The robbery is still going on.

After receiving the order, Ajin slowed down and began to search from house to house.

As for the residents who knew that the pirates were coming to rob, they were basically miserable. The members of the Natural Disaster Pirates directly skipped this part and focused on places like jewelry stores and large manors.

Tree No. 8.

"Hurry, hurry, take the slaves away!"

As one of the islands in the lawless zone, there are a large number of slave traders here. They have also received intelligence that the pirates are robbing everywhere. Now they are preparing wealth and slaves, and will retreat to No. 60 to 69 where the navy is stationed and the government enters and exits, waiting for the pirates to finish the robbery.

But when they retreated, it was obviously too late!


Bang bang bang!

With a shout, a series of lead bullets hit them around, bursting with sparks.

"Boss, the pirates are coming!" A slave trader shouted.

"Shut up, I can see it!"

Pittman, who had a pointed face and monkey cheeks, but was huge like a big rat, turned around, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Slave traders were also part-time bounty hunters, at least in the Sabaody Archipelago, the two professions were inseparable. If there was a bounty, they would find a way to capture it and exchange it with the navy for a bounty. If there was no bounty, they would send it to human trafficking agencies in various places, and they could always sell it for a little price.

Of course, he knew who this person was in front of him, the "ghost" Ajin of the Natural Disaster Pirates, a pirate with a bounty of 60 million Baileys. If he had met him in the past, he might have tried to catch him.

But now it's different, there are too many people, more than the number of people in their gang.

And they still have new slaves in their hands, all of which are ready to be sold, and there must be no accidents at this time.

"Hey, why do pirates care about our business? If you want money, I'll give it to you!"

Pittman dropped a bag of jingling gold coins and shouted, "We don't have any conflicts!"

"What the pirates want to do has nothing to do with the so-called conflicts."

Ajin approached with a crutch hammer, and the crutch hammer in his hand began to spin as he walked. He looked at the ragged people in the crowd wearing chains and showing fear and despair, and said in a deep voice, "We are also moral!"


No. 1-29 is the illegal area, 30-39 is the playground and park, 40-49 is the tourist area specialty store, 50-59 is the shipyard, 70-79 is the hotel street for accommodation

Except for No. 60-69 where the navy and the world government are stationed, all other places have been visited by the Calamity Pirates. They say they are slow to rob, but they will not give the rich people the opportunity to escape to the sea. The first thing they control is those manors and boutiques, and then they will gradually select the next level of rich people.

There were only 600 of them who could act, and 200 were still guarding the ship. It was normal for some to slip through the net, but they didn't care. Without the navy's obstruction, they spent several days robbing, and the harvest was still huge.

Four days later.

Tree No. 43, the entrance to the civilian area, was also where the Death Star docked.

The area around the landing of the ship was originally an open area, and the appearance of the Calamity Pirates made the entire Tree Island No. 43 empty, and all ran away to take refuge.

In four days, those pirates were caught and hid, but the Calamity Pirates were swaggering, and no one cared at all. Even after the navy captured the pirates, they all disappeared, leaving only the Calamity Pirates to rob and maintain order.

The absence of the navy made the gangs living in the Sabaody Archipelago a little restless, wanting to come out and rob, and share a piece of the pie with the pirates. They saw that there were some places that the pirates would not touch, and they were ready to rob there.

As a result, they were solved by Bellamy and his men who were still searching carefully.

They didn't touch the bitter place, so why would a group of gangsters do that?

It just so happened that he was also looking for this group of gangsters. These people hid like rats, and they couldn't be found normally. Now that they finally appeared, of course they couldn't miss them.

The gangs also have a lot of funds.

Although 600 people can't be spread all over the whole Shabaodi, after robbing one or two gangs, they also stopped those guys in Shabaodi who were ready to move.

At least they knew that this group of pirates was not easy to provoke, and they dared to touch anyone.

As for revenge

They were the subordinates of the natural disaster with a bounty of 600 million Baileys, and they were a group of pirates who sailed at any time. They were not afraid of anything and dared not retaliate at all.

Except for the rich people who were robbed, for the civilians living in the Shabaodi Archipelago, these days were the safest.

The pirates didn't rob them, and there were no gangsters looking for trouble. The most important thing was that there were no Celestial Dragons descending to the world, so they lived more comfortably than anyone else.

At this time, a large amount of treasures had been piled up around the Death Star, and there was a huge bonfire in the middle. The pirates gathered in groups of three or four, chatting and laughing with each other, or showing off the spoils they had robbed this time.

