I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 310 It’s time to take over Whitebeard’s territory

Sag didn't care much about whether Gareth changed his name to O'Hara to offend the World Government.

The people under his rule only needed to change their names so that they could live in a new environment with a legitimate reason. As for what they were called, it was not very important.

Even if it was called Mary Joa, these people would not care too much. After all, it was a non-member country and had never paid attention to the World Government.

Life continued, and business continued.

After the new name, people burst into great enthusiasm for work, which also led to better business.

Without Tias competing with him for business, and with a new batch of shipworkers, the shipbuilding speed was finally faster. Whether it was a warship or an ordinary ship, Sag sold them all.

Weapons, ships, and those resources that would cause prices to fall due to their high production, Sag sold them all. This was how business was done. As for where the merchants who came to sell them and what price they sold them, he didn't care so much, as long as they paid taxes.

As long as they paid taxes, he didn't care much about selling to the World Government.

After all, as long as the market is circulated, Sag has no control over where the things go, and maybe the World Government will really buy them.

After all, weapons and cannons can prevent rain.

Every once in a while, there will still be new pirate groups coming, wanting to join Sag, who is becoming more and more famous, and the number of pirate groups is also increasing.

The longer he occupies this place, the more stable Sag will be, and the more people will be optimistic about him.

He has not been in trouble until now, even though he has committed such a big crime of killing the Celestial Dragons, and he has occupied such a large country for such a long time. The hot favorite of the Four Emperors will certainly attract the attention of some pirates.

In the training room of the Royal Palace.

At this time, Sag is constantly attacking the main text of history. His head, body, hands and feet, and all parts of his body are used in the attack, but he still does not use domineering.

In terms of the body, he is steadily strengthening in the continuous practice.

Sag is not the kind of player who is gifted in physique. After becoming stronger, his body has not grown much, and it is impossible for him to reach a height of seven or eight meters all at once.

It is impossible for a person to be strong without physical strength, otherwise the giants would not be recognized as strong.

Some guys, no matter how good their domineering attainments are, or how well they use their abilities, cannot resist the attacks of giants.

However, Sager has his own special way, because his physique is constantly improving during the return of life and cultivation, and there is no end to the improvement at present.

This kind of height, which belongs to the most normal human, can also rely on him to train a very strong physique.

Now it is estimated that it will take a fifty-fold increase to defeat Kaido. With the improvement of physical strength, there will be no need for so much increase, and this gap will become smaller and smaller.

After cultivating the physique and cultivating the ability, and after cultivating the ability and using domineering, the historical text that was originally motionless continued to move around under the effect of ability and domineering, and was caught up by Sager at high speed, making a series of noises.


Until Sager flashed to the front of the historical text, hit it hard with his shoulder, and the large stone and the steel ground rubbed out a very harsh scream, the historical text also returned to its original position.

Sager shook his fists down, exhaled, and then looked at the door, "What's wrong?"

Lily came early and just watched him practice there quietly.

"Your wounds are getting less and less frequent."

Lily took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet at the door and threw it to Sager skillfully.

"People always have to get stronger, Lily, when I can normally practice to the same physical strength as those who need to rely on animal system amplification, there will be nothing on the sea that can stop me!"

Sage drank half a bottle of wine in one breath and walked to the door, "I'm going to take a shower, let Marika make some breakfast for me, add more beef stew with more green onions for breakfast."

After taking a shower, Sager came to a quiet restaurant.

In addition to the banquet hall, there is another restaurant in the palace. Sometimes Sager also wants to eat quietly, so there is only a round table.

So far, his diet problem is generally settled unless he deliberately asks for it.

Eat well in the morning, so there are 166 carefully prepared special dishes, not the kind that will make your clothes burst, but dishes made with a variety of the best ingredients.

Eat well at noon, usually 333 dishes.

Eat well at night

Sag actually has requirements for dinner, and it is impossible to eat a little, usually 188 dishes.

A lot?

This is not much, as Sag's physique grows, and life return also occupies an important position.

You can enjoy delicious food while strengthening your physique, and it can also play a role in training life return, so why not do it?

If it weren't for the time problem of Marika cooking alone, he could have added one more.

Unless there are special circumstances, Sag only eats what she cooks, after all, she tastes the best.

Before he was not a pirate, Sag's life was hard, not to mention delicious food, it was hard to eat enough. Now that he is a pirate, if he still suffers, then isn't he a pirate in vain?

Besides, he has become a local landlord, so this little luxury is nothing at all.

"Lily, come and eat with us. After that, let's go fishing. I heard that there is a small lake on the side island, and many fish are jumping on the water!" Sager said with a beaming face.

Lily pursed her lips: "I'm very busy, Sager."

"Relax once in a while." Sager smiled.

You are such a stubborn guy, you are just relaxing there!

How many fishing rods have you broken!

And they are never the same. Today it is a gold fishing rod and tomorrow it is a gem fishing rod. If there is no harvest, the fishing rod will be broken.

Now Storm City is almost creating an industry called "treasure hunters", which is to find places with water and fish. Maybe you can find Sarge's broken fishing rod, which can be sold for a lot of money.

"No time, I have a lot of things to do. I have to manage the territory and practice." Lily refused flatly.


The captain only needs to consider leisure, but there are more considerations for subordinates.

"Also, I'm here to report to you. Many pirate groups have joined us recently. Now we have 5,000 available troops in Storm City."

"Also, our current production is almost saturated. Should we increase the population and other industries? It's time to take over Whitebeard's territory."


Sage touched his chin, "Five thousand people? Okay, let those cadres go. Of course, they need to experience more in the New World. If you want to go, it's okay. It's indeed possible to move."

Last time, Teach also called. Before attacking Beehive Island, he had already seized Whitebeard's territory.

Now that the personnel have been recruited, it's time to fight for territory.

His plan is to divide Whitebeard's territory in half.

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