I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 102: Yulan Covenant

Seeing Yulan's posture like this.

Lin Tian didn't care.

He pulled Yulan into his arms, patted a full moon with his big hand, and pressed his lips to her delicate ears, and said unceremoniously: "If you show your face like this, I'm not welcome."

Suddenly attacked by Lin Tian, ​​Yu Lan Jiao called out.

Yulan threw herself in Lin Tian's arms and was silent for a moment.

Suddenly he raised his head, smiling like a flower on his beautiful face.

She stretched out a jade hand that looked like a green onion root, and gently touched Lin Tian's face, her voice soft and charming: "Manggong, Yulan is wrong, don't you be angry?"

"This is good."

Lin Tian gave a kiss to Yulan.

Good thing! Wife is getting better!

"Wife, wait for me to study the profound poison sword, and see if I can detoxify you." Lin Tian said.

He fought against Fengxue Old Ghost and gained a million power points.

If it had not reached the upper limit of plunder, Lin Tian actually didn't want to let Fengxue old ghost leave.

With a million points, Lin Tian can consider redeeming detoxification items from the system.

However, he heard Yulan's words before turning on the system.

"No hurry, we have more important things."

The smile on Yulan's face became more brilliant.

She actually climbed up along Lin Tian's body.

The softness of his body was tightly attached to Lin Tian.

This surprised Lin Tian.

"Wait for my wife, I just finished the fight, can't you let me rest for a while?" Lin Tian called.

Yulan was wrapped around Lin Tian like a beauty snake, and the light gauze on her shoulder slipped.

Revealing white skin.


Yulan's cold expression has long since disappeared, looking at Lin Tian at this time, a pair of apricot eyes are full, full of emotion.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is winking.

"Do you like me? Lin Tian?"

Yulan teased Lin Tian with a seductive voice.


"Don't play with fire!"

Lin Tian suddenly burst into flames, and his mouth became dry.

Yu Lanjiao smiled, and her whole body was covered.

Smoke cage cold water moon cage sand.

Now the hazy smoke is gone, only the white full moon is moving.

The spring breeze melts the snow, and the water and milk blend together.

After half an hour.

Yulan gently lay on Lin Tian's chest.

Lin Tian has fallen asleep.

Two battles, this iron man can't hold it!

There was silence in the cave.

Only a pair of lovers are sleeping together.

Yulan suddenly opened his eyes and slowly got up.

He cleaned up the mess on the stone platform and slowly put on his clothes.

Finally, she looked at Lin Tian.

The bare hand stroked Lin Tian's face lightly.

A line of tears suddenly shed from Yulan's beautiful eyes.

"It's just a dream, no trace after waking up from the dream..."

She lightly stamped Lin Tian's lips.

Then, resolutely got up.

Out of the cave.

After leaving the valley, Yulan took out a wind chime.

The wind chimes rang lightly in the wind.

Soon, streamers appeared on the horizon.

The four black women's swords all exuding the aura of the peak of Yuan generals fell.

The ring is fat and thin, and the appearance is outstanding.

"My Lady Saint! We finally found you!" The headed woman said excitedly.

"Holy woman, you are injured!" another woman exclaimed.

Yulan shook his head coldly: "It's okay. I need to retreat. You protect me until the end of the Ice Dragon Secret Realm."

"Is the chance of the Ice Dragon Secret Realm gone?" a tall woman couldn't help asking.

Yulan glanced at her, and said lightly: "I have won the opportunity of Hualongchi, and now I am Yuanzun."

As soon as this remark came out, the four women were overjoyed.

The saint breaking through the Yuanzun in the ice dragon secret realm is already the biggest gain!

As long as the protection of the saint successfully leaves the ice dragon secret realm, Tianlanzong will be the biggest gainer in this trial!

Then four streamers flew up.

Yulan tried her best to restrain herself and never looked back.

