
  Chapter 158 Electromagnetic scabbard   Wang Che follows the staff Arrived in the award-winning area.

The bonus is a savings card with three million bonuses in it.

The Martial Spirit crystals are contained in small boxes, each of which is only the size of a fingernail, but contains very pure Soul Power.

Ten pieces, according to Wang Che's estimation, should be able to cultivate several strands of Hundred Refinements Soul Power.

The realization of Martial Spirit should not be a problem.

The mental image capsule will also be packed in a special small box.

Wang Che rewards these small objects directly into the Green Caterpillar medal.

Green Caterpillar is a little unhappy about this, but this is its private vault, how can you put other things at will?   Wang Che put the Green Caterpillar medal in his hand and told it:   You are still young, and I will use this for you when you grow up.

During this time, what's delicious and fun, I will save it for you.

When you open it in the future, you will have a special surprise!   Because when the time comes, there are all your favorite foods, toys, decorations and so on. It's so many times happy! When   Green Caterpillar heard it, he felt that it made sense, and then gave the medal to Wang Che for safekeeping.

During this exchange, the staff next to him looked silent.

"Next is to guide soul artifact and Soul Guide Technique."

The staff said, "Green Caterpillar...cough cough, the Dino Tech staff at Heavenly Heart City Tell me, or the old rules, let you choose? Magnetic sword and Green Caterpillar, you can choose a Soul Pet, here is a package worth millions of soul artifacts and Soul Guide Technique for cultivation."

"The value increases a bit, I only need to guide the soul artifact." Wang Che said, "You don't need to choose for me, I just ask for it, right?"

"Of course, this way Better." The staff member said, "Which Soul Pet do you need, and what kind of soul artifact do you need to train?"

Naturally, the soul artifact for training cannot be randomly selected.

Green Caterpillar already has mechanical meteor equipment.

The effect of training for more than a thousand years will disappear. It is still early.

The one that needs soul artifact training is the magnetic sword.

'The current cultivation base of the magnetic sword is relatively low, and the ancient scabbard given by Professor Yan is still useless. It should also be given an easy-to-use soul artifact for daily training. '

Wang Che thought for a few seconds and got an idea.

"I need to choose the soul artifact for the magnetic sword, training direction, comprehensive, so that it can better control its own mechanical energy the best." Wang Che said.

Magnetic swords just need to lay a solid foundation. In other respects, it is not bad.

The staff meditated for a few seconds and exchanged ideas with the rest of the staff.

Soon, a black box was delivered to the staff.

"This is the latest soul artifact, electromagnetic scabbard produced by Dino Technology for the mechanical Soul Pet. After the magnetic sword enters the scabbard, the cultivation speed will double, and the electromagnetic structure contained in it will be able to Let the magnetic sword more perfectly control its own mechanical energy."

The staff explained, “there also contains different levels of electric current, which will stimulate the body of the magnetic sword every moment, and the overall strength will gradually Get promoted, within a thousand years of Soul Power cultivation base, the improvement effect is very impressive."

"However, it will be a little difficult to adapt in the early stage, but for your magnetic sword, it shouldn't be a problem."


"At the same time, its fixed length can also be worn with a magnetic sword within a thousand years of Soul Power cultivation base. There will be no problem."

What catches the eye is a handle that exudes mechanical luster. The scabbard, with lightning symbols around the blade, looks very cool.

About one meter and five in length.

Wang Che released the magnetic sword, making it feel that this thing is inappropriate.

Just like trying on, just plug it in.

The moment when the magnetic sword enters the scabbard.

Wang Che clearly felt a pleasant emotion.

Magnetic sword: "()"

Very good!   Very good!

The magnetic sword is a special machine Soul Pet born in modern times.

The soul artifacts researched by modern humans are all high-tech products produced after many investigations, various data calculations, and various experiments.

Expensive is expensive, but it is definitely value for money.

Obviously, the magnetic sword is very satisfied with this thing.

"It seems that the effect is good." The staff said with a smile, "didn't expect adaptability is so good, it takes at least one month for other magnetic swords to adapt to this electromagnetic scabbard. Many magnetic swords can't stand the different levels of electric current inside."

"Didn't expect, your magnetic sword can adapt so quickly."

Wang Che Mind bullshit, magnetic swords are cultivated by heavenly thunder.

The current in this scabbard is of course nothing.

The cultivation effect of the scabbard is definitely much worse than that of motivating heavenly thunder.

Inspire heavenly thunder cultivation, every cultivation, the physical strength of the magnetic sword will greatly increase each attribute.

But it cannot be long-term cultivation. Every time a heavenly thunder cultivation is initiated, a burst of vitality needs to be restored.

With the current situation of magnetic swords, at most once a week, it also depends on the timing.

Too many cultivation hastily, the magnetic sword will lose vitality, maybe the cultivation base will drop sharply, and the spiritual wisdom will drop.

The advantage of the electromagnetic scabbard is that you can revise spirit refinement all the time.

It's similar to placing the phone on-hook, as long as you stay in it, you can continue to have a cultivation success for a long time.

It’s just that the growth is very small, and the victory lies in the long flow of water. Over time, the effect is still very good.

At the same time, it can strengthen the control of its own mechanical energy, and this effect is even better.

"Yes, it is very satisfied." Wang Che nodded.

"By the way, the current intensity inside the electromagnetic scabbard can be changed." The staff pointed at the center of the scabbard.

