I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 49: Tanks and fighters!

The new plan of the Federation was quickly approved by the Nation of the Dead, and the Yuanliao people once again withdrew from London and evacuated to the edge of the "boundary" of the Nation of the Dead.

The land of the dead found an uninhabited village for them, Painswick.

The scenes of that day were the retreat of the former East London port, and the long flow of people gathered in the streets.

Su Chen also followed far away, but this time, he was no longer acting as an escort, but followed the Yuanliao people to Payneswick to collect a batch of supplies. Su Chen did not bring too many people, only brought Zhao Miaomiao who can also fly.

It is already August 6th.

Four days later, the bleak atmosphere of Yuan Liao finally disappeared. A few days ago, Yuan Liao people even spontaneously held worship activities for Yuan Liao people slaughtered by the Scarlet and Deputy Commander Liao Chengdong.

The vast majority of Yuanliao people have chosen to stay here temporarily, but there are still many people who ignore the risks and want to go home.

The Federation did not reject these people's requests, but selected a group of people from them, preparing to quietly send them out of the Undead in different ways.

This is also a federal test.

Xiao Ping actually wanted to stop, but this was after all the personal wishes of the people in the Liao Dynasty, and he finally chose to remain silent.

The Kingdom of the Undead has also released its authority. Payneswick can allow departmental federal agencies and military personnel to be stationed. On the contrary, the members of the Kingdom Knights on the front line of Brent are also arranged here, and continue to monitor the remote The state of the Liao people.

Su Chen had to arrive at Painswick before a large army of Yuan Liao people. The federal side and Yuan Liao's early personnel had almost settled most of the problems, and the Yuan Liao people could move in.

Xia Ming also came here early.

The materials that Su Chen wanted to take were divided into two batches. One batch was materials provided by the military, a large number of heavy equipment and parts; the other batch was a large number of various materials provided by Xia Ming and the Xihuang Group behind him. , Are what Su Chen and his Xinghan Technology Company are in urgent need.

Therefore, Su Chen made a special trip to ensure the fastest transportation in the shortest time.

The military and Su Chen's officials who handed over supplies were strange faces. At first, the exchange with Su Chen seemed a little reluctant. Su Chen could understand this because he was squeezing the resources of the Federation and could give feedback to the Federation. I have hardly seen anything, of course I would be unhappy, but this situation has greatly changed after Xia Ming's arrival, and he suddenly became enthusiastic.

Of course, this enthusiasm is also for Xia Ming.

Xia Ming only smiled at this, jokingly said: "It seems that in the federal world, money and status are more popular."

Under the federal system, although there are not many first-class surnames and talents at present, they have not reached the point of precious talents and cherished resources. At most they are thugs and weapons. The ability to give mortals superpowers, but the premise of civilization has not collapsed Under the hood, what ability can bring to talented people is actually very limited.

The military and Xia Ming's supplies were moved into the warehouse prepared early.

When the military people left, Xia Ming couldn't help but be a little surprised looking at the things provided by the military piled up in the warehouse: "The tank skeleton, the latest ceramic armor, the power system, and what... the barrel? Why are you? Don't you just want a tank?"

"I want to assemble a tank... Did you see that there is an ‘unassembled version’ of a fighter jet over there." Su Chen smiled broadly and pointed to the corner on the other side.

Xia Ming looked over there and took a sigh of relief: "That's the new-style Parrot Type 3 air-to-sky fighter of the Federation-Mr. Su, what benefit are you giving the Federation?"

"Stable communication network." Su Chen smiled and explained unambiguously, "At present, the project we are working on is a global communication network based on dark energy and talented people. Once completed, As long as terminal equipment is used, talents themselves can serve as base stations and build bridges... to form a huge communication network covering the world."

When Xia Ming heard this, he couldn't help taking a breath: "I heard He Xuanheng say about this once before, but...is it progressing so fast?"

Su Chen just smiled non-committal.

Xia Ming said: "This is incredible. The current main communication network is disrupted. The federal government, many companies, and localities urgently need such a communication network. If you can really build it, then... I think I can already apply to the board of directors for additions. Invested in you."

Su Chen just clapped his hands: "Hurry up and get the money."

"You told me so much, just for us to increase money quickly, right?"

"Of course, after all, this is not Yuanliao. The social system hasn't collapsed yet. You can't take anything by yourself. Many things need to be customized..." Su Chen said, turning his words slightly, and said, "However, you What are your plans lately, are you ready to leave here?"

Xia Ming shook his head: "The last attack is still vivid. In a short period of time, before the situation is clear, I will not take a risk. The person in charge of the British branch of the Western Wilderness Group has left because of the arrival of the country of the dead some time ago , I happen to be here to take over his position, so I can deepen cooperation with you.

"Working with you, I feel that I can make a profit, but also feel safe."

When talking about the latter sentence, Xia Ming's gaze scanned the exaggerated things in the warehouse, and he couldn't help but recall the way the two people first met in Tianjing Building a long time ago.

Su Chen didn't think so much. His gaze fell back to the things in the warehouse, and he was already thinking about making Xia Ming hurry to get out, so that he could put these things into the space of the Anowal ring, and then hurry up. Returned.

Huo Liang was working on the dark energy network while preparing for the transformation of the battle armor, but before that, they were preparing to make other attempts.

such as……

The real magic-modified fighters and tanks~www.readwn.com~Huo Liang hopes that these can also be customized. The last time Su Chen’s magic-modified fighters swept across the sky left a deep impression on him, but Su Chen is now lacking in combat. I hope to ship them quickly. Therefore, they have obtained ready-made things from the Federation. In this way, they can be used directly after the initial planning and transformation according to the design.

Xia Ming was very interested, and wanted to talk a little more, and even wanted to invite Su Chen to visit the British branch of their Western Wilderness Group.

Su Chen Yu Guangli glanced at Zhao Miaomiao coming, and with a heart move, he was ready to take the opportunity to directly reject Xia Ming's invitation.

However, before Su Chen could speak, Zhao Miaomiao said with a solemn expression: "Mr. Su, someone who claims to be your sister wants to see you!"




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