Sage moved the wine glass and asked Bella to pour another glass of wine. The bright red wine poured out from the bottle mouth, covering half of Sage's vision and half of Teach's face opposite him, making him look a little more evil.


Sage was stunned for a moment, "What do you want to do? Teach."

Teach showed a few missing teeth, "The place you just came out of, Impelton, I want to go there, recruit some partners, this is my main purpose of becoming a Shichibukai, different from you, I want ten giant partners, only they are qualified to accompany me to the New World!"

"But now the situation has changed, in addition to this, there is another thing I need to do more"

He supported the table, leaned forward slightly, and his smile became ferocious: "I caught Ace, the navy wants to execute him, dad will not let this happen, he will come! I just came down from Marijoa and confirmed this matter. This is the top war between the navy and pirates, dad will lose!"

He sat back with his eyes wide open, stretched out his left hand, and a ball of black bloomed, "You understand, Sager!"

Seeing the ball of black, Renetia's heart trembled and felt a little uncomfortable.

The other ability users also looked at the hand solemnly.

"That is"

Only Lucci stared at the dark mass and frowned.


Teach, who showed his ability, was also stunned. He looked at Sage in surprise and laughed: "Zheha, zihaha, zihahaha! This feeling, Sage, you have become a capable person!"

The Dark Dark Fruit has a special attraction that can attract capable people. Even if he just shows his ability, he can feel that the guy in front of him has become a capable person!

"What? Do you think it's okay again?"

Sage laughed, and a faint light burst out in his eyes: "You can try it, Teach."

"Don't joke, I don't plan to fight you, zihahaha" Teach had a layer of sweat on his forehead, and laughed a few times to remove his ability.

"I won't go to Impel Down. I have Celestial Dragons here and a new deal with the World Government. If I leave, my subordinates may not be able to hold on."

Sage shook his head: "As for whether to go to that war, it depends on whether the World Government knows what's best for us!""

The newspaper he wanted hasn't come out yet!

According to the progress that Teach is making after coming down from Marijoa, it won't be long before Ace is executed.

"Huh? Did you reject my proposal? I wanted you to go to Marinford to help me, after all, we are partners!"

Teach didn't hide his purpose at all, "As long as Daddy dies and I get his abilities, I can go to the New World to compete. Daddy's territory is all ours. Aren't you waiting for this now? "

Whether Whitebeard can win, others may have doubts, but Teach will not.

He has been on the ship for too long. He has been in the Whitebeard Pirates for more than 20 years. He has watched Whitebeard Edward Newgate grow old little by little!

It has reached the point where he needs medication and needs to quit drinking to maintain his life!

He is going to die!

The winner of this war may be the navy, or he, Blackbeard, but not the Whitebeard Pirates!

"That's your business, Teach."

Sag raised the corner of his mouth and pointed at Teach and said, "If you can't do this, then the cooperation in the New World is meaningless. You know, the weak are not qualified to cooperate with me."

The goals of the two are roughly the same, and they agree to cooperate in the New World with the same purpose.

Sag is investigating Teach, and Teach is also investigating Sag.

Only when we get to the New World can we know whether we are qualified to cooperate.

Even if it is close, it is definitely not now.

"Thief hahaha, you are worthy of what you can say, don't worry, I am very lucky! If I fail just here, it means that my tolerance is just here! "

"Then let's have a drink, you gambler!" Sager laughed.

At this time, a group of chefs came down from the boat, carrying plates and placing them on the long table.

"Ah, acquaintances."

After finishing the dishes, Marika personally carried a large stew pot that was more than one meter long, and smiled at Titch and the others: "Are you also coming to the banquet? Please eat your fill."

She placed the stew pot in the center of the dining table, opened the lid, and under the light of the bonfire, it seemed to shine, slightly stinging everyone's eyes.

It was a pot of stew, with many rare ingredients and a strange aroma.

"Sea cucumbers, abalone, shark fins of sea kings, and the essence of shellfish happened to find a very delicious tendon here, tried to stew it, everyone try it. "

"Of course I believe in your craftsmanship, it tastes good no matter how. "Sag shrugged his nose and laughed.

Belana picked up a bowl, scooped a bowl for Sag first, and respectfully placed it on the table, then stood aside with her hands under it.

"I'm so envious!"

Teach shouted: "Musician, dancer and maid, you, it's really comfortable to be a pirate."

"If such a lucrative profession is not comfortable, then why bother to be a pirate, Teach, don't you think the same? !" Sag smiled proudly.

"Yeah, that's right, okay, let me have a taste!" Tiqi held a bowl and was about to fill it up, but at this moment, a weird and evil laugh sounded from the side.

"Hey, I can also come to this banquet."

Sage didn't make any move, but Tiqi was stunned for a moment. He looked forward from his direction. Just on the gangway, a man wearing a pink feather coat was licking his tongue and squatting there, smiling, while looking down. Looking at the two Tianlong people who were tied up like dogs below.

"Oh! Tenyaksha!"

Tiqi opened his eyes, but thought of something again, and looked at Sage who had already started eating.

"Are you in touch too?" Teach smiled.

"It smells delicious, Marika."

Sage took a bite of the rare ingredient stew pot with a spoon and nodded, "Let's make this again tomorrow. It's quite delicious."

Malika smiled and nodded.

It wasn't until Sage finished the stew in the bowl and took another sip of wine that he slowly turned his head and said, "Haven't you seen it? Dover?"

"Bah! I've never seen it with my own eyes!"

Doflamingo grinned from the corner of his mouth to his ears, looking at the two frightened Celestial Dragons, his head stretched out to their faces, "Look, look! How panicked, how scared, and again How despicable!"

