2021-08-03   Chapter 157 of eight rich rewards

"You see."

Feng Xiao said, "It's still very cute and kind."

The Magpie Dragon came cautiously.

"Student Wang, is there anything you want to say about winning the championship this time?"

Walnut took the special microphone and walked to Wang Che enthusiastically.

Subconsciously glanced at the Green Caterpillar.

Don't say it, it's really cute, and it doesn't have that fierce feeling in the game.

Thinking back to the game at that time, Walnut still has lingering fears now.

"What I want to say..."

Wang Che muttered for a few seconds, "The sailing cup powerhouse is like a forest. Green Caterpillar can stand out from the many Soul Pets, and finally pass the difficult battle. Winning the championship has a lot of luck."

"Secondly, it is not the most important thing to win the championship. The most important thing is the different Soul Pet duel, which can accumulate combat experience and grow up quickly. ."

"I believe that this is the real purpose of the Sailing Cup."

"Tough Fight"

"Accumulate Experience"

Walnut: "..."

Feng Xiao: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Listening to the previous sentence, Walnut thought laugh.

But the next sentence is indeed the purpose of the sailing cup.

I can’t laugh again, and I’m very nodded.

Walnut looked towards Feng Xiao and Lin Xi.

"Wang Che player is right." Feng Xiao agreed, "Champion is really not important. It is the most important thing to accumulate combat experience during the game. Therefore, Wang Che player should you take Give me the champion? I really don’t want to be second."

"That won’t work, it’s hurting you." Wang Che said with a smile, "No one will recognize the champion who is let out. You will be attacked by all kinds of attacks, saying that you are not worthy of virtue, and when the time comes, even your Magpie Dragon will be affected. How can I put you in such a dangerous situation?"

"It's okay, I don’t mind.” Feng Xiao said, “I’m kind and accustomed, and being harmed by others will help me grow. By the way, I can learn about the dangers in the world, and I will gain a wisdom by eating a pad.”

"..." Wang Che.

Well, it's another player who doesn't follow the routine.

"Why do I change with you?" Lin Xi on the side said, "You don't want to be second, you can choose to be third."

Feng Xiao was taken aback, Immediately said: "That won't work, I can't harm you either."

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind." Lin Xi said.

"..." Feng Xiao.

Walnut couldn't help it anymore, laughed up.

The audience couldn't help but burst into laughter. It was a real pleasure to hear the three champions and runners-up bragging about it.

After the game, the poo talk session is over, and then the awards are presented.

Unlike the Qiming Cup, it doesn’t even have a medal.

The Sailing Cup has a real trophy. The rock-colored Sailing Trophy is made of special metal. It may not be valuable, but the symbolic meaning of the trophy is extraordinary.

In addition to trophies, there are special medals brought by Soul Pet.

The medals will be engraved in real time based on the Soul Pet who won the championship.

The medal itself is also a kind of space-guided soul artifact, which can contain some food, materials and so on.

The value of the soul artifacts of the space guide is very high, even if it is small, it starts with a million dollars.

Not to mention the difficulty of its production process, mainly because the materials are too scarce, so the cost is expensive.

It is Hall Master of Xiyue Gymnasium, Yue Zilin who handed out the trophy.

A middle-aged Soulbind Master at the 15th level. The mountain and sea Dragon Hawk before is his Soul Pet.

is also one of the guest referees.

It looks like a middle-aged handsome man, but he is over a hundred years old in fact...

"Youngster, come on."

Yue Zi Lin handed the trophy to Wang Che with some encouragement in his eyes, "Several decades later, I am waiting for you to challenge our Xiyue Gymnasium."

Challenge the gymnasium in order to obtain greater qualifications for the competition. And honor to temper yourself.

The Martial Spirit Federation holds a real world-level Peak Soulbind Master tournament every fifty years.

That is the tournament that represents the most cutting-edge battle strength of mankind!   is a symbol of honor of the Supreme.

If you want to qualify for the tournament, you must first have the challenge certificates for all professional gyms in your respective War Zone.

Yue Zilin presented awards to the three players in turn.

It was He Huan who presented the award to Soul Pet.

The Chief-In-Charge of the Xiyue Soul Pet Research Base.

He Huan came to Green Caterpillar and hung the medal in his hand on Green Caterpillar's neck.

Green Caterpillar looked towards the medal. In the center of the medal, it was carved with a cute little caterpillar exactly like it.

That's great!   Green Caterpillar said he was happy:   "(`) " since you can use this to install snacks!   "Little of all fellow should make refueling."

Ho Huan touched Green Caterpillar head, said with a smile, "have a good start, I hope you can go further! Stronger!"

Green Caterpillar glanced at Wang Che, nodded.

Yes, yes!

The awards were quickly completed, and this year's Sailing Cup is also coming to an end.

In the end, it is naturally a reward.

The reward for the Sailing Cup is not simple.

It's not the kind of little jokes like the Qiming Cup.

The championship alone is a financial reward, which amounts to three million.

Compared with the 100,000 bonus given by the Qiming Cup, this is a 30-fold increase.

It is enough for the current Soul Pet to configure a set of excellent Soul Guide Technique guide soul artifacts, and there is more than enough.

At the same time, all kinds of Soul Pet's rare food and cultivation potions are all affordable.

