I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 47: Madman and fool

The words of the black-robed figure caused Bai Feng's expression to change sharply, and for a while, he even stood still on the spot.

The cold wind came from the deep sea, penetrating the fog, and covering the dirty alley with a stronger flavor.

Bai Feng seemed to hear some kind of cry.

His perspective seemed to turn into a prone state in an instant, his eyes and consciousness drifted away and psychedelic, and he could only vaguely see the long and slender figure in front of him.

She was shouting something.

The voice was loud, full of despair and thirst.

What is she shouting?

Do not.


I can not hear you……

The whole space seemed to be falling, and by chance, she turned her head back and looked at him with tears streaming down her face.

That face...

That face...


Unspeakable pain came from his left body, and the pain pulled Bai Feng back to reality from the flashback memory fragments, clutching his chest, and the whole person came down on his knees and fell to the ground. , It feels pretty bad, as if to tear his whole person apart.

At this moment, a large palm was placed on Bai Feng's shoulder.

That was John Chen, standing proudly beside Bai Feng: "Oh, my knight, what's the matter with you?"


"Where does it hurt? Are you sick? Or injured?"

"I feel like an alien is about to burst out of my body." Bai Feng gritted his teeth in response to his companion, "Old Chen, at this time, you should punch me and knock me out, and then hurry up. Take me to the hospital."

"Who are you talking to? Who is the old head Chen? No one can hurt you." John Chen looked around vigilantly, guarding Bai Feng's side, "Are you so sad because of what the crystal man said just now?"

"Of course not!" Bai Feng said with a distorted expression, "I must be ill, please send me to the hospital..."

The severe pain from the body is intensifying, gradually reaching the edge of Bai Feng's endurance. His description is his true feelings. He really feels like something wants to tear his flesh and blood out of the shell. .

It's like some kind of terrifying tumor is growing rapidly in his body, gradually showing a weird and weird state, absorbing his nutrients and tearing his flesh and blood...

"We have the best doctor in the Duke's Mansion." John Chen did not hesitate and looked at the sky with his hands at a 45-degree angle, "Don't worry, I have sent a servant to call out, and I will be here soon."

"Fart doctor! Come here! You have clearly been standing here and talking to me!" Bai Feng murmured loudly with a distorted face.

At this moment, the heavy footsteps turned back from the front.

The tall black robe figure returned to Bai Feng silently.

It looked at Bai Feng condescendingly, with some inexplicable meaning pulsing in its crystallized terrifying eyes, and muttered to himself: "Maybe you are also a chess piece in a key position."

"You say...what is it!" Bai Feng waved his fist, but couldn't even raise it because of the severe pain, but he still yelled like a fighter, "Don't think I can't hear me if I fall down." Whispering! No one can speak ill of me behind my back!"

Bai Feng's tone was a yelling tone, but the size of his voice was almost the same as a groaning (shielding) groan.

John Chen took a step forward warily.

The black-robed figure ignored the old man, slowly squatting down and looking directly at the distorted face of Bai Feng who was close at hand.

"Don't worry, you can't die, this is just normal.

"The answer you want, in fact, I also want it, about this world, about you, about me, about those human beings and all kinds of dark creatures.

"But for some reason, I was stared at by the overlord here, and I couldn't get ahead by myself. This is also the most direct reason why I didn't kill you.

"We can cooperate.

"You help me, I...help you."

Bai Feng, who was grinning in pain, heard this, suddenly raised his head to look at the horrifying face of the black robe figure, and pointed to John Chen who stood upright on the other side: "Can I also have that strange ability?"

"Heh..." Hearing this question, the black-robed figure showed a sneer, as if mocking something, "Although I can probably guess how they did it, I can't give you this, you have It's a big trouble, and you don't need it, because what I have is the supreme technology. Believe me, technology is not weaker than any kind of super power.

"because I……

"It's Shilian."

When he said this, the black-robed figure stood up again a little bit, and the atmosphere of pretending to be 13 was full. At that moment, its expression was even full of pride and pride.

It seems that this name alone can shock the stars.

Bai Feng looked at it blankly. For a moment, he looked at John Chen again, scratching his head: "Old Chen, what are ten people? Ten people draw? Ten people make miracles? Ten people make people? Huh? I seem to be. All right……"

John Chen did not move his face and posture, and replied boldly: "I don't know what you are talking about."

The crystal cluster face of the black-robed figure is becoming cold again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He began to regret the invitation to cooperate with the two men.

It's a fool to cooperate with this kind of person.

But the situation now...

Only lunatics are worthy of trust.



At the same moment.

Far Liao Control Area.

The entire Yuanliao high-level people gathered together, Su Wenhao, Xiao Ping, the former new three regiment Gu Chuan, and the first person in charge of the government Tang Caizhe, etc., all gathered in the large conference room that Su Chen had used before.

Su Chen was also seated during the period.

And just now, there was actually a holographic projection screen of a big figure of the federal authorities, but just then, the network was suddenly interrupted and the holographic projection disappeared.

The meeting room fell silent.

The federal authorities brought a meaningless news-they could not determine whether the Scarlet who attacked the Far Liao people was successfully killed.

The explosion spread very high, and electromagnetic and radiation interfered with the detection of dislike. When the situation settled down, the sea was in a mess, and there was no trace of it.

In terms of countermeasures, the federal authorities also recommended that Yuan Liao stay in the control area of ​​the Kingdom of the Dead temporarily, which can save the greatest survival of the Yuan Liao people, and continue to observe why the Yuan Liao people are attacked by the fourth caste.

And just now, according to the information given by the federal authorities that have been forced to interrupt communication, after the transport ship in the Far Liao sailed out of the land of the dead and was slaughtered by the Scarlet, many weirdness began to move in this direction~www.readwn .com~This is not the case before.

The government party Tang Caizhe paled: "This is like a shark that smells blood."

Xiao Ping's face was deep: "This is for us. The attacks and massacres of the Scarlet have marked our position, allowing more monsters to hear the wind."

Having said that, he paused slightly and glanced at Su Chen.

All kinds of weird weirdness came to their place, indicating that Su Chen's previous speculation was correct. They were attacked by the fourth caste for a reason, and the root lies in their Yuanliao people themselves, and they have certain characteristics that attract. After the hunting of these monsters, the Scarlet, as the fourth caste, came the fastest.

However, what exactly is that characteristic?

Xiao Ping didn't choose to say these things, just a few people knew about it, and it was not good for the situation.



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