Chapter 142 is equivalent to Kebi.

There is a lot of loot, and of course the men will not be able to carry it purely with their bodies, although these newly joined demons can easily do it.

But with Renedia here, there is no need to go to such trouble.

The machinery and iron tools stolen from the royal city were hammered with mechanical hammers to make five flat-supported four-wheeled bicycles, and then the power was added to the power system, making it so rough that it was impossible to tell what it was. The four-wheeled vehicle, carrying the loot and men, was speeding towards White Harbor.

This kind of car can be powered by twenty people each, which is at least much faster than walking.

As for the source of power, pedaling!

For this kind of thing that only relies on twenty people's feet, carries heavy goods and people, and travels very fast, Sager not only expressed understanding, but even regarded it as normal.

In this sea, Coca-Cola can be used as motivation!

Nothing surprising.

Sage sat cross-legged at the front of a four-wheeled vehicle, facing the wind brought by the rapid speed, and asked Lily beside him, "What do they say on the boat?"

Lily estimated the time and said: "We haven't moved yet, the time is not up yet, I will ask them to advance."

Lily used a phone bug to notify the Death Omen star before Sage entered the city. Originally, she said that they would arrive at the port in one day so that they could meet up easily, but at their current speed, it wouldn't take that long.

Sage nodded, "Let them pay attention. The navy should have got the news and will definitely investigate on the sea."

"What are you afraid of!"

Renedia on the side clenched her fist in the wind, imitating Sag's fist-pumping action when using Galaxy Impact, and said: "Sag, couldn't you smash everything with one punch? Next time we meet that old man Garp, we will definitely Can take revenge!"

"Revenge? Revenge in Impel Down City is almost enough." Sage rolled his eyes.

Lily looked sideways and asked, "Is the gap so big?"

Sage stretched out his five fingers, glanced down, shook his head and said: "There is still a big gap."

Garp's Galaxy Impact was a high-altitude attack that destroyed the bridge purely by relying on his domineering force.

And he needed to use the force of the dive to get into close contact with the mountain to smash most of the cone mountain into pieces. Only two punches could completely destroy it, which was obviously not strong enough.

"That old man obviously didn't use all his strength, and he's still old. I wouldn't be surprised if in his prime, he used all his strength to destroy the island with one punch."

Sage clenched his fists and said, "At least, I have to reach that level!"

He can use his full strength without restriction. As long as his physical strength is not exhausted, there is no such thing as running out of domineering energy.

But the strength is obviously not enough. Whether this move is imitated or stolen from the 'Galaxy Impact', in terms of strength.

Maybe Piccolo is stronger than the one who can smash the evil king's hand with one punch.

Sage: "..."

"I always feel a little humiliated." A vein popped up on his forehead, and he let out a tut, throwing away this ridiculous idea.

That kind of cowardly pink-haired man could throw a punch like smoke from the ancestral grave, but he, Sage, could always throw out the most elite punch of a physical practitioner.

But it is undeniable that there is still a big gap between his current strength and the top powerhouses in the sea.

If it were a normal amount of Haki that could be consumed, he wouldn't be able to defeat Doflamingo.

In terms of domineering power, he still needs to continue to improve, including his physical fitness, which also needs to continue to be strengthened.

Now is not the time to relax.

"Half Immortal, calculate for me how much money I can rob in White Harbor." Sage asked.

Hawkins was also sitting in the same car as Sager. He was taking out his tarot cards and doing divination. He paused slightly when he heard Sager's words. "There is no such chance. How much money can be robbed? It's money." Destiny is also our destiny. Although I want to fight against fate now, there are times when we have to face reality.”

If he could predict something as broad as how much money he could rob, he wouldn't be called a 'magician', he could be called a 'prophet' instead.


Hawkins thought for a moment and said: "Speaking of money, I know a piece of news. When Grani tried to recruit me before, he revealed that he would use a lot of money to bribe the navy here."

"Next time, please tell me this kind of information earlier. I thought there was nothing to grab."

Sager glared at him, then turned to look forward, "Naval base. Just in time. Replenish weapons and gunpowder."

"Eh?" Renedia was puzzled, "This is a country that is a member of the World Government, right? The navy has the obligation to protect this place, so why do they need bribes?"

Sage bared his teeth and smiled: "Why do you care so much? Just grab it!"

There are many reasons.