"Here they come."

Until a pirate said it, the rest of the people looked forward together. On the tree roots in front of them, a group of people were slowly walking.

The leader was a man with white hair and a wanton smile. As he walked, the black-bottomed red-tipped fur cape on his back swayed, and he was holding two chains in his hands. The noble Celestial Dragons were like two dogs, kneeling on the ground, and their limbs kept moving forward as he walked.

Just like these Celestial Dragons had faced their slaves before, their actions were exactly the same.

From his left, there were three female cadres led by Lily, and on his right was Hawkins, and further to the right were Lucci and Ulki.

"Hurry up!"

Sage kicked Charlos's butt and said, "I didn't even ride on you, but you crawled so slowly. You lack exercise. You don't even qualify to be slaves."

Charlos felt pain, but he just gritted his teeth and continued to crawl without saying a word.

The pain was enough.

They didn't go hungry these days, because that hateful black-haired woman said that people must eat enough, no matter who they are.

On the contrary, they ate quite well, and the taste was even better than the food made by Mary Joa's chef, but the rest was miserable.

Because they were slaves, they had to do what slaves should do.

What about pouring wine, serving plates, wiping seats, and even more excessively, they would be led around by this white-haired devil and suffered humiliation.

No matter how they threatened, it was useless, and they would be beaten as soon as they opened their mouths.

The smart father has learned to shut up, while the somewhat stupid Charlos learned to shut up only after losing a few teeth.

"As expected of Lord Sager, he easily did what we dared not do!"

The pirates were excited when they saw Sager leading the Celestial Dragons.

"That's the Celestial Dragons, only Lord Sager dares to do such a thing!"

"From this point of view, the Celestial Dragons are nothing great. Lord Sager has captured the Celestial Dragons for several days, and the World Government dares not do anything. Lord Sager is still more powerful!"

"Of course, this is the Calamity Pirates, there is nothing they dare not do!"

Amid the cheers of the pirates, Sager walked up to the crowd.

"Lord Sager."

Ajin, who had been waiting in front, bowed his head and said respectfully: "All the looting has been completed."

"You are the most faithful in executing my orders, Ajin, and you have done a good job."

Sage patted his shoulder, handed him the chain in his hand, strode forward, and laughed: "Little ones, come and divide the loot!"


A good sofa has been placed below. I don't know which noble and rich man it was robbed from. The whole is made of wood, with an exquisite patterned cushion on it. The armrests and backrests are also carved with different patterns and inlaid with gold edges. The legs and base are also extremely stable, and the decorations are very beautiful.

It doesn't look cheap at first glance.

This is also a long sofa.

"Move this to my new captain's room later and expand the living room. Old Hawkins, you look at the design." Sager said.

"I understand, I'll remember it." Hawkins nodded.

Changing ships is inevitable.

But not here, but after arriving in the new world, they will start to change ships. Sager had this idea originally. Now with the addition of giants, they must change ships, otherwise it will be crowded.

And these design issues are of course decided by Hawkins. Letty is responsible for shipbuilding, and Hawkins is responsible for some interior design. In this respect, he is also professional.

"I'll go to the kitchen first." Marika said, and got on the ship first.

After the robbery, of course, there will be a banquet. This has been prepared long ago. The banquet needs of the subordinates are already being prepared. What Marika has to make is, of course, the food that belongs exclusively to Sager.

After Sager sat on the sofa, he gently pressed his hands, and the noisy sound was immediately suppressed. Everyone looked at the piled up treasures, and their eyes were burning.

"I'll count."

Kalifa opened a notebook, pushed her glasses, and wrote and drew on it.

"The total cash gained from the robbery of Shampoo is 308 million 350,000 berries. According to Captain Sager's order, you can divide the money among yourselves after deducting the decimals. The total is 3 billion berries, and there are also 40 boxes of jewels."

Next to the piled bags of berries, there are boxes of berries. After Sager scanned them, red dots began to emanate from his pupils. He scanned them with his observation Haki and casually pointed at a few boxes of jewels and asked them to divide them.

There are a few items worth collecting in there.

"As usual, I'll take half, and the rest are yours! Urouge, you also have a share, calculated at 3%. Stans, you have joined in, and I think it's okay for you to be a cadre, with a 1% share." Sager smiled.

Although the giants are strong, if they really have to deal with them, if Urouge uses his ability, the giants are still no match

"I haven't done any merits, but I have them? Since the captain ordered it, I accept it." Urouge raised one hand and laughed strangely.

