I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 309 I am O'Hara, I am the storm!

Sage didn’t really care about road signs, he was indeed dedicated, but to become the pinnacle of the pirate industry, it was definitely not enough to just find the great secret treasure.

Pirate King is not the kind of existence that can be easily achieved through adventure.

The king of all pirates can also be achieved in another way.

However, if there is a chance, Sage doesn’t mind taking the great secret treasure. The traditional Pirate King recognized by the sea, and the more traditional ‘Pirate King’ who occupies a large amount of territory, of course, all of them can be taken.

But don’t rush this matter, stabilize the place first.

Moria and others stayed in Augustinburg for a while, because they had to prevent Kaido from attacking suddenly.

Although Lily and Moria are unlikely to be counselors, because the established pirates will not act rashly, it’s okay to deal with some ordinary guys, like Sage, who has fought with Kaido and can leave injuries to Kaido, will not act unless it is a core interest.

Because once the action is taken, it means the whole group will attack, which is easy to be exploited by others, especially when the World Government is watching from the side.

But many things cannot be calculated by common sense, especially pirates.

In Sager's words, he can do whatever he wants!

But after staying for a while, he found that there was no movement in this regard, but Moria did not return to Timadon to manage his secondary island, because Sager was busy with the "ascension" during this period.

The sunny sky covered the entire territory of Gareth, and it returned to calm after three consecutive days of storms. This day was also the day when Sager announced to the whole territory.

The people of Augustinburg gathered spontaneously, gathered in the north city, and looked up at the huge palace. Those who were too far away to see would also have special video Den Den Mushi placed in the central square and the small square in the city, and those affiliated islands were also equipped with Den Den Mushi, ready to broadcast live at any time.

The business of the City of World Desire, even though it has only been restored for half a year, has shown sufficient vitality.

With the existence of the black market, Sager can buy what he wants as long as he spends money, and live broadcast Den Den Mushi is of course a piece of cake. Besides, he had already seized a batch, so he just used them together.

On the balcony of the high-rise building of the palace, a white-haired man wearing a black suit, full of gold and jewelry, and a black-bottomed red-tipped fur cloak walked out first and stood in front of the wide guardrail.

"Lord Sag!"

"Master Sa!!"

Everyone's title was different, but they were all calling the same person. These civilians cheered loudly, their eyes full of enthusiasm.

This was not because they were forced to do so by some powerful force. Everyone cheered willingly.

In more than half a year, these civilians were visibly rosy compared to before Sag came.

There was only one reason for being so willing, that is, their Master Sa treated them better than the nobles.

As long as they worked, they would get money, and with the money, they could buy what they needed.

The thin ones became strong because they had enough food.

The sick ones could go to the doctor for treatment because they had enough money.

There is no need to worry about the shortage of medical resources. The prices in this area are all based on the most average market price. It can't be less or more.


Prices will rise if there are not enough resources?

Do you think he is a pirate who eats for free?

If medical resources can be solved, the problem of medical skills will be easier to solve. Although Hogbag is a genius surgeon, it does not mean that he can't treat diseases. He is just better at surgery.

The doctors he brought will treat some diseases more or less after being taught by Hogbag.

And Sager does not intend to keep this knowledge to himself. He will also give local doctors a copy of the information and let those doctors contribute their knowledge.

Only by communicating and mastering each other can some things be improved.

If one person cannot make progress, then ten people, a hundred people, or a thousand people. Things that can be solved with probability are never a problem.

But as for how to make progress, Sager doesn't care. This part is left to Hogbag.

He didn't know whether they had made progress or not, but the civilians knew that some incurable diseases gradually recovered after more people participated.

These people gradually began to rejuvenate.

They were not blind, especially the upheavals they had experienced in just half a year. Who made their lives better, who made their lives richer, who made them not have to kowtow to so many nobles. They could see it.

They didn't dare to speak when they met nobles before. When they met those good nobles who were kind to them, they were very happy. They always felt that they would get better under the leadership of the nobles, but

Why would it be them!

Must it be them?

The appearance of Sage made them start to have such an idea.

They didn't need to be humble to others, and they didn't need to bow their heads when they met nobles. They couldn't meet nobles anymore. Even when facing those cadres, they respected them from the bottom of their hearts, and there was nothing to be looked down upon. Even Lord Moria, who laughed like a devil, was extremely kind.

Because they were only loyal to one person, that was their Lord Sage!

There is nothing else to worry about. As long as everyone follows the rules set by Master Sager, everyone can live freely.

There is nothing without rules on the sea. Even the notorious pirates have their own rules.

Then why not choose a rule that is so tolerant of them and allows them to live better!

Master Sa is really good to them!

Amid the fanatical shouting, people gradually appeared behind Sag.

A little behind Sag on the right is Lily, who is wearing a battle armor skirt and holding the hilt with one hand. A little behind her on the right are Marica and Renetia.

Standing in the same position, Moria is on the left, Hawkins and Urouge are a little behind, and behind these people is Akin, a big cadre.

Behind Akin, there are captains such as Palmiote who are cadres in the Scourge Pirates.

Including Slyman, who has just joined, because of his unique command talent and the title of war criminal in the Battle of Tias, he has also gained a lot of fame and is recognized as a cadre by his subordinates.

All the Scourge Pirates, big and small, appeared on this high platform.

"Well, hello, hello"

Lily gave Sager a loudspeaker microphone. Sager shouted a few words, and the voice spread from the palace to the northern city.

There was a bigger commotion below.

Sager stretched out one hand and pressed down, and the voices disappeared immediately and became quiet.