The gold reserves underground in Anu Country are running low. This can be seen from the Demon Clan, but to ensure that this country that sells stone materials can make money, of course some extraordinary measures must be taken.

This country was denounced by Bellamy as a liar country. Since it is a liar, it will naturally have a way to deceive those who dream.

The cursed gold coin was an accident, but since Sag came ashore, he has seen a lot of mines and abandoned tools, which means that there are still people who will come to the island because of the rumors of the Golden Kingdom.

Combined with the news of bribing the navy, it is not difficult to guess that as long as they come up with money, those people will probably not be able to leave until they have paid off the last cent of Bailey.

But a rich guy must have a high status. Bribing the navy here probably plays a role in stealing the limelight.

Or maybe they need to be protected. After all, the people here are pretty good. If they are pirates, they can also fool around. Bribing the local navy can prevent the other party from taking action.

It's okay for a kingdom to organize pirates in private. That's the kingdom's own business, but it's different when it rises to the naval level. It's impossible for the navy not to catch pirates. Only bribery can make the naval base here turn a blind eye. Only one eye.

But no matter what, it has nothing to do with him Sage.

All he needs to do is rob!

Three hours later, the strange car built by Renedia arrived at its destination, allowing them to see the ocean, and in front of them, they could see White Harbor.

As a trading port town, in addition to selling stones, there are also a large number of merchants doing business here, selling things that are not available in this stone-filled country into the kingdom.

Bailey's circulation is definitely not small, and a lot of money can be made by relying on the industries opened here.

This is Sage's goal!


Hawkins looked at White Harbor, which was getting closer and closer, and said calmly: "It seems that they have received news and are here to stop us."

In front of the town, a dense crowd of white figures, at least a thousand people, gathered.

After all, there is a naval base here, not far from White Harbor. As a naval base on the Grand Line, there are basically a thousand people, which should be more than half of them.

With so many people, ordinary pirates really don't dare to come. Even Hawkins, if he had not joined the Natural Disaster Pirates, he would not have gone to the naval base to cause trouble.

How can any pirate take the initiative to seek help from the navy?

Furthermore, the average number of pirate groups is only a few dozen to one or two hundred, and they will definitely not be able to deal with the naval base where they are stationed.

But now

He put a few tarot cards on the straw and said calmly: "The interception success rate is 0.1%. It seems that they can't stop us."

Among the sailors at the front, a caped sailor standing at the forefront shouted loudly: "I am Rear Admiral Tama of our headquarters, stop now, you are under arrest!"

"Can you change the word? This is what you always say when you meet a navy man."

Sagar smiled evilly: "If you have the strength to arrest me, why don't you talk nonsense to me? If you don't, you don't need to talk nonsense, Lily."


At this time, Lily shouted to the phone bug, asking the Death Omen star, which had already arrived around White Harbor, to take action. Then she hung up the phone, stood up, pulled out the white thunder, pointed forward, "Everyone who can move, take out their weapons." , speed up and rush the car in! "


The rear admiral saw that these strange and rough, four-wheeled carts that seemed to be made up of improvised vehicles not only stopped but also accelerated, he raised his arm and issued an order.

The navy behind him took a stance, squatted down in the front row, stood upright in the back row, and pulled the triggers one after another.

Bang bang bang!

Lead bullets burst out from the barrel, like a huge fan, pouring towards the cars.

"Power Cannon!"

Renedia extended the mechanical hammer, twisted the hammer handle forward, and fired out a cannonball, which hit the lead bullets and exploded in the crowd of the navy.

Marika smiled and held up the box containing the ironware. She used her arms hard to lift the heavy box away and threw it forward as if throwing a bowling ball. The surface of the huge box was penetrated by lead bullets. With this The force cracked quickly, causing the iron tools inside to explode and smash into the crowd, instantly leaving the navy empty.

Lily stared in one direction, gripped the hilt of her sword, and swung forward, "Flying Bird!"

A swallow-like slash came from the blade of the sword, knocking away the incoming lead bullets, and rushed into the crowd of marines. In this densely packed navy, it suddenly penetrated a gap.

Flying slash!

After defeating the Sky Islander, Lily not only understood the color of sight, but also mastered the flying slash.

"You can be considered a swordsman, Lily." Sage laughed heartily.

Being able to cut iron does not necessarily mean you are a swordsman, and being able to fly and slash does not necessarily mean you are a swordsman.

But he can do both, he is definitely a swordsman!