Statham also bared his teeth.

No one doesn't like money.

Most of them went out to sea for money.

The 10 billion berries of the Celestial Dragons belonged to him alone. It was not considered robbery, so of course he did not get any points.

Of the 3 billion berries, Sage took half, took 20 boxes of treasure, and the rest was divided among his subordinates.

The seven senior cadres took 21%, Bellamy, Palu, Miot, Black Cat Faust, and the newly joined Statham and Jambalu took 6%, and the remaining berries were shared by nearly 900 people on the ship.

Of course, all of Urouge's subordinates also joined the group. He had a team of more than 60 people, all of whom were absorbed into the Natural Disaster Pirates.

Each person could get more than 1.2 million berries, plus the 20 boxes of treasure. After this trip, everyone was a wealthy man.

"Can you get so much?"

A new member of the former monk pirate group was a little bit unbelievable. This amount of money is not a small amount. The normal price of a slave in Shampoo is only 80,000 or 90,000 Baileys.

He got more than one million Baileys alone, not to mention the spoils of gold and silver. How many merchant ships would have to be robbed to get them?

"Hey, buddy, who do you think we are?"

An old subordinate next to him excitedly hugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "We are the natural disaster pirates. Don't compare us with ordinary pirates!"

"Yes, yes. That's great!" The pirate also showed excitement.

Others rob merchant ships, but they rob towns directly!

As the last stop of the first half of the prosperous town, if they can't get enough 3 billion after four days of looting, they might as well give up.

"All divided, all divided! Let's start the banquet!" Sager waved his hand and laughed.

At this time, the chefs pushed down the dining carts one by one using the gangway, opened the prepared exquisite food, and carried out the wine barrels, and officially entered the bonfire dinner.

After so many days of robbing, it was time to have a good time.

Several men also brought up a dining table and placed it in front of Sag. The maid Bella took a bottle of wine and the gem wine glass that Sag usually used, poured a glass for Sag, and placed it respectfully on the table.

"Very skilled, Bella, do a good job, and my daily service will be handed over to you in the future!" Sag picked up the gem wine glass and drank the wine in it.

"Yes, yes, Lord Sag." Bella said a little stiffly.

After a few days, she also figured it out. Anyway, she was bought. Compared with those bad people who bought her back, there was nothing wrong with the pirates who could give her freedom.

After all, she couldn't go back. If she wanted to go to sea alone, she couldn't escape the fate of being caught. It was better to follow the Natural Disaster Pirates.

The captain treated all the slaves he bought equally, and there was no difference in treatment. There were no maids on the ship, so she didn't need to fight, and she only needed to take care of the captain's daily life.

She was a maid, so it didn't matter where she worked.

"Then, let me compose a song for everyone."

The pirates didn't know where they got the piano from, and the bought musician Bailon began to play it. He was originally a pirate, and he integrated the fastest. He also had his share of knife-wielding robbery, and he was both civil and military.

Soon, the light music sounded from the movement of his fingers, and the purple-haired dancer Paxia changed into a desert dancer with a veil, twisting her soft waist, and dancing lightly and softly around the campfire along with the piano music.

Paxia thought the same as Bella, or the two of them comforted each other in the past few days. They were in the same situation. After comforting each other, they found that the Natural Disaster Pirates were indeed not bad, so they didn't think much about it.

Especially now.

She didn't do anything, but she also got about one million Baileys and spoils, which made her feel at ease.

This is not a matter of money, it means that they are indeed treated the same, which is reassuring.

"How can I let others be the best!"

Weiqu was jealous, jumped on one foot to the campfire, stretched out his five fingers, twisted his neck and said: "Let me Weiqu, also show the way of Kabuki!"

"Wequ! Show the new dancers some power!" Gabra was watching the fun without minding any trouble.

"Pascia dancers are the most beautiful, go down Weiqu, you are not a beauty!" The other men laughed.

"Hahahaha, dance, dance!"

Sager held out his wine glass and asked Bella to pour another glass, laughing loudly: "Little ones, all of you, cheer up!"

Having dancers is pleasing to the eye. Now that there is one, there will be a group in the future!

When he has a territory, he can have music and dance every night, and live a life of luxury.

The extravagant life of a big landlord!

It's already waving to him!

"Hold this pirate group, loot for four days and then the banquet begins. The nobles are shit."

Sage suddenly muttered, looked up and said to Lily standing beside him: "How about my haiku, Lily."

Lily's mouth twitched, and reminded: "Sage, that word is pronounced as haiku."