Before Yu Jian flew away, the woman in black at the head suddenly said, "My Lord Saint, is it easy to find the breath of treasure in this valley..."

"Don't bother, leave here." Yulan said lightly.


The streamer cut through the sky and disappeared at the end of the sky.

After half a day.

Valley cave.

Lin Tian in his sleep stretched out his hand and hugged someone, but found nothing.


Lin Tian sat up and looked at the empty stone platform, his complexion not looking good.

"What is this woman doing?"


Lin Youtian smiled.

No wonder being so proactive, it is actually to make yourself exhausted.

It also took too much energy to fight the old Fengxue ghost.

Otherwise, with Lin Tian's fierceness, how could this little woman succeed?

Lin Tian got dressed, and soon found a letter and a green ring.

"The relationship is broken, don't see each other again."


Lin Tian unceremoniously tore off the letter paper.

However, after the letter paper was torn apart, a faint sigh suddenly sounded out of thin air.

"I knew it would be like this. Lin Tian, ​​I'm back to Tianlan Sect, don't come to me, Tianlan Sect will be furious when he knows that I am deprived."

Finally, Yulan's voice turned to pleading.

"I'm sorry, I want to stay with you for a long time, but the Heavenly Lan Sect will not tolerate me like this. If you really want to come to me, you must come to the Tianyuan realm, okay? Tian Lanzong has a barren stage. Cultivation is not an ordinary first-grade power at all, you must not be reckless."

"Lin Tian, ​​will you promise me?"

After Yulan's voice faded away.

Lin Tian looked inexplicably unpredictable.

The realm of the Jiuzhou Continent, or Tianyuan Continent, is divided into nine levels.

Tempering Body, Yuanshi, Great Yuanshi, Yuan General, Yuanzun, Yuansheng, Yuandi, Tianyuan, Feisheng.

Among them, the military commander of Yuan is enough to open the spirit sea, Yuan Zun has endless power and touches the realm of Tao.

Yuan Sheng has been sanctified, and further up, it can be called great power.

After the Tianyuan realm breaks through Dzogchen, you can reach the ascension realm capable of ascending three thousand great worlds!

And since the millennium, the ascending repairers on the Jiuzhou Continent have long since disappeared.

Therefore, the Tianyuan realm is the pinnacle of force in the Nine Provinces.

This is also the main reason why the Jiuzhou Continent is called the Tianyuan Continent.

The Ice Dragon Secret Realm was created by Yuan Daneng Ao Yi on the first day of the Jiuzhou Continent.

A gang of elders from the ranks of the forces could not break the existence together.

It can be seen the dominance of Tianyuan realm in the mainland of Kyushu.

Yulan and Lin Tian have not been in contact for a long time, but they know Lin Tian's character well.

Knowing that he can't give up easily, so he can only make such an agreement.

As the saint of Tianlanzong, she carries the mission of Tianlanzong. But he was deprived of others, it is conceivable that Tianlanzong must be furious.

And the person who made her lose her body must be chased by Tian Lanzong.

Naturally, Yulan would not explain Lin Tian's affairs.

Therefore, she was right to face the anger of the master master, and even guessed that she would be detained for more than ten years when she returned.

But for Lin Tian, ​​she was willing.

However, what she didn't expect was that Lin Tian was unwilling.

"Lao Tzu is not a fool who left his own woman indifferent." Lin Tian curled his lips. "After I have Yuan Zun, I will kill the Heavenly Lanzong. I see who dares to stop me!"

Tianlanzong, being a first-rank force and possessing a barren-level technique, is of course people daunting.

But Lin Tian didn't think he needed to reach the Tianyuan realm to be an enemy.

Lin Tian's pride has already broken through the clouds.

It's just a Tianlanzong.

I have to help the big apprentice to destroy the Northern Saint Sect, Jinguang Physical Refining Education, and Niujiaoling.

The mere Tianlanzong is also worthy to let me give up my woman?

I didn't come to this alien world to be angry!

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