I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 141 Retainers from Generation to Generation

In the middle of the night, the sky gradually turned brighter, and when dawn was about to rise and the fish belly turned pale, A Jin came back with his men responsible for the robbery and the loot.

They spent the whole night fighting and looting.

There were many boxes placed on the edge of the pit, containing the trophies they had snatched.

Cloth, medicine, ironware, food and water were all indispensable. They were not afraid of grabbing too much and not being able to put it down, because after this robbery, there would definitely be a banquet, which would require a lot of food.

Apart from these necessities, all that remains is Bailey and the treasure.

On the other side of those big boxes, there are several treasure boxes with a large number of Baileys piled up, as well as a treasure box with gold coins and gold bars.

Sage sat down on a big rock, glanced at the gold coin box that was not full, and raised his eyebrows, "Is that all?"

Lily stood in front of him, looked at the list in her hand, and said: "There are many nobles and wealthy businessmen in the royal city, but they basically use Bailey, and there are only a few who collect gold coins. In addition..."

She paused and said: "In the battle with the remaining soldiers, one hundred and twenty-six of our people died and more than two hundred were injured."

As soon as these words came out, Ajin and Bellamy on the side lowered their heads in shame.

Master Sage had dealt with more than half of them, and the remaining soldiers faced them, only a dozen or two or three, and they were joined by good ones like them, so there were still many casualties.

"Well, the people on the other side are considered elite, so I don't blame you." Sag nodded and said.

The soldiers of the Anu Kingdom are indeed of good quality. After all, they are selected from this stone country where there is nothing all year round. Each of them has undergone considerable training in the quarry. Compared with these pirates, they are not much better. let.

If it weren't for the somewhat powerful ones like Akin Bellamy to join the battle, five hundred pirates would really not be able to fight against these soldiers. With such a battle loss ratio, it would be okay.

"Ah, let's have some breakfast and replenish our energy."

On the edge of the pit, the men got a stove and a large pot from nowhere. Hot steam was floating in the pot. Marika scooped up a large bowl of broth with noodles and handed it to Sage.

The rest of the people obediently ran to the stove, gathered around, scooped up the stew, and drank it hungrily.

They had been fighting almost all night, so their physical strength was naturally lower, and they would need to take action later. From here they headed to White Harbor to continue the robbery, and they had to replenish their physical strength.

Sage held the bowl of broth with noodles, thought for a while, and looked to the other side.

In the center of the pit, in front of the abyss-like hole, stood a group of men with their upper bodies bare and wearing only stone armor trousers, and a group of men made of stone cloth, surrounding their chests and buttocks. woman.

Regardless of whether they are male or female, they are all about two meters tall. Although their hair colors are different, they are all the same as Lars, with dark eyes without any white, and black and gold vertical lines extending from the soles of their feet to their shoulders and chest.

At this time, they were looking around randomly, looking at the sky for a while, the buildings in the distance for a while, the clothes on their bodies, and even the braised rice on the stove not far away. The hot cauldron swallowed in unison, showing curious and eager but timid eyes.

Sage shook his head and shouted in the direction of the stove: "Give them a share too!"

The eyes of these people all lit up and they all ran over. They were not like the other pirates who gathered in a chaotic group, but lined up in an orderly manner, scooping out bowl after bowl.

They were even curious about the bowl. After imitating the pirates' ladles of broth, they held the bowl and looked at it like monkeys. Then they carefully used forks and spoons to take a bite. After only one bite, their eyes lit up. Like a black gemstone.

An older man shouted to Sage in surprise: "Master! This is so delicious!"

"Then you should eat more!" Sag gritted his teeth and glared at them angrily.

These people are demons like Lars. They all crawled out of this underground. There are no children, they are all adults. The youngest is sixteen years old and the oldest is forty. They are all on this sea. Belongs to youth.

These demons, after three hundred years of reproduction underground, finally came up with the will to reach the surface for generations.