Buy whatever you want.

"Student Wang Che, you won the championship this time. Here is the list of awards. You can take a look first, and we will take you to receive the award later."

The staff of the Sailing Cup, Passed a long list to Wang Che.

Wang Che glanced, there were nearly ten.

In addition to financial rewards.

The second reward is related to Martial Spirit cultivation, the Martial Spirit crystal, which has the top ten crystals. Only the number is different.

Its value effect is extremely high. It contains very pure and stable Soul Power inside, which can accelerate the cultivation of Martial Spirit. There are ten champions.

The function of this thing and Spirit Stone is that it has several points of similar.

For Martial Spirit's newly awakened students, it is very useful.

Martial Spirit has just awakened and is in the full induction stage. It will not immediately take the initiative to cultivation. Soul Power itself is not a stable energy, and no one to guide the cultivation will be dangerous.

And the Martial Spirit element crystal interior contains stable Soul Power, which means that Martial Spirit can directly absorb it, cultivation success Soul Power, and upgrade Soul Power level.

The third reward, which is also related to Martial Spirit, is a capsule called mental image.

After taking this capsule, you can see the Soul Pet battle in ancient times when you enter your dreamland, and see the many relics of this world before the collapse of the ancient civilization, which is calculated by modern humans using scientific methods. After the experience, it can improve the spirit strength of the students and at the same time have some understanding of the ancient history of the world.

There are five capsules in total. Each time you eat one, the mental image is more real. The more you take at one time, the greater the shock.

The enhanced spirit strength is stronger.

"As for the spirit image capsule, based on the current situation of your classmates, take one capsule a week, otherwise the spirit strength will not be able to bear it."

The staff warned repeatedly, "This substance is taken It’s a little bit dangerous. It’s basically not dangerous to take one. After taking it for a few weeks, the spirit strength will change significantly. At the same time, you can experience the ancient Soul Pet and the changes of the ancient world."

The fourth reward is a set of soul artifacts and Soul Guide Techniques worth millions of dollars for training. It's just that Green Caterpillar and Magnetic Sword are in a special situation... Like the Qiming Cup, it is estimated that only Wang Che chose it himself.

The fifth reward, related to Soul Pet, is food. There are three types of insect food and mechanical food given by the sailing cup, all of which are very precious leaf food, and the direction of improvement is also different.

The sixth reward, still related to Soul Pet, is Soul Pet decoration. It is a kind of soul artifact. The difference is that different Soul Pet decorations have different effects. Moreover, it is different from the training effect of guiding soul artifact.

Soul Pet decoration can directly improve Soul Pet's physical attributes after being worn. It is a very valuable and expensive thing.

Equivalent to Soul Pet equipment.

The soul artifact used for training is auxiliary to the cultivation, and long-term wearing can improve the effect.

The Soul Pet decoration that can directly fill in the Soul Pet attribute is the rarest among them.

The seventh reward is the qualification for the trial of the first-level soul illusion, the soul illusion, also known as the ghost illusion. It was the ghost creatures that invaded the world in the past, and they created the alien space, which was later repelled. These different spaces are used by humans and transformed into illusions. Soul Pet's practice in the interview can increase Soul Pet's lifespan upper limit and even aptitude.

There are only a few special places that can meet the upper limit of Soul Pet lifespan and aptitude.

Naturally, it is also extremely dangerous.

Those ghosts, because many humans entered the spirit ring realm back then, their souls were infected, and they became mentally disordered after they left, and they all wanted to destroy the world.

But, after all, that is only a small part, modern management is in place, and some soul illusions have been completely mastered by humans.

In the trials of these soul illusions, although there are still dangers, there will be no ghosts.

The eighth reward is Dino Technology’s Super Gacha Ten Lian.

Champion five times, runner-up four times, and third runner-up three times.

After that, as long as the players enter the third round, there will be one time.

This reward seems to be rounded up.

But it is the most anticipated by many players.

Especially the rest of the players after the third place.

Relatively speaking, their rewards are not many.

Basically, the rewards after the top 32 are not even comparable to those of the Qiming Cup.

However, this stunt gashapon ten consecutive, but it can defy the heavens and change the fate!   just out of a gold flash! The sailing cup is worth it!

After reading the rewards, Wang Che felt that the rewards of the Sailing Cup were indeed rich.

The resources given are definitely in place.

From Martial Spirit to Soul Pet, there are related resources to give, of course, not much.

After all, it’s just starting out. It’s useless to give too much.

It's like Soul Pet decoration, but it's just one piece, not too much.

Food and resources, as long as the champion, there will be no shortage, it depends on how to choose.

In the Champions League, the difference between the three is the amount.

Of course, the honor and popularity given by the Sailing Cup itself is also a reward.

Green Caterpillar’s ​​gold medal space guide soul artifact is an extra reward.

Although there is not much space inside, only one cubic meter, for Green Caterpillar, it can improve a lot of happiness.

"After reading the list, if there is no doubt, choose the reward."

The staff said with a smile.

"No doubt."

Wang Che full of energy, took the Green Caterpillar and followed the staff to select the reward immediately.

For so long, the combat experience of Magnetic Sword and Green Caterpillar is very important.

What can be rewarded and harvested, is the real deal.

night there should

      (Chapter End)

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