I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 48: I want to give it to you

In the end, the emergency meeting of Yuanliao failed to discuss a result. The morale of Yuanliao was low, and the communication on the federal side was not good. In the end, only one result was given. The federal authorities will negotiate with the country of the dead and will let the people of Yuanliao Withdraw from London, and move to the border zone between the country of the dead and the Federation, so as to ensure two-way safety and transportation of materials.

Xiao Pingping has no opinion on this.

On the way out of the conference room, Su Wenhao said to Su Chen: "The Federation is probably not going to take care of us. With this move, we will maintain our stability and observe that the purpose of observing us and the kingdom of the dead has been achieved, but our combat power is lacking. In terms of materials, they are almost refugees. They only have troubles and no help to the Federation. This time, the Federation will not take any measures against the people from Yuanliao after a complete settlement.

Su Chen also saw this floor. The two people walked out of the building where the meeting room was located side by side, only to see a glow in the mist.

Countless tiny rays of light gathered here.

There are countless people from Yuanliao who use flashlights. They are eagerly looking forward to a solution to the problem. Many people here have family members, or have their trust in Huaxia, outside of Yuanliao. No one is better than them. I am more eager to return to my homeland.

Watching this scene, Su Wenhao didn't have the courage to say anything in public, and immediately planned to bypass everyone and leave.

Su Chen was quite indifferent, he was going to rise directly from the ground in front of everyone and soar into the sky.

But at this moment, a soldier hurriedly ran from the front, took a look at Su Chen, and said something in Su Wenhao's ear.

Su Wenhao's face turned ugly, and he looked at Su Chen: "There is a knight in the kingdom of the dead, who wants to challenge you. He is now in the buffer zone. It has been a long time.

Su Chen was a little surprised: "Why?"

Su Chen looked at the soldier who was sending the message. Instead of looking at him, the soldier lowered his head deeply.

"He feels that you can't be a hero. He wants to defeat you in public and persuade the people of Yuanliao to join the kingdom of the dead." Su Wenhao said, "That seems to be a third-level surname... it's called Furui. De Hutes."

"Oh." Su Chen's attitude toward this performance was unexpectedly indifferent to Su Wenhao, and he planned to turn around and leave as he spoke.

Su Wenhao couldn't help saying: "Mr. Su, you plan to..."

"Go straight away, do you think I will go and find trouble with him? No, he is right. I am really not a hero. From the beginning to the present, most of my actions are for myself, I Can't shelter Yuan Liao, Su Wenhao, I am just helping myself while helping you by the way, nothing more.

"I will find a way to solve the problem, but whatever I do, it is prerequisite to my own survival.

"I am not great, nor a hero, nor hope.

"The hopes of Yuanliao are almost dead."

This sentence made Su Wenhao stunned, and then he gradually reacted and smiled bitterly. In fact, he should have understood that he did not have the thinking and foresight of Liu Chenye. What he saw was only what he wished to see.

The soldier lowered his head deeply.

But Su Chen stopped speaking and walked out step by step.

He just planned to fly away, but now he has changed his mind. He wants to avoid that Fred from other directions.

So Su Chen walked into the light in front of the building, and the crowd gradually separated a path for him.

Su Chen's voice was not too loud just now, but it was enough to make many people in this quiet world hear what he just said.

People slowly receded back, casting mixed glances.

Su Chen walked through the crowd like this.

At this moment, a little girl squeezed out of the crowd. Her mother stopped her but failed. She just ran to Su Chen's feet, not even half of Su Chen's height, looking up at him.

Su Chen stopped.

The girl opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but maybe because of tension, she didn't say anything. She only raised her hands slowly, revealing a small mini flowerpot in her palm.

In the center of the flowerpot, there is a swaying, tender yellow yellow flower.

"That...that...this is what I, I planted in Yuanliao...open...bloom, I...I want to give it to you."

Su Chen lowered his eyes.

That yellow flower is the most common thing on the roadside in the past. Every spring, it grows with weeds, and Su Chen doesn't even know its name, but Yuanliao and London have no such thing for a long time.

He was silent for a moment, and slowly took it from the girl's hand, holding a yellow flower in his hand, and walked forward silently.

This scene seems a bit funny.

But there is so much life.

The girl smiled behind him, looked at the mother who ran up, and smiled: "He accepted it! He accepted it!"

And Su Chen is disappearing into people's sight.

When leaving the controlled area of ​​Yuanliao, Su Chen glanced at the so-called Fred knight from a distance.

That was a well-proportioned young man who was also said to be a certain knight commander of the Knights of Defence. He was leading his men to drive away from Brent's men and shouted outside the control area of ​​Yuanliao: "Cowards, cowards, these People call you a hero, but you watch them die. You are not worthy of being admired by all. Get out and fight me. I will defeat you in front of everyone and let you, a weak coward, kneel in front of us. Please forgive me! Why, don't you even have the courage to fight me?!!!"

Hearing this, Su Chen stopped staying, but turned and left.

On the other hand, in the scene, the soldiers on the far Liao side looked at Fred in front of the formation, all of them looked ugly, and even had blue veins. Some soldiers clenched their fists as if they were about to rush out directly.

Zhao Miaomiao, who fell on the remote building, watched this scene coldly.

And beside her, Joe, who was in a wheelchair, was smiling ~www.readwn.com~ and talking to Zhao Miaomiao.

Zhao Miaomiao couldn't help saying: "He said that Mr. Su, don't you feel angry?"

"Angry? What's the use of being angry?" Qiao Zheng smiled, "But you are really amazing. I added a wheelchair to several hundred kilograms, and it was easy to bring me up. It's better than an elevator."

"Who is talking about this!" Zhao Miaomiao was anxious, "Why does he say that Mr. Su is a coward? Yuan Liao decisive battle, if not..."

"What's the matter?" Qiao Zheng interrupted Zhao Miaomiao with a smile, stretched out his hand to hold the woman who was about to rush down, and shook his head, "Brother Su, he doesn't need to prove anything, he doesn't care.

"Also, today, he is really not in the mood to deal with such a fool."




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