The ancient haiku is also popular on the sea, just like calligraphy and flower cutting, which are the leisure interests of the upper class.

"Who cares, just pronounce it correctly!" Sage laughed, "Sit down, don't just stand here, you have to drink at the banquet."

Lily sighed slightly, asked her men to move the wooden box, and sat down on the left side of Sage. After thinking for a while, she called Ajin again, "Don't drink too much, leave some people to rotate, we have Celestial Dragons on our hands, if there is an accident, you can't sleep and let Sage face it alone, understand?"

"Yes, Lady Lily, I'll order it now." Ajin responded quickly.

Although it is difficult to get drunk, Sager will obviously get drunk. However, with the Celestial Dragon in his hands, given his temperament, he may restrain himself to prevent someone from taking the Celestial Dragon away.

But this is not what the captain should do.

Since the banquet is ready, Lily has to arrange these things in advance.

"Well, I'm so hungry. Hasn't Marika prepared the dishes yet?"

Renidia's subordinate took a piece of grilled skewer and walked to the long table while eating.

"How can it be so fast? Wait, I want a lot of dishes." Sager said.

Although the food cooked by the chefs was also delicious, she still preferred Marika's dishes. After being fed for a long time, her mouth had long been spoiled, unlike other cadres, who were already fighting with their subordinates and drinking and eating meat.

However, as soon as she bit off a piece of meat, her pupils subconsciously flashed red dots, which made the back look over.

"Sage, someone is coming." Lily's pupils also flashed the same color, and she said in a deep voice.

"I sensed it."

Sage put down the wine glass and grinned: "It's been a long time since we last met."

"Thief hahaha!"

In the light of the bonfire, several burly men walked out. The leader was wearing a black captain's uniform with a bright red shirt inside, a green pearl necklace around his neck, and a hand full of gem rings. He laughed rough and strode over.

"Long time no see, Sage! I really didn't expect you to come out. What a pity!"

"It's you, the toothless guy." Renidia glanced at him and continued to eat the food in her hand.

Lily also relaxed and stopped looking at him.

Urouge stood up suddenly, full of vigilance.


Urouge laughed strangely, "The new Shichibukai? You were reported in the newspaper. You were able to become Shichibukai even though there was no reward. You are a guy of unknown strength."

"Don't be nervous."

Hawkins, who was sitting near the campfire, took out the tarot cards and said lightly, "He is not a threat and is not here to cause trouble."

"Okay, continue your banquet!"

Sager grinned, "This guy is my partner in the New World!"

"Hahaha, that's right!"

Teach laughed loudly, picked up a piece of boned meat from the dining cart without hesitation, bit off half of it, and then stood across the long table.

"You have a lot of new partners, two supernovas, um, and some guys who look very wrong, like government personnel cooperating with the World Government?"

As soon as he finished speaking, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he stared closely at the two Celestial Dragons tied to the gangway next to the Death Star, "Hey, you guy."

The corners of his mouth also opened, "It's really to my taste, Sag! It's something you can do! That's a Celestial Dragon!"

"Do I need to please you for what I do? But you have been moisturized a lot recently, and some teeth have grown back."

Sag waved his hand, "Hey, move a few chairs over, and there are also barrels of wine!"

He looked at Teach and laughed, "Since you are here, it's just right to attend the banquet! Hahahaha!"

"Hahahaha, I think so too, guys, the natural disaster invites us to a banquet, let's get lively!" Teach also laughed.

"Hahahaha, there is a banquet as soon as we get down, it's great, Captain!" Bashas raised his fist and laughed.

"Everything is a gift from fate." Van Oka said lightly.

"Hehe, we can't give them apples." Poison Q, who was lying on the sick horse, said weakly.


A man wearing a black top hat, dressed like a drama, and wearing bright lipstick took off his top hat and saluted slightly to Sag, "I often hear the captain talk about you. My name is Lafitte. Please give me more advice. I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Huh? Who are you? Titch's new partner?" Sag asked.

"The sheriff of the West Sea."

Lucci appeared at the side and glanced at Lafitte, saying, "Lafitte, who was expelled from the country because of excessive law enforcement, is known as the 'Devil Sheriff'."

"Haha, this is my old buddy. He was not in Magic Valley Town at that time. He went to help me propose the Seven Warlords of the Sea to the World Government!"

The subordinates brought another wooden barrel and asked Teach to sit down. "Hey, Sag, why are you still in Shampoo Land at this time? Do you want to participate in the war? Why don't you do me a favor? I envy you so many partners!"

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