There are five yellow rays of light.

Only the first frame is currently lit.

"There are a total of five levels. Each level has a different electric current and a different stimulation intensity." The staff member said solemnly, "Because the body of the magnetic sword is being stimulated all the time. So it can't be opened. If it’s too high, wait for its cultivation base to rise slowly. Otherwise, after it rises directly, you may feel nothing for a short time. Over time, the mechanical energy in the mechanical Soul Pet will riot because of being overly active, making the Soul Pet. It's very dangerous to fall into an overloaded state."

Wang Che doesn't need the staff to know this.

It is the same as motivating heavenly thunder cultivation to exceed the number of times.

"Then the next fifth reward is Soul Pet's special food."

The staff said, "Do you want Green Caterpillar food or magnetic sword food? ?"

The magnetic sword has Wang Che's own special core stone, which is enough for the moment.

Green Caterpillar's food is relatively scarce.

Na Yangjing Milk Fir Leaf has almost eaten.

Wang Che is going to change a food.

Food is very important.

It is related to the cultivation direction of Soul Pet.

"Green Caterpillar's." Wang Che said.

"Green Caterpillar …we provide three kinds of special foods here." The staff introduced, "One is rock cocoa leaves, the other is fine lotus triangle leaves, and the other is UFO Hongyu Leaf."

"Rock Qiao cacao leaves contain mountain rock energy. Although Green Caterpillar cannot fully absorb it, long-term use can still improve Soul Pet's defense."

" Delicate lotus leaf contains psychic energy. Although Green Caterpillar can't absorb it, long-term use can enhance the spiritual wisdom of Green Caterpillar."

"Ultra-floating red feather leaf, contains sky energy, Green Caterpillar... Cough cough …Although it can't be absorbed, it can be improved to make Green Caterpillar lighter and speed up."

The staff explained a little embarrassingly.

The reason for the embarrassment is that Green Caterpillar's food is very difficult to prepare.

Because Green Caterpillar is fed by itself, special leaves are not needed.

All you need is ordinary leaves, most of the characteristics of Green Caterpillar, because it can spin silk, in order to increase the strength of Green Caterpillar spinning, many companies will develop a leaf that contains insect life energy. After eating it to Green Caterpillar, it makes the silk spit out more tenacious.

This is similar to the leaf snack that Wang Che originally boiled for Green Caterpillar.

So, that's all.

Green Caterpillar will not develop other special foods.

Because of the development...Green Caterpillar basically cannot absorb...

These special leaf foods are very precious. But it is not developed for Green Caterpillar.

It is developed for some special Insects.

It's like the previous Yangjing Milk Cedar Leaf.

These three kinds of food are even more high-end.

"UFO Hongyuye."

Wang Che glanced at Green Caterpillar who was chasing the magnetic sword.

Little fellow always wants to fly.

This fascinating hovering leaf contains life energy in the sky. Although it may not allow Green Caterpillar to fly... But it is always a little closer to the dream, right?

There are three boxes of food, a total of 6,000 pieces, which is enough for a long time.

Wang Che put the three boxes of food into the medals in front of Green Caterpillar.

Green Caterpillar saw it with his own eyes and was very happy.

I think Wang Che didn't lie to it.

Sure enough, I filled myself with food.

The sixth reward is Soul Pet decoration.

This is a real good thing.

The equipment of Soul Pet can improve Soul Pet attribute by wearing it.

"Magnetic sword and Green Caterpillar, which Soul Pet do you choose to get the Soul Pet decoration?"

"Green Caterpillar, right."

After all, the sailing cup It was shot by a little fellow, Green Caterpillar.

I played a magnetic sword and got an electromagnetic scabbard, which is good for daily training.


The staff immediately searched, and then they brought a few exquisite toy boxes.

"According to the current Soul Power cultivation base of Green Caterpillar, we also provide three Soul Pet decorations."

The staff carefully introduced, "first, Qi He belt, Qi He There are many combat Soul Pet patterns engraved on the belt. As long as you wear it, you can slightly increase Soul Pet’s vigor. In battle, using spirit abilities related to vigor will increase the effect to a certain extent."

"second, the flower feather and insect crown, worn on the head of the Green Caterpillar, can directly increase the spirit strength of the Green Caterpillar. Although the Green Caterpillar cannot learn the Spirit System spirit skills, its learning ability will be obvious after the spirit strength is increased. Improved, Soulbind Master will be easier to cultivate."

"third, worm teeth, worn on the mouth of Green Caterpillar, worm teeth can increase the silking strength of Green Caterpillar..."

The staff said while introducing.

I have to say that this Soul Pet decoration is indeed a good thing.

Wearing can directly improve the ability, equivalent to Soul Pet weapons and equipment.

"However, these Soul Pet decorations are recommended to be worn when the spirit ring is condensed. Otherwise, the effect is almost ineffective. The spirit ring is a manifestation of the cohesion of Soul Pet. Soul Pet decoration needs to be used in Soul Pet. After the Soulbind Master condenses the first Dao Soul ring, wear it."

"Because the Soul Pet decoration itself contains very powerful Soul Power fluctuations. If the spirit ring is not condensed, Soul Pet cannot bear this after wearing it. This kind of Soul Power fluctuates. It will cause a lot of harm to Soul Pet."

The staff explained.

(End of this chapter)

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