Originally, Sage was quite happy. Even if these demons were almost separated from the outside world, it didn't matter.

There are so many places that are disconnected from the outside world. Even in the four seas, there are islands that are unknown and not connected to the outside world, let alone the Grand Line. Due to the changing climate and magnetic field, the difficulty of navigation is greatly increased.

Every island on the Grand Line is almost uncirculated, especially between the big magnetic islands. Each has its own civilization and era, so a group of underground demons who are not familiar with the world and are curious about everything except mines. People are not something worthy of surprise or surprise.

These were nothing. The main reason why he turned from joy to anger was because they didn't bring gold!

The so-called underground El Dorado has been almost completely mined for a long time. There were many gold mines a long time ago, but no matter how many gold mines there are, they are just an island and cannot withstand three hundred years of continuous digging.

They have gone very deep, and if they go further down, they will not be able to withstand the pressure. As for normal people, it is even more impossible to reach the position they dug through.

It can be said that in the past three hundred years, they have dug up all the gold mines hidden on the island. Maybe they can dig out gold ore if they search carefully, but the time it takes is not counted in days.

El Dorado was real, three hundred years ago.

El Dorado is fake, right now!

Sage had great expectations, but these people told him that the gold was gone.

If he had known that this would happen, when he first came here, he should have tried his best to kill Grani, so as not to turn him into a "yellow diamond man" and cause the mountains of gold coins to disappear!

"Is that really all? You didn't look carefully. Maybe there is a treasure trove of this king's family somewhere, just like the tomb in Alabasta."

Sage's words made Ajin wipe the cold sweat from his forehead. He did not dare to look into Sage's eyes and lowered his head in silence.

"It's too late."

Lily shook her head and said: "Anu country is not small. We killed the king and still made such a big noise in the royal city. These citizens must have informed the navy. We can't stay long."

Not to mention that the Anu Kingdom is actually quite large, and it is impossible for them to search all over the place. Secondly, the general royal tombs are basically near the local royal city, and some are even under the castle.

Sage bombed a third of the royal city, and even if there was a mausoleum, it was reduced to rubbish.

"It is, and it's not without gain."

Hawkins agreed. He glanced at Lars, who was hanging out with the demons, and said, "These demons are very good subordinates, and they respect you very much, Sag."

According to the bloodline passed down from their ancestors, these people have the bloodline of ancient giants.

The ancient giants are also called "Demons" on the sea, but unlike the current Demon Clan, they are genuine ancient giants, while the Demon Clan only have blood.

This bloodline brings them great strength and sufficient physical strength. In addition, Sag can also see that the bodies of these demons are very tough. It is because of this physical quality that they can adapt to any environment.

A body like this is most suitable for practicing the six postures, and can even master the six postures in all directions.

He is indeed a very good subordinate.

Just not in quantity.

Lily had counted them before, and there were only three hundred and five people in total. According to what they said, all the demons were gathered now.

Due to the resurgence of the waves, not only the tunnel dug upwards will collapse, but also the lower mines will collapse. At this time, in addition to crying and losing their hard work, they will also gather together and wait for the resurgence to disappear.

Hundreds of years ago, the number of demons was still quite large, but because there were a lot of underground gold mines at that time, after they were buried underground, they relied on the gold mines to exchange food and supplies with Grani's ancestors. Later, the gold mines gradually became If there are less, then there will be less things in exchange, which will gradually reduce the number of demons.

Up to now, these more than 300 people are trying their best to find gold mines in order to survive. If they don't come out, maybe in a few years, the entire Demon Race will disappear.

Sage felt that the yellow diamond trash was eager to squeeze out the last bit of their use value and then make them disappear. In this case, the truth about this country would be buried forever.

"They were originally mine!"

Sager rolled his eyes at Hawkins, "I captured the Golden Kingdom. As subjects of the Golden Kingdom, after I rescue them, they should be my property! Private property! You tell me about my property. Harvest, I gained nothing!”