Bang bang bang!

The remaining lead bullets either hit the ground next to the vehicle or hit the vehicle itself. Most of the pirates hid their bodies in the trophy boxes to avoid the lead bullets.

Only a few unlucky ones were hit by the often inaccurate lead bullets and lay down on the carriage floor.

But at this moment, several cars quickly approached the navy crowd and slammed into them.


The marines who were hit by the vehicle seemed to bloom and flew out from all directions. The men clenched their weapons and roared, jumped off the car and started fighting with the marines.

Including the newly joined demon clan, their movements were faster than that of a cheetah. They jumped out almost at the same time as the car crashed. One of them knocked a marine to the ground with one punch. He picked up the saber and slashed it. Stabbed through another marine's body.

These devils are like curious babies who want to ask questions about everything. It may not be possible to let them sail, cook, and build ships, but it is absolutely fine to let them fight!

The Underground Demon has only traveled through three hundred years and does not know what the outside world is like. He is not a retarded imbecile.

Fighting is human nature.

This fight directly highlighted the demon's abilities.

He obviously doesn't know any fighting skills and relies solely on his physical fitness to fight hard. But the more this happens, the happier Sage becomes.

These demons are very good based on their quality alone. One of them can fight ten marines without difficulty. They are very good in terms of speed and strength. Even if some of them are slashed by the navy, judging from the wounds, they are still very good. Much shallower than normal people.

Naturally tough!

As long as they temper themselves, these people will become the elite subordinates of the pirate group!

It can be used as a team member!

No matter how much the pirates change, his base can now maintain at least 300 people. No matter what situation he encounters, as long as these people are still there, he can start again anytime and anywhere.

Sage laughed, "If I hadn't become a pirate and relied on these people, I could just find a place to buy a piece of land, and this landowner would be considered me!"

"Norton Sugg!"

The rear admiral left the battlefield and went straight to Sager's direction, "A natural disaster! Your head is mine."


Before he could finish speaking, a gun barrel was pressed against his forehead, making him subconsciously afraid to move.

Sager held an exquisite flintlock gun, held it against his head, and said: "Let me ask you something, if you were a major general, you would also be the base commander of the naval base, right? I heard that you received a lot of money from the local king. , where is the money?”

The rear admiral's pupils shrank, and his eyes couldn't help but glance towards the location of the naval base near White Harbor.

In their place, you can also see the buildings of the naval base.

"very good!"


As soon as Sager pulled the trigger, the lead bullet pierced the major general's forehead, causing a ball of blood to spurt from his forehead and he fell to the ground.

He didn't need to answer, Sag found out the answer himself.

This major general is not weak, but he is just not weak. That body cannot withstand a gun and knife, especially a fatal shot at such a close range.

Even Sager himself could still be shot through the head without any reaction or defense.

His body wasn't hard enough to ignore weapons.

Although these naval officers also have strength, what is more important is their merit.

Otherwise, Smoker would have arrived as Lieutenant General.

What? Smoker doesn't have that strength?

The gap between navy generals, especially lieutenant generals, is wider than the gap between lieutenant generals and third-class privates!


Sager fired another shot into the air and shouted, "Bring a group of people to the Navy base with me!"

Hawkins cut off a marine's body with one sword. Hearing the words, he came over and said, "Don't you have to wait for the people on the ship to come? The defense force of the naval base is not weak."

Fighting a field battle is a field battle, and the navy is not well prepared. But for the naval base, there are a lot of cannons alone, and the defenses are even tighter.

There should be hundreds of marines in that base, and they can still fight with the naval base.

"Then why bother? Just be prepared and destroy your defenses!"

Sage grinned, stomped heavily on the ground, and blasted away a wave of air under his feet. He used his moon steps to shoot straight towards the naval base like a cannonball.

After stepping on several air waves in succession, Sag clenched his fists, and his armed domineering energy condensed on his fists.


Around the fist, several black thunder suddenly bloomed.

"Fist Bone·Galaxy Impact!!"

Before reaching the naval base, Sager stretched out his fist fiercely from the air, inspiring a domineering cover that enveloped the entire naval base.

Boom! !

The base collapsed heavily, huge cracks opened on the surface, and some corners even collapsed.

The power of this punch was not as strong as the previous close range attack, and Sager did not transform.

But it doesn't matter.

It would be enough to destroy the naval base so that the navy inside could not respond in time.

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