to have really lost the dark.

He thought of something, and while thinking, he saw a black line.

The line seemed a bit unique, extending from the back of Su Chen's invisible body, drawing a circle around Su Chen's body, and then spreading straight ahead.

It is rare to have a straight black line with such a long line.

It points in the direction of Sentinel Sixteen's base.

From Su Chen, it spread all the way.

As if to say: the person you are looking for is right ahead.

Su Chen's eyes widened because of this, and his eyes suddenly flashed with brilliance.

Because he felt as if he really heard a voice.

The urgency in his heart was suddenly magnified. He hadn't yet remembered when he lost Xiao An, but he remembered the feeling at that time, the feeling of being at a loss, as if it were collapsed, so his heart also After becoming anxious, he stepped forward and ran forward along the black graffiti.

When he ran, the black graffiti ran too.

The black lines stretched out beside Su Chen, and they were quickly outlined, faster than Su Chen's running speed. Some of them turned into the image of some kind of animal with limbs grabbing the ground and running fast. Then they turned into little people holding hands, running around Su Chen, and a few even ran in front of Su Chen and were trampled by Su Chen into something like ink that fainted, but it didn't seem to be enough. To "kill" them, they quickly rose from the ground again, changing cheerfully, forming other appearances, and running around Su Chen.

But when Su Chen acted, they seemed to be getting faster and faster.

Until Su Chen came to the door of the military base of the Federation's Sentinel No. 16.

Su Chen's rushing footsteps suddenly stopped.

He still remembered who he was.

He can't be too stupid or too crazy.

This is the instinct of human beings to love face. Even if they are in a bad state and are very unbearable, they do not want others to see their embarrassed appearance.

Standing in front of the huge steel gate of the military base of Sentinel No. 16, Su Chen sorted out his clothes, waved his hand, and tried to erase all those chaotic lines from his eyes, but he failed. The wave just made the lines jumping in front of him recede, but it didn't make them disappear. It just changed from running, cheering, and changing around Su Chen to the left, right, rear and sky of Su Chen. At that time, in front of Su Chen, there was only a straight, black line left, which appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes and spread all the way to the back of the closed gate of the military base.

Su Chen looked for the doorbell, but couldn't find it. He tried his communication device, but found that the communicator in his ear disappeared at some point.

Maybe it fell out when he fell before, and he didn't pay attention, and was crushed into powder by himself along with those boulders.

Su Chen made such a guess.

He didn't find a good way to knock on the door, so he had to stretch out his hand, ready to use the most primitive way of human beings to remind the federal people in the base of his arrival.

That is knocking on the door.

But the people in this base seemed to have already understood Su Chen's arrival. Su Chen just stepped forward and slowly raised his arm. The door in front of him slowly rose and opened with a bang.

Su Chen stayed for a while.

The black line is still forward, pointing deep into the dark military base.

It was dark inside the military base. I don't know why the lights were not turned on. Although the door was open, there was no one in sight at the door. It was dark and empty. The feeling of being devoured by Zhang Zeren's **** mouth.

But Su Chen was not afraid.

Because this is federal territory.

The Federation is his home, what is there to fear in his own home?

Su Chen was just a little puzzled, why there was no one here, and why it was so dark.

Is there a circuit fault that interrupted the power supply here?

Su Chen walked into the military base, the light was getting dim, and he gradually determined that there should be a problem with the wiring, so it was so dark.

But without the light source, he couldn't see the straight black line in front of him.

It seems to be helping itself to find and point to the dark.

This will not work.

Let there be light.

Such thoughts rose from Su Chen's heart, he stood in the base, raised his arm, and snapped his fingers towards the dome.

So, at that moment, with the scrolling of Su Chen's power, the entire base became brighter.

All the lights turned on at this moment.

In an instant, the entire military base became brightly lit, as bright as day.

In fact, Sentinel 16 itself is very dark, hardly bathed in the light of many stars. When all the lights in the military base are turned on, the brightness here even far exceeds the intensity of the light outside.


Su Chen looked around blankly in this radiant world, but saw nothing.

The place was empty, except for a large number of military equipment and weapons, but there was no human figure.

The people in the entire military base seemed to have disappeared.

Su Chen has come to the depths of the military base, but he has not met even a single person, and no one has come out to greet him.

Even the dark is also why is this?

What's happening here?

No one, who just opened the door of the base for him?

Su Chen didn't know, he stood in the empty federal military base and shouted: "Is there anyone?"

The echoes went back and forth, but no one responded to him.

It seemed that he was really the only one here.

At this time, Su Chen suddenly noticed that the straight black line in front of him seemed to have suddenly folded in half at this moment, bending at a 90-degree angle in front, pointing deeper into the base.

Su Chen was stunned for a while, his attention was attracted - then, he stepped forward, followed the black line, ran forward, and rushed to the end of the field of vision.

Darkness is there!



Chapter 109 Let There Be Light

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