When all the demons heard this, they all knelt down on one knee. The older demon who spoke before said solemnly: "The ancestors said that whoever can lead us to find the light will be regarded as our master. Master, you and your bloodline will be together from now on. , is the master of our Demon Race for generations!”

"Listen, listen!"

Sage pointed at them, "They all recognize it themselves!"

On the sea, oaths are not made casually, especially this kind of collective oath, which really means what you say.

This is different from pirates, who can get off the ship at any time. Pirates who are more orthodox need to get the captain's consent. Of course, if more pirates want to get off the ship, the captain may not be able to find them.

In fact, it is possible that the captain himself does not even know that there are fewer people on the ship. The larger the pirate group, the more likely this is.

For example, Sage himself didn't know how many of the thousand or so people on the Death Omen Star would really escape.

Cadres are the backbone of a pirate group, but even if they are cadres, no matter how loyal they are, they can only guarantee their service for a lifetime, and it is impossible to guarantee that future generations will also serve for them.

Sage is not a king, and he has no bloodline. In this world where bloodline is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no bloodline is nothing. No one will admit it. Even if the royal family is rebelled, those civilians who succeeded in the rebellion will immediately persuade them with sincere words. The king who became a prisoner reflected.

Now the generations of loyalty of these demons have given Sage a crown invisibly.

Hawkins' eyes showed serious surprise, "Retainer?"

"Oh! It's like the ancient legend in our clan, which respects the Kozuki family of Wano! Our fur clan is said to be the retainer of the Kozuki family, but I don't recognize it because I was born in Beihai since I was a child. Meow." A humanoid black cat said with bright eyes.

This thing is really a black cat, a standing black cat that can speak human language.

His name is Faust, and he is a member of Hawkins' former pirate group. Like the pirate with three braids on his head, he is Hawkins' deputy.

But he is either a devil fruit user or a pure cat.

When he first saw him, Sage thought he was from the animal family, but then he discovered that he was from the Zowu fur tribe.

But he has been living in Beihai since he was a child and has no feelings for the Guangyue family.

He was quite likable on the ship. At least Renedia liked teasing him and often played with him with a cat teaser.

"This sounds quite pleasant to my ears."

Sage smiled and said: "As a landowner, of course you have to be attached personally."

These people are retainers for generations.

This is much more advanced than the affiliation of pirates!

As long as these people can continue to multiply, Sag and his descendants will always be served by people from now on.

When he thought of this, most of his depression about not getting the gold disappeared.

With 300 people, the Death Omen Star can also make room for them, which is still a little short of the maximum number of 1,500 people, so it can be accommodated.

"Leave after you're full. Go to White Harbor. Change your clothes when you get there. It's nothing to wear stone leather clothes. You think I, Sarge, is harsh on my subordinates."

Sage drank the stew in one gulp, threw the bowl down, and opened his hands to everyone, "Little ones, get moving!"

The royal city has almost been robbed, so Akin and his team Sage are naturally relieved. Since the loot has begun to pile up, it means that the rich people have also been robbed. There will be no profit if they continue to stay, and it is easy for the navy to prepare. Of course, Quick victory.

Sage originally wanted to wait for a devil fruit.

But after waiting for a long time, he found that Grani didn't seem to have any relatives. There seemed to be only one person. The inheritance of the Devil Fruit from generation to generation naturally disappeared.

Grani himself was shattered into pieces, and of course there was no chance of him surviving. The demonic abilities in his body were probably gone long ago.

It's a pity that the Fusion Fruit has a pretty good ability. Although he only has the ability to integrate the castle after awakening, it's not bad overall. If he hadn't died, he would have wanted to grab it and give it to Teach to get another fruit. .

"Next time you meet a person with abilities, try not to beat him to death."

Sage shook his head and strode forward out of the pit. He waited for everyone to eat and collected the loot before heading towards White Harbor.

The huge royal city is full of ruins of blown-open buildings at the center edge, and in the center, there is a huge hole.

When dawn rose, all that was left was a mess.

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