"I have always wanted to see this scene. The stored images are not as good as seeing it with my own eyes. It's great, it's really great!"

He jumped on the ground, bowed his upper body, and stared directly at Roswad, "Do you regret it? Roswad?"

"You" Roswald stared at Doflamingo angrily, "Did you instigate all of this!"

"How is it possible? I'm not that crazy. I just know the news."

Doflamingo grinned and said: "So, do you regret it? Are you afraid? Do you want to return to the sky again? Hahahahaha! The expression on this face is so good, it really looks like it, it really looks like it ah!"

It was really like himself after being rejected by those guys when he wanted to go back.

Now everything is back!

After laughing crazily for a while, Doflamingo straightened up, walked to Sag's side, took the bottle next to him, and drank a few sips directly.

"Sarge, the world government is not that easy to deal with."

"What? When you become a pirate, you don't have to face it? The result is the same. What do you care about so much?"

Sage shook his head and smiled, pointing to the pile of treasures still on the ground, "You came just in time. I have so much money that I have no place to put it. Keep investing. You have four billion, and I still have it." 14 billion in cash and 50 boxes of treasure. If you convert it to 2 billion, you can collect a total of 20 billion beli, no problem."

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, that's a lot of money. I'm so excited for this amount of money."

Doflamingo walked to a place, kicked a barrel over, and then sat down again, "Okay, if you want the money, I will ask Umit to take him there."

"Hahahahaha, as long as you can invest, come on, come on, just use this bottle!"

Sarge took out another bottle of wine from the prepared wooden box, opened the cork with a flick of his thumb, touched it with Doflamingo, then raised his hand towards Teach, and laughed: "Come on, Partners, drink it up in one go!”

Doflamingo was not polite and drank the remaining wine in one gulp.

"You're entering the new world from Mariejoia. You really don't want to go all the way to the end. I can understand that."

The images recorded by the phone bug were from the auction of the Tianlong people to the end. He also saw the end and knew what Sager wanted.

But just think that he is unwilling to sink, and just wants to go to heaven proudly.

After all, there are differences when one goes up and one goes down.

"Oh? Is that what you think? Hahahaha, I just don't like going ten thousand meters into the deep sea. Dover, after the war is over, I will go to Dressrosa first, and I will borrow your place to build a ship."

"Hey, come to my place? I'm very welcome."

Doflamingo took out a permanent pointer from his cloak and placed it on the table, "Dressrosa's permanent pointer."

"Lily." Sage said.

Lily took the permanent pointer over and nodded.

"When will the execution be carried out?" Sage asked.

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning." Doflamingo said with a cruel smile: "What would you do if you didn't get on the news?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Sage raised his head and laughed: "Then give it a try!"

"It seems very exciting, thief hahaha Hey, Sage, you seem to have another guest."

Tiqi laughed and turned to look not far away, "You have so many customers. Is this another partner?"

In the shadow extending from the bonfire, a shadow like a gecko and a bat extended out. The shadow continued to condense, manifesting a dead fat house.

Moria's long head was wrapped with a bandage at this time, and his face looked dull and unhappy.

"Don't hide your head when you come, Moria, I told you before, that giant is not enough to rely on you at all, he should be killed by the Straw Hat!"

Sage laughed loudly: "This guy is not my partner, he is my intended subordinate!"

"I haven't promised you yet, Sage!"

Moria walked out of the shadows with a gloomy expression on his face. However, compared to the man he met in the Devil's Triangle, he was a little less confused now, but also a little sad.

Behind him, there was only one Hogbark.

"Haha, Shadow Mage, do you want to join Sage? That's a good idea."

Teach laughed and said, "What a pity. I'm also interested in you!"

"Teach!" Moria glared at him, "You are not qualified to say that to me. We are all Shichibukai!"

"Haha" Teach rolled his eyes, just smiled, and didn't answer.

"Haven't you made up your mind yet?"

Sage smiled and said, "Partners or something, unless you want to find the current Four Emperors? But they have been quiet for many years. Apart from that, only I can fulfill your long-cherished wish!"

"Times are changing. If you don't take the opportunity to get on board, you will never have a chance again, Moria!"

Moria paused for a while with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice, "I am still Shichibukai!"

As long as he is Shichibukai, he can use the name of the World Government to do what he wants, and he still has a chance.

"Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

Doflamingo laughed softly: "Moria, I didn't want to say it, but my partner did something that made me happy. Let me tell you, the higher-ups want me to wipe you out after the war."

"What did you say?!" Moria looked over with eyes wide open.

"Hihihihihihi, don't you understand? It's true that you fought a tie with the Straw Hat Boy in the Devil's Triangle, but you disbanded all your zombie army. You failed in their eyes because you failed to defeat the Straw Hat Boy."

"You are already a loser. You are too weak. In order to prevent you from being defeated by the latecomers and continue to embarrass the World Government, you will be wiped out in the war. In fact, you have lost the title of Shichibukai."

"Damn it! Damn World Government!"

Moria's forehead and neck were bulging with blue veins, and he stretched out his hands frantically, "And that damn Straw Hat Boy, and those damn guys whose shadows were taken away, they all deserve to die, they all deserve to die!!"

Sag frowned slightly, glanced at the only subordinate behind Moria, and said, "Hey, what's wrong? Your boss doesn't seem to be in a good mood."

Hogbak lowered his head and said sadly, "Absalom is dead."


Sag was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized it.

"Who killed the invisible stitched monster? Straw Hat?"


Moria gritted his teeth and said, "It was those guys who regained their shadows. I had no intention of fighting at that time, so I disbanded the shadows of those zombies. As a result, they attacked Absalom in revenge! By the time I reacted, he was already beyond saving."

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