Looking from a high place, there were so many heads below that they could not be counted at all, stretching to the distance and only the outline could be seen clearly.

There were tens of thousands of people, and it was endless. This city could accommodate a million people. If they all came out and stood here, they could not see the edge from a high place.

Sager's mouth curled up, "Okay, now"

He stretched out his hand and asked Lily to hand him the manuscript, then pretended to take a look, and handed the microphone and manuscript to Lily.

"Let Lily speak for me."

Why read the manuscript if you can't read it? Just go through the motions and show up.

"Sword Princess!"

"It's Lei Ji!"

"It's obviously the elegant knight princess!"

I didn't feel the expected disappointment or something was wrong, because Lily was very popular in this place.

When a person has made unforgettable achievements, naturally there will be people who will praise him, whether it is good or evil.

Lily single-handedly led the death of all the nobles in the Kingdom of Gareth, and she personally led the slaughter of no less than a thousand families.

Just as Lily once said to the great noble Tihana, from a madman to Norton I, this version also tells about Lily from people's mouths.

Crazy monsters slaughtered righteous nobles.

Devil's descendants devoured noble blood.

The powerful sword princess destroyed another family.

Biendetta Lily found her target.

The noble princess practiced justice!

I just hope that her mighty sword will be stopped and forgiven.

The last sentence was said by those nobles who had not yet been found by Lily.

Reputation will also change slowly.

Especially Lily is very pretty and has an outstanding temperament. She is more aristocratic than aristocrats. She is very popular among people and is the second person under Sager.

By the way, Lao Huo is the third.

Although this guy has strange eyebrows, he looks handsome, and with his melancholy temperament, he is deeply loved by girls in the country.

The most important thing is that he also has big wavy blonde hair, which is due to Lily’s influence.

After Lily took the microphone, she looked at the crowd below and said slowly:

"For more than half a year, we have cleared out the nobles of this kingdom and returned the ruling power to Norton Sage. So far, no noble has dared to claim it. This place actually belongs to us, to Norton Sage. From now on, the Kingdom of Gareth will become history, and Augustinburg will soon be renamed. You will belong to the new country, under the rule of Norton Sage alone. All of you, everything, will belong to Norton Sage!"


Like a tsunami, whether it is civilians or guards stationed, they all roared.

There is nothing wrong with this!

No one felt that it was wrong, nor did they think that it was a kind of occupation and tyranny.

Is it abnormal for them to be a little domineering?

On the contrary, they will feel at ease.

For civilians, the name Gareth sometimes reminds people of the rule of those nobles and makes people sleep uneasy.

The old king, Chasmudinni, was a respectable man, but he was gone, and a war broke out immediately. The one who ended the war and brought peace to the people was Norton Sage.

The old man who was left behind?

Lily had killed his entire family long ago, and the only thing left was that the earthworm at the door was not split in half.

There was no such different voice.

What was here now was what Lily believed, the real people who were no longer oppressed and knew who was good to them.


Lily handed the microphone to Sage, who took it and grinned, shouting to the video Den Den Mushi and to everyone:


"My hometown, of course, is gone, and now I name this kingdom O'Hara! As for this city, it's called Storm City!"

"The original O'Hara only represented knowledge, but the new O'Hara I built has everything, knowledge, wealth, resources. No matter what it is, it gathers here like a storm, and then blows everywhere!"

"Everything is here, come and get it. As long as you have the ability and work for me, these things will come to you like a storm! Of course, I have to give it to you through me, because everything belongs to me, I am O'Hara, I am the storm!"

When everything belongs to Sager, he is no different from this country.

So he is not wrong, he is the new O'Hara!

He is also nostalgic. Since O'Hara is gone, why not create another one!

When he was two years old, the World Government could destroy O'Hara with the Demon Killing Order, but now the new O'Hara. The Demon Killing Order is not effective!

As for the island of knowledge, it is not impossible to do it here.

Knowledge is the primary productive force. Although he is illiterate, the more illiterate he is, the more he needs people to study hard.

If high-quality talents appear, it means that this place is more prosperous, and it also means that he can receive more taxes.


Holy Land Marijoa, Pangu Palace.

The five old men looked at the picture that appeared in the video telephone bug, and their faces were gloomy.

The God of Science and Defense, Jaygolucia Satan snorted coldly, "What does a mere pirate want to do? O'Hara has already disappeared!"

There is no way there is no agent in such a large place. The World Government also pays a lot of attention to Sage. For things like declaring dominance, they naturally intercepted the signal and released the picture.

The God of Agriculture, Shepard Ten Pitt crossed his hands and covered them in front of his chin, saying: "This guy can already fight Kaido. There is no way to cure him. He has become an unstable and dangerous element."

The God of Law, Topman Vouchuri said hoarsely: "Is O'Hara provoking us?"

The God of Environment, Marcus Maz said calmly: "According to the intelligence, this guy is an illiterate idiot. The historical text stolen from Alabasta is only used for cultivation. As for the design drawings of 'Pluto' he got, he can't make it, and even Vegapunk can't make it. Come out, the 'explosive hammer' beside him is just a boatman. "

"It's just a fearless struggle."

The God of Finance, Izambaron V. Nasujuro pushed his glasses and said coldly: "Let him make trouble, there is more than one in the New World. From the first pirate to now, the pirates have changed countless people, but we have been standing for eight hundred years!"


Satan said in a deep voice: "He is not 'D', no need to care."

No matter how much fun Norton Sager makes, they are used to it.

The Four Emperors, Pirate King Rocks, and even older pirates, all the way back to the first pirate, Joyboy.

After all, they just turned into historical dust, only the World Government has